How can I clean an iron from a stick on a sole at home?

Even with the newest irons, in spite of the words of the manufacturers, at some point in operation, a sole forms on the sole. This problem each time requires a speedy solution, because if you do nothing with it, then using the iron can ruin things. There are many time-tested ways to clean the soles of iron on the soles at home, which we will discuss in this article. All of them are simple and practical in everyday life.

Important! At the moment, this household appliance can be manufactured using a variety of materials, the device may or may not have steam sprayers. Also, irons are made to be with both Teflon and ordinary soles. However, any iron cannot be completely protected from a burnout on the ironing surface. In any case, it is formed due to improper operation of the iron, as well as when the mode is selected incorrectly when ironing things or when overheating.

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Cleaning the sole of the iron from the burn - the most affordable ways

All the methods with which you can clean the iron from the burn at home are simple and will not require much effort and time.

Method 1

Most often cleaned using vinegar and ammonia:

  1. You need to take nine percent vinegar, as well as a small amount of ammonia and thick tissue. Instead of a thick cloth, you can take a towel.
  2. Further - it is enough to soak a cloth or towel with vinegar and wipe the sole of the iron with it.
  3. The iron must be disconnected from the power supply.

Method 2

To clean the iron from the burn at home, you can use it to clean without alcohol, but if you want the best result, you should still mix vinegar with ammonia.

As in the previous method, we process problem areas with a solution.

Important! This method is great for lightly soiled iron. But it has flaws, the main of which is the appearance of a strong odor when cleaning a hot surface.

If you discard folk methods, you can also clean the iron from the burn using special tools that are sold in ordinary hardware stores. But there are a lot of options for cleaning the sole of the iron at home, so it’s quite possible to get by with the things you can always find at home at hand.

Method 3

For cleaning, it is possible to use a solution of soda, which is used in everyday life when combating various contaminants on clothes, shoes and on the surfaces of household appliances:

  1. It is necessary to dissolve ordinary table soda in water (about 3 teaspoons) and moisten a cloth or towel in this solution.
  2. Using a cloth, wipe the dirty places of the sole. Before this, the iron must be heated.

Important! Thanks to this method, the sole of the iron is easily cleaned without any unpleasant odor. Finishing cleaning in this way, you need to wipe the iron with a damp and clean cloth.


Method 4

Pour crushed salt onto a cloth or wrap it in gauze and iron this cloth with a hot iron. After some time, the burn will completely disappear.

Important! It should be borne in mind that large particles of salt can leave scratches.

An even simpler and more effective way is to sprinkle several hundred grams of table salt on a sheet of paper. Next, you need to heat the iron as much as possible and iron the salt until the impurities completely disappear.

Method 5

If you have a paraffin candle on hand, then you can rub it on a grater and then mix with salt. With this method, even strong and old dirt can be cleaned.

Important! It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to clean the device with a Teflon-coated sole with large crystals of salt.

Method 6

To clean the iron at home from the burn, it is enough to take only paraffin, without salt. It is necessary to put the pan under the appliance in advance, turn it on and rub the paraffin into the sole.

Important! The pan is needed for paraffin to flow into it.

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Alternative methods

No less effective effect is exerted by other means, which can also be used to clean the iron from the burning on the sole at home:

  1. Use a hydroperite tablet that does not even need to be crushed for this. You just need to rub it into dirty places. In this case, as in all previous methods, the iron is preheated. At the end, the sole is washed with water.

Important! If the burnout has a small area, then this approach would be ideal. There is one drawback - a pungent odor may occur, so you should do it in a well-ventilated area.

  1. Citric acid is also a great way to clean your iron from a burnout at home. The method is simple: we dilute the acid with warm water and the resulting solution with three slightly warm iron with a cotton swab (suitable for processing holes in the sole), with any cloth or gauze.
  2. If polyethylene adheres to the iron, water will help to solve this problem. It will also help if the sole is blackened after ironing synthetic fabrics.

Important! If the synthetics are stuck to a chrome or aluminum device, then a plastic brush-brush or wooden spatula will help. They can clean a slightly warmed surface without scratching it.

  1. Many irons now have a button, when pressed, steam is released. This feature helps to remove burnt fluff. But in this way it will not work to clear a more complex burn.
  2. At home, to clean the iron, you can, among other things, use peroxide. It is necessary to take a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide, soak the cloth with it and then wipe the sole, it is desirable that it be warm. The burnout is easily removed.

Important! In the end, you can use what is generally in any home. Toothpaste or powder is applied to the places stained with fumes, using cotton wool. The appliance is heated, but not very much - not to the maximum. It should be heated so that it is slightly warm. First, paste and rub, then rinse with water and wipe the sole.

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We clean the water tank

If the iron in the tank in which water is poured is dirty, it is recommended to use vinegar for cleaning. But then again, it’s worth understanding that this can only be done if the sole is made of metal:

  1. You need to take 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar.
  2. Dilute them with about a glass of water.
  3. Next - pour the resulting solution into the iron, pre-heating the device.
  4. Then - click on the button that starts the steam until the vinegar is completely evaporated.
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Modern cleaning products. Special pencils

There are modern tools that will help clean the iron at home. Pencils for cleaning irons are a new, technologically advanced and effective tool for removing burns. They can be bought in hardware stores, and they are used as follows:

  1. Apply to the sole for a short time.
  2. Then - wash, first with a damp cloth.
  3. Then wipe the surface dry with a cloth, napkin or towel.

Important! Before you buy a pencil, you should find out whether it contains harmful or toxic substances.It may be better to wear a mask or a respirator when using a pencil to protect yourself from chemical fumes. It is also better to carry out this procedure in a ventilated room.

Important points

It should be understood that salt, powder, pasta and vinegar are not ideal options. They can harm the surface of the appliance. Salt can even harm a steel surface if applied too often.

The best way to care for your iron is to wipe the sole with vinegar after each use. A special pencil will also be very good for this. Its main advantage is that it can be applied to the device with any sole from any material. Just be sure to pay attention to the recommendations, because different types of pencils are suitable for different surfaces.

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We find the best way to clean

You can always find the best way to clean the iron from burning at home, depending on what material it is made of. Here are some basic guidelines for choosing a cleaning method for each material:

  • If the sole is made of ceramic, teflon or metal, then a special pencil is suitable.
  • Vinegar, soap, hydrogen peroxide are also suitable for ceramic, metal and teflon irons. But it is worthwhile to ensure that the liquid does not fall on the body.
  • Soda and toothpaste are great for metal models.
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Proper ironing:

  • It is always necessary to control the ironing mode, otherwise - the fabric may pester to the base.
  • If the item is made of wool or synthetics, then it is necessary to iron it through gauze or through a thin cloth, preferably from cotton.
  • It is necessary to carefully approach the ironing - you can not leave the appliance on. If you don’t be careful, you can ruin the clothes, the appliance itself or the ironing board.

If you are more careful and attentive with an electrical appliance, you will have to clean it less often.

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In this article, we looked at how to clean an iron from a burnout at home. Whatever method of cleaning the soles of soles you choose, at the end, iron a few old things to make sure that they will not get traces of the applied product.

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