How to decorate a leather bag?

All fashionistas prefer to have stylish exclusive little things made of leather, fur or fabric, decorated with rhinestones, stones or beads. This also applies to bags, belts, hats and other accessories. After a few months, there is a desire to purchase new purchases in return for annoying products, but funds do not always allow. In this article we will look at how to decorate a leather bag with our own hands to give the product a new original look.

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How to decorate a leather bag?

Customizing is a process of processing, decorating products as you wish. Currently, it is the most sought-after trend in the fashion world. Stores offer ready-made customization solutions with their own hands. The proposed design developments when connecting creative thinking allow you to create new images, while maintaining individuality and exclusivity. The easiest way to acquire customization skills with accessories.

Important! If you are not familiar with hand-made, then making a bag is not so simple, but still worth a try.

To decorate the bag with their own hands, designers have developed many tricks that will help the townsfolk. The presence of stickers, trinkets, toys, removable elements allows you to transform a bored bag beyond recognition.

Important! In this process, the object of creativity is not damaged by traces of glue, or holes from punctures, or unsuccessfully sewn parts.

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Design without significant changes

A bored thing does not have to undergo drastic changes, you can simply add a handkerchief to the bag, tying it with pens in the shape of a magnificent bow, and the presence of a bright decor attracts attention to the updated accessory. Also, the handles of the bag can be completely wrapped with a soft cloth or hidden under satin ribbons.

Which option to choose to decorate the bag in a way that suits your look:

  • If the accessory is made of textile material, then the option of applying an interesting pattern to it is possible. The contour can be trimmed with gold or silver thread. In addition, you can decorate the accessory with various beads or beads.
  • If the bag is a fashion accessory of a little fashionista, then it can be fully decorated with buttons that are made of the same material, but with different colors.
  • A very interesting design decision when the bag is made of jeans material, on top of which various buttons from wood are sewn. This design option is ideal for a beach bag.
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Decorate a leather bag

An old leather bag can be updated in several ways. After decoration, it will become a bright, new and elegant accessory that can perfectly complement any look.

Fringe Decoration

A clutch bag or any other unlined bag can be decorated with a fringe. To implement this procedure, you will need:

  • ordinary scissors;
  • hole punch, which is used to work with the skin;
  • for marking you need a marker, chalk or pencil;
  • ruler or meter;
  • knitting hook;
  • pieces of braid made of leather, which are about 30 cm.

2a04f9fb9ca9846e78753a248eogHow to decorate a leather bag with your own hands using a fringe:

  1. We will work from the wrong side of the product.Inside the square that the seams form, we retreat by 5 mm, and apply the marking so that the lines do not intersect with each other.
  2. On the marking line, it is necessary to indicate points that are located at a distance of one and a half centimeters from each other.
  3. We make holes in the material with a special hole punch for the skin in place of the indicated points.
  4. We also make holes in each corner zone of our bag.
  5. The prepared pieces of leather fringe are crocheted into the holes, and the glossy side should remain inside.
  6. We turn out the product, and you can go out with the updated accessory.

Decoration with flowers and bows

A bored accessory can be decorated with bows or flowers. This type of decoration has a lot of options:

  • Using the hook, you can circle the bag in an interesting pattern in a circle, complementing with a decoration from a knitted flower or a made bow.
  • A very original jewelry for an accessory can be made from kanzashi-style ribbons.
  • Using a special paint for the skin, you can radically change the appearance of a leather bag. To do this, you first need to paint the product and let it dry. Only then can the decorating process begin.
  • Pockets on the bag can be decorated with lace elements, appliqués from embroidery or different stones, focusing attention on this detail.
  • Handles can be decorated with floral material or interwoven ribbons to match the application on pockets.

Important! A very interesting version of the design of a leather bag using decoupage technique using floral patterns and fringe. Using stones or beads, you can decorate pockets or locks with them. The result is an amazing product for a youth party or social gathering.

Making leather appliques with ribbons

To make such an exclusive, you need to have a couple of old copies. We assign the role of working material to one bag, and from the second we will create a wonderful masterpiece.

How to decorate a leather bag with your own hands:

  1. The skin of the first bag is used to cut flowers, petals and leaves.
  2. We color them in the necessary colors.
  3. Using a hot iron, we give the necessary shape to our workpieces.
  4. Using tulle fabric, cut out the petals and burn their edges with fire.
  5. Fringes are made of fishing line and beads.
  6. Now we begin to collect the composition. First of all, we glue elements from the skin, after that we make lush flowers from the fabric.
  7. The next step is to stick the leaves around the base of the composition.
  8. At the end, a fringe is glued, the edge of which is hidden under the elements of flowers from the fabric.
  9. The handles of our product can not be changed, but you can, depending on personal preferences, decorate with interesting fabric or an original scarf.

Thus, a bored bag gets a new life and becomes a fashionable thing.

Decoration with rhinestones

For the evening version of the clutch, you can choose rhinestones that will decorate the product. This decoration option is also suitable for everyday models.

Important! Any materials are suitable for decoration with rhinestones, but most of all such elements look on dense matte or shiny textile materials such as taffeta or thick silk.

As a finish, you can use ready-made applications that are sold in any department of the needlework store. Or show your imagination and come up with your own decor.

Important! Rhinestones hold very well on the surface of the product due to the applied layer of glue on the back of the bag.

How to decorate a leather bag with your own hands using rhinestones:

  1. Before applying the rhinestone, you need to make markings, draw a sketch that can resemble the night sky or look chaotic.
  2. First you need to lay out the whole picture with rhinestones and determine how much it coincides with your plan. Since after gluing, it will not be possible to redo the application.
  3. To glue rhinestones, you need to turn on the iron at the maximum temperature regime corresponding to the material of the product.

Important! You must be extremely careful when using thin genuine leather.

  1. Through a shred of cotton material, we press rhinestones with an iron and allow the applications to cool.


Bead embroidery looks very original. This option is suitable for dense fabrics such as linen, denim or dense silk.

Important! If the bag is made of genuine leather, then it is better to use the applique. Previously, you will need to embroider the pattern on the flap of the material, and then glue it.

For spectacular decoration, the process of both gluing and sewing beads is suitable. Embroideries that completely cover the surface of the product look very nice.

8c160671b25deae19b2b5115e6bq-sumki-i-aksessuary-kozhanaya-sumka-ruchnoj-raboty-protsvetanieTo make decoration, you will need beads, thin needles for embroidery, fishing line or strong acrylic threads. For work:

  1. To sketch the embroidery on the basis of the product, it is only necessary to take into account that a beautiful pattern looks great only on a flat surface of the product. Therefore, it is more convenient to place the picture only on the central part.
  2. Using a thin needle, embroider the pattern with beads on the bag. To make the jewelry look attractive, when sewing beads, you need to strictly observe the direction and density of the embroidery.

Important! It is very easy to decorate the bag with beads using glue. To work, you need textile glue and tweezers. We apply glue to the previously drawn drawing and spread the beads on top, firmly press it to the base. It is most convenient to gradually cover the application with beads, since at any time you can adjust the work, while receiving a perfectly made decor surface.

Shoulder strap replacement

If the shoulder strap of the accessory is replaced with a new version of the belt from another bag or made independently of chains, a cord of leather, then the bag acquires a new life. The belt fastening with the help of a “carabiner” is perfectly removable and changes to another strap, which differs in color and decor. Some branded models are equipped with interchangeable straps and handles.

Important! Wide shoulder straps are currently in trend. They are in perfect harmony with accessories of various sizes, even suitable for the smallest. Many fashion brands are characterized by the use of contrasting color schemes in their collections. Fendi Fashion House has made a special series of straps for accessories of various designs.

Jewelry pens

How to decorate a leather bag with your own hands? You can also make pens from jewelry. Many designers of Charlotte Olympia, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana brands used necklaces and plastic rings for the handle. This process does not require special skills. It is only necessary to string the beads of the desired color on the fishing line or wire and securely fasten.

Important! So that the short handle-beads had a rigid shape, you need to pass the wire through the beads.


You can create a man-made print on the product with acrylic-based paints, which are used for painting on the skin:

  1. Create a stencil.
  2. Transfer it to a leather bag.
  3. Using paints, paint the product.

Important! If the painting is created in the style of graffiti or in the ethnic version, then you can draw lines by hand - they may not be even.

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We decorate a leather bag with accessories

Unusual accessories will also help to create a new design of a leather bag. They can change the old product beyond recognition, and the design will require a minimum amount of time and skills.


To transform a bored bag and give it an individuality, you can use an ordinary scarf or scarf that ties the product. All attention is focused on such an accessory and the bag becomes a bright spot, or the impression of a careless image is created.

Unusual belt

When selling their products, some well-known brands equip bags with interchangeable strap options. So, this season, the presence of a wide and contrasting strap is a popular trend.To decorate the bag, you can use this idea and create a stylish little thing, and to make a new strap on the bag is very simple and does not require special skills.


The bag can also be decorated with stickers. The adhesive base of such products allows you to attach them to almost any surface. The use of several funny stickers will refresh a bag that is boring, and if you use 10-12 pieces, then the accessory changes beyond recognition.2017-novyie-derevyannyie-busyi-ukrasheniya-kistochkoy-zhenshhinyi-sumka-prostoy-retro-sumki-na-remne

Key rings

How can I decorate a leather bag with my own hands? Pendants that are hung on a zipper or other parts of the bag also look original. A very large selection of trinkets is any haberdashery store - they come in sports subjects, in the form of toys and even funny.

Important! Decorating your bag with key chains is a win-win, safe and versatile customization option, as you can remove or replace them with new ones at any time.

What key chains to choose for a particular bag:

  • Metal neutral keychains look perfect on strict models of bags.
  • For the classic version of the accessory, decoration with all kinds of tassels, keys or models with pendants is suitable.
  • The presence of brutal metal key chains and plastic key chains on the product contribute to the creation of a sports rocker image.
  • The use of trinkets in the form of toys creates an ironic perception of life and fashion, and helps reduce severity.

Knitted accessories

If you want something too extravagant, you can decorate the product in the style of Christopher Kane. The winter collection of this brand represented several models decorated with related colors. Possessing handmade skills, without much difficulty, you can knit flower arrangements and decorate an accessory with them.

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Useful additions

You can supplement your favorite bag with any utilitarian item, such as a key keeper or a small purse for small things. The presence of a second bag allows you to create a new and interesting image. The more bags, the more opportunities for creativity and experimentation.

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Making a new bag

Old bags can be updated by crocheting, complementing with beads, fringe or decorating with applique, lace, flowers. In addition, you can create a completely new exclusive item. To do this, you need to show a desire, turn on imagination, show a little effort, and there is a magnificent crocheted product, where on each thread an original composition from beads with a color shade flaunts.

Before you start creating a new accessory, you need to think through the entire manufacturing process to the smallest detail:

  • choose the material from which the new product will be made - fabric, leather, threads for knitting;
  • come up with a style and decide on the appearance - the bag can be beach or weekend, with handles or they can be absent;
  • determine the elements of decoration - you can use beads, applique, fringe, bugles;
  • choose the method of making the bag - the product can be sewn, knitted or crocheted;
  • come up with a variant of pens - they can be soft of fabric or thread, relatively dense of leather, or in the form of metal rings.
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In this article, we have offered you many interesting ideas on how to decorate a leather bag. We hope you liked some of them, and now your accessories have sparkled with new colors, emphasizing your individual look.


