How to wash floors after a dead person - from the threshold or to the threshold?

The mystery of death has long frightened people and, unfortunately, none of us can escape such a sad event as a funeral. Of course, we all want our relatives and close people to never leave us, but this is impossible. The funeral is associated not only with sad troubles, but also with all kinds of superstitions and signs. It is believed that in order for a deceased person to find peace and be able to calmly leave for another world, relatives and friends who are involved in funerals must ensure that all burial rites are observed. Many people are afraid that the deceased will not return in their wake, and often ask how to wash the floors after the deceased - from the threshold or to the threshold. Today we will acquaint you with the basic rites and rules of the funeral and tell you how to properly clean the floors after the removal of the deceased.
to contents ↑Do I need to wash the floors after the removal of the deceased?
Why are floors washed after a dead person and how is revenge on the floor along or across? Many rites and traditions are associated with the burial of the deceased. Mopping after a dead person belongs to a long tradition when the floor was not washed, but sweeping with a broom. The floors at that time were earthen, and our ancestors swept them, starting from the inside of the room and ending with the threshold.
Important! It was believed that in this way all troubles, illnesses and troubles could be removed. After the funeral, our ancestors swept the traces of the deceased in the other direction, crossing the broom with a road along which the deceased could return. It was from then on that the tradition appeared to clean the floors after the deceased, so that death would not find its way back.
In addition, any deceased person, even the most beloved, carries negative energy after death. All negative energy permeates things and the atmosphere associated with the funeral, in particular, the table and stools on which the coffin was installed. And if you do not remove the negative energy, then close people living in the house will begin to get sick for no reason, and even die.
So if you are puzzled by whether you need to wash the floors after the dead person - definitely yes!
to contents ↑Important! As you know, negative energy is washed away by water, and it is better to use holy water for this purpose.
When and how to wash floors after a dead person?
As long as the coffin with the body of the deceased is in the house, no cleaning is carried out, otherwise there is a risk that, along with the garbage, you can “wash” or “sweep” another tenant.
Important! Since relatives and friends come to the house to say goodbye to the deceased, it is necessary to remove all carpeting in the room.
When you have already made a takeaway, the following house cleaning rules are observed:
- From the premises it is necessary to take out all things related to the funeral: cuts of material for the tomb cover, the remaining chips, flowers donated to the deceased, etc.
- The table and stools on which the coffin and the lid were installed must be turned upside down with their legs and taken out to clear the negative.
- The ritual rite of mopping begins with the walls and the threshold and finish cleaning in the place where the coffin stood, so that the one who has gone into another world has forgotten the way back.
- After taking the body out of the apartment (house), the floors in the room must be thoroughly washed with water. Only an outsider can do this, for example, a neighbor. This procedure is necessary in order to wash the “dead spirit” from the living room.
Important! In no case should the floors be washed by relatives of the deceased and pregnant women. Relatives and pregnant women are more vulnerable than anyone else to negativity and danger.In addition, pregnant women can call trouble on an unborn baby.
- Cleaning is done from far corners towards the front door.
- In the place where the coffin stood, lay the ax so that there would be no more deaths.
- Used water can be poured into the toilet, unlike the one that was washed with the deceased, which is poured out of the yard under any tree.
- Be sure to remove the broom and rag used during cleaning from the house and throw it away.
- Wash your hands with soap and hold over a candle in order to clean them from negativity.
- After cleaning, the man who washed the floors closes the door behind him and leaves.
to contents ↑Important! If you did not have time to wash the floors immediately, then you need to do this during the day before all tenants from the cemetery arrive. If you didn’t have time to wash the floors after the deceased because everyone left the cemetery, invite one of the women who came to say goodbye to enter the house and repeat the ritual with a broom, crossing the road inside. After the ceremony, all relatives and relatives can go into the house.
Helpful hints:
- Add a little salt to the water for washing the floor, because it is the salt that perfectly cleanses the energy space from the negative. You can wash the room and two times - one with water and salt, and the second - adding essential oil to the water. After all cleaning, ventilate the area.
- If the floors in the house are covered with carpet and he did not take off, then sweep it from the corners to the threshold, clean it with a vacuum cleaner.
Remember that signs and ceremonies took shape over many centuries. You can believe in them or not, but it is still worthwhile to respect the rites of our ancestors, especially protective actions when resting, to live as long as possible, and most importantly - happily.
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