How to update old wallpapers without changing them?

Repair takes a lot of time and is almost always associated with a number of inconveniences and additional financial costs, especially when it comes to wall decoration with wallpaper. Therefore, there is absolutely no point in starting it as soon as small flaws or damage have appeared. We offer you some tips and tricks on how to update old wallpapers without changing them, without much effort and hassle.
to contents ↑The main types of damage and methods for their elimination
Most often, the reasons why it becomes necessary to re-decorate the walls in the apartment are:
- Peeling off wallpaper;
- Mechanical damage;
- Various pollution.
You can eliminate all these shortcomings and flaws yourself, you can simply decorate it yourself without removing old material from the walls and without resorting to a complete repair of the entire room. You can do this using the following methods.
If the problem is only peeling off the wallpaper, then it is absolutely easy to fix it. To do this, you need to purchase a special glue for gluing wallpaper paintings or regular PVA. Most often, they begin to move away at the joints. In order to eliminate this defect, the following sequence must be observed:
- Unscrew the peeled part of the web.
- Clean the inside of putty and other possible contaminants.
- Similarly, the wall should be cleaned of dust.
Important! If there are various defects on the wall, you can putty it.
- Using a brush, apply a primer to the wall.
- The remaining wallpaper should be coated with glue.
- Use a roller or dry cloth to smooth out any wrinkles. If the glue protrudes beyond, then immediately wipe it off.
Important! If you used PVA glue, then the glued areas should be heated with a hairdryer, and then ironed again. Thus, you will increase the adhesion of the adhesive mixture to the wall.
Remove bubbles
Sometimes the wallpaper does not move away from the wall, as always - along the edges, but starting from the middle. Therefore, an air “bubble” appears on the surface. If it is large, then in this embodiment it is advisable to replace part of the canvas. If the “bubble” is small, then you can eliminate it without having to re-glue the wallpaper.
To do this, you will need a medical syringe with a needle, a roller and glue. How to update old wallpapers with such a defect:
- Pierce the “bubble” with a needle and squeeze air out of it.
- Using a syringe, inject the glue mixture into it. This is best done from above. In this way, the glue will drain and spread over the surface.
Important! In order for the glue to spread evenly, it may be necessary to make several punctures.
- Use a roller or dry cloth to level the surface.
We eliminate mechanical damage of a different nature
If the wallpaper coating has significant damage or various scratches appear on it, then you can solve this problem by gluing a new piece of wallpaper. This can be done in the following way:
- Outline the damaged area with a rectangle and cut it with a clerical knife.
- If necessary - putty and smooth the wall.
- From the same wallpaper you need to cut a sheet of a suitable size.
Important! Pay attention to the fact that when performing this procedure, the patterns and patterns of wallpaper match.
- The finished cut-out sheet needs to be smeared with glue, applied to the wall and smoothed with a roller.
We remove pollution
If the wallpaper is washable, then removing the pollution will not be difficult for you. You can use various means for this. As for paper paintings, this is a very difficult task, but it can be solved. To combat pollution you may need:
- Microfiber cloth
- Soap solution;
- Warm water;
- Dishwashing liquid;
- Stain remover;
- Acetone;
- Alcohol.
Depending on the type of pollution, there are the following methods for their removal:
- Stains from dirt. To remove them, you just need to use warm water or an ordinary soap solution.
- Contamination from grease and oil. In order to remove such spots, you can use various abrasive products, such as Gala or Fairy. You can also use a soft stain remover or dishwashing detergent, because it is just designed to dissolve fat.
- Ink from a pen and stains from a marker or felt-tip pen. These types of contaminants can be easily removed with acetone or alcohol.
Important! In no case can you intensively rub the wallpaper, as you can erase the picture and spoil the wallpaper.
Wallpaper scuffs
Very often, various abrasions can form on the wallpaper, especially on the outer corners. In this case, plastic corners or moldings can be glued to the corners. Due to the fact that they come in different sizes and colors, you can choose exactly what you need. Such a decorative element fits easily into the interior of the room and is easy to use. As a result, you can update old wallpapers without changing them.
If the wallpaper is wiped out, then the best option is to replace this site. You need to use a clerical knife and a ruler to cut out the damaged segment and stick a new one.
to contents ↑Important! Another solution to this problem may be a sticker of the same theme or a small piece of embossed wallpaper that can be decorated with moldings. Thus, you get a peculiar picture.
How to update old wallpaper?
Depending on the quality of the material and its texture, old wallpapers are able to withstand restoration. This should be done very carefully, while using only proven methods and recipes.
The most popular methods are:
- Mechanical cleaning of wallpaper. This way you can remove the dust that has been accumulating in them for years.
- The use of special chemicals in the care of the surface of the walls.
- If the case is absolutely critical, then you can restore the picture.
- Re-sticking old wallpaper to new ones in those places that are most often seen by household members.
- Repainting the walls in a different color with the right paint.
Important! It should be borne in mind that the new coloring of the surface of the walls is fully consistent with the general atmosphere of the interior.
Updating the wallpaper by mechanical cleaning and washing
A very effective way to clean wallpapers, including embossed ones, is to use a washing vacuum cleaner. In this case, you should use a special nozzle that can slide even on the most difficult relief surface.
Important! The nozzle of the vacuum cleaner must be washed and wiped dry every 4-7 square meters. meter of cultivated area.
During operation, smooth surfaces or with a small relief can be slightly moistened with a spray gun.
Important! This procedure must be done very carefully, as dust spots may form.
We use chemicals
Using such tools to update the wallpaper is an extreme method, if the rest are powerless.
Important! If you have the opportunity to choose between sticking a new canvas and using chemical compositions, then it is better to focus on the first option.
One of the most common causes of wallpaper aging is the impregnation of the paper base with various substances.For example, in the kitchen it may be the vapor coming from the stove. They fade and become darker from the layer of dirt. In this case, you can make a solution of isopropyl alcohol, a window cleaner and distilled water. Using a spray gun, apply this mixture to the surface and wipe with a microfiber cloth.
This mixture can also be used to remove a stubborn odor. In this embodiment, the solution should be applied to a cotton napkin and applied to the wall surface, after which it should be ironed with a warm iron. After that, quickly clean the cloth and ventilate the room.
Important! If you are preparing a solution in order to remove the ingrained odor, then the rate of alcohol should be three times less.
Also an excellent solution for removing various types of contaminants is the use of white clay and finely ground charcoal. This mixture should be put on a napkin and applied to the surface of the wall, and then heated with an iron.
to contents ↑Updating wallpapers in radical ways
There are situations in which it is simply impossible to clean or update the wallpaper using standard methods. But this does not mean that you need to despair. There are several methods by which you can update the wallpaper.
Water-based paint
This is quite a cardinal, but at the same time an easy way to refresh the room and interior. Absolutely any wallpaper is suitable for painting, regardless of the pattern, relief, material or texture. Despite the fact that the aqueous emulsion dye mixture is the most universal, some rules should still be followed.
- If you have doubts about the advisability of painting, then test it in a small area that does not catch the eye.
- The layer should be thin, otherwise - the wallpaper will get wet and finally go bad.
- Before painting, the surface must be prepared by removing dirt and loose pieces.
Important! When painting embossed textures, the roller should be taken with a long pile.
Partial replacement
To do this, you need to stick masking tape around the entire perimeter of the area that needs to be replaced. With the help of a painting or clerical knife, you need to cut a piece of an old wallpaper canvas. Remove it. Stick on a new cloth.
Important! To make the new site look harmonious, use decorative overlays or strips from old wallpapers.
Various applications
This is a very original and irreplaceable thing for refreshing the interior and updating the wall decoration. Applications can be made from wallpaper, colored paper and even fabric. The most important thing is to always remember and take into account the combination of colors and various patterns depicted on this decor element and the wallpaper itself.
to contents ↑Stock footage
In order for the room to look fresh, it is not necessary to begin a major renovation. You just need to update the old finish and add a couple of new decorative elements. Thus, you yourself will not notice how the general interior of the room “will sparkle in a new way”. Adhering to the above tips and recommendations, you can update the wallpaper quickly and without unnecessary physical effort, and the result will please not only you, but also your loved ones.
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