How to clean a watering can of limescale?

Shower is a rather relevant procedure for modern people who do not like to spend a lot of time on hygiene, and at the same time pay due attention to it. As it has long been known, tap water flows far from ideal, and those people who have soft water in the region are lucky. And users of hard water were less fortunate, because they often have to think about how to clean a shower head from limescale. This is a well-known fact - a watering can is clogged with mineral deposits contained in tap water, and quite often, which brings significant inconvenience.
Nevertheless, the task is feasible, and not only with the help of household chemicals. You can easily clean the shower of limescale, even very strong, in folk ways. This article is an instruction on this topic.
to contents ↑Prevention
Of course, like any other household items, shower accessories also require daily care. So that the question of how to clean a watering can of a shower of limescale does not bother you so often, just follow some rules:
- Use a dry cloth to wipe the faucets and the watering can itself immediately after using the shower.
- Disassemble and clean the watering can once a month.
- Install a good water filter.
- Do not want to bother with the filter - install a magnetic water converter.
After such actions, you do not have to resort to global cleaning for a long time.
to contents ↑Where to begin?
When nevertheless severe blockage has occurred and the problem should be eliminated as soon as possible, then the folk methods described below will help you with this.
To effectively cope with the task:
- To get started, remove the hose with a watering can and disassemble everything in parts.
- If the mixer can be disassembled, do it.
- Brush the net with a toothpick or any other suitable object.
- Blow through the hose and clean the dirt with an elongated pencil-type object.
- Clean the second mesh in the same way as the first.
Now, after you have mechanically cleaned all the parts from the calcareous growths, you can proceed to the second step - how to clean the shower head from limescale, including mineral growths where you cannot get anything.
to contents ↑How to clean a watering can of limescale?
In order to make all the details perfectly clean and shiny, you need to use one of several liquids or solutions, the preparation methods of which are described below. By dropping objects with a touch there for a while, you are guaranteed to get the result.
You need to take ordinary vinegar, no essences and other other products based on vinegar - only vinegar. How to clean a shower head and all other parts of plumbing with this tool:
- Unscrew the parts you unscrew in hot vinegar.
- Hold them in it for two to three hours.
- Brush to enhance the effect with a regular or toothbrush.
- Wipe the vinegar with a soft, damp cloth soaked in hot water or simply rinse under a hot tap.
Important! If something did not work out, unscrew it, then pour the vinegar into a plastic bag, put this bag on that part and treat the surface in the same way.
Washing off mineral deposits is a difficult thing and not all can be cleaned the first time. Repeat the procedure again after a couple of days.
Vinegar and baking soda
How to clean the watering can of a shower from scale and salt deposits by adding soda to vinegar? You need to do the same procedure as in the previous paragraph. It is necessary to prepare a solution: 3 parts vinegar 1 part soda, and clean up ahead.
Important! It is believed that these two components in a pair work better than each separately.
Lemon juice or acid
To clean watering cans, faucets and other items of plumbing, citric acid or juice is mixed with hot water in such a proportion that the solution is “vigorous,” for example: half a pack of acid per half liter of water. If it is a natural lemon - squeeze it all out into a glass of water. You need not a solution, but a concentrate.
Then we act in the same manner as in the previous methods, with the only difference being that it is not worthwhile to put parts in such a concentrate for a long time. Twenty minutes is enough, which saves you time.
Important! Immerse the plastic parts in this solution for a short while, otherwise the material may be slightly damaged.
Of course, if your pollution is not global, there is a gentle way to clean it with lemon. Rub lemon peel all the parts on which plaque, wait a while and wipe the juice with a damp cloth.
Oil for children
“How to cleanse the shower of limescale with baby oil?” - you think, is it really possible? Oddly enough, but this method has long established itself among many housewives and hosts. It is good for weak calcareous deposits.
You need to put oil on a well-absorbing cloth and rub it with all contaminated areas until they are clean.
Oxalic acid:
- Dilute the acid in warm water in the proportion of one part acid and twenty parts water.
- Using a brush, apply this mixture to all plaque parts.
- After three hours, rub all areas again with a brush and rinse with warm water.
to contents ↑Important! The use of all the methods described involves the use of rubber gloves.
Stock footage
Now, no deposits on your plumbing is a hindrance to take a shower efficiently and fully. We hope that it took you a little time to solve the problem and you could spend precious minutes on more pleasant things - relaxing watching an interesting movie, talking with loved ones or preparing a new culinary masterpiece for dinner.
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