How to clean an enameled pan from a dark coating inside?

Surely every housewife in the kitchen has at least one enameled pan - it is practical, convenient, and durable. But over time, darkening forms on it, a coating of yellowness, especially if something is burnt, so the question of how to clean an enameled pan from a dark coating inside at home becomes urgent. It is with him that we will figure it out in this article.

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Ordinary washing

What to do if the pan inside darkened? It is easier and better to wash the pan immediately after you have freed it from food and sent to the sink. If for some reason you cannot do it right away - at least fill it to the brim with tap water so that the food remains do not eat tightly into the surface.

Important! If something is burnt, you can’t try to tear it off with sharp objects - forks, knives. So you can finally spoil the enamel.

Then, as soon as you have time to wash the enameled pan, it will be enough to use any liquid dishwashing liquid with a hard sponge.


Important! Even the plaque that forms after you boiled tap water that is not too clean or after the broth can be cleaned with this technology.

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How to clean enameled pots?

How does the pan clean? Even if you have not taken the time to clean such dishes for a long time, you should not quickly grab the first tool and equipment that comes to your hand. Enamel, although durable, does not tolerate certain treatment, even if it is necessary to clean the enameled pan from a dark coating inside.

It should not be used:

  • abrasive cleaning powders;
  • metal brushes;
  • rough washcloths.

Important! Please note that when using such products, no damage will initially be visible. The result of this work you will notice a certain time later, when the dirt remains frozen and not washed by any means in the form of dark stains in microcracks.

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How can I clean?

You can use only liquid and gel-like detergents in household chemicals and moderately hard synthetic sponges. Also, in order to clean enameled dishes from yellow plaque inside, folk methods are also suitable, which in many cases will be more gentle and safe.

Salt Solution or Powder

  1. To clean the enameled pan from yellow coating or carbon deposits inside: Sprinkle abundantly on all dirty places with ordinary table salt.
  2. If the dirt is extremely dry, you can use a saline solution. On 1 liter of water, put 5-6 tbsp. l table salt.
  3. Pour your enameled pan with this solution for several hours.
  4. You can speed up the process if you put a pot in which there is already saline solution on the fire and boil for 30-40 minutes over low heat.

After this procedure, contaminants, partly even the most intimidating ones, are laundered without problems.


A thick soda solution is also good enough if the enamel pan is burnt:

  1. Pour 5 tbsp. l soda with hot water, mix thoroughly.
  2. Gently pour the resulting solution into a dirty pan.
  3. Put it to stand for the whole night so that the dark coating and burnt-out food remains stick off.
  4. After you have drained the solution, take an ordinary dishwashing detergent and a sponge. Without much effort, wash your enameled dishes.
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We get rid of scale - folk methods and household chemicals

Scale is the real scourge of our time. She haunts us everywhere in the household - in electric and a gas kettle, in the bathroom and of course on the dishes. But most of all susceptible to its layering are pots covered with enamel. Therefore, if you use this, you must have in the arsenal several ways that you will periodically struggle with scum.


Lemon acid

If it comes to how to wash only a dark coating from an enameled pan, then in this case ordinary citric acid will become indispensable:

  1. Pour water over the edge into your pan and pour half or a whole bag of citric acid into it. Focus on the degree of contamination.
  2. Boil for 15-20 minutes.

Important! Even if not all the scum goes straight before your eyes, then its remnants will be loosened dirt, which can easily be washed off with an ordinary detergent. This is the easiest way to bleach an enameled pan.

White or bleach

A more extreme method is the use of whiteness tablets or bleach:

  1. Pour it into the pan for about 40-50 minutes.
  2. Drain into the bathtub or into the sink.
  3. After thoroughly clean enameled dishes under running water.
  4. After passing some time, the chlorine will finally disappear, and your dishes will shine again like new.

Important! You can use not a tablet powder, but a liquid concentrate. But be very careful in proportions when applying. Take ½ of the amount recommended for bleaching things. As an alternative, you can use Persol bleach. In this case, mix it with water and boil for about 20 minutes in a saucepan.

Sour green apples

Sour or green apples contain natural acids that also affect plaque and can remove it. If you have this product in stock, then to clean the enameled pan from a dark coating inside, just rub the surface of the pan with an apple slice and let stand for a while. At the end - rinse the vessel with running water.

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How to use a pan? Bans, warnings.

In order for the enameled saucepan to serve you as long as possible:

  1. Use it in order to cook liquid dishes, compotes.
  2. Never use it for cooking porridge, roast.
  3. The dishes, which are covered with enamel, do not like the sharp jumps in temperature very much, which is why it should not be left on a heated stove.
  4. Pans must be placed on gas only if they are filled with liquid.

Important! In the event that you decide to clean the enameled pan in which you just cooked, wait until it cools down. This must be done, because you can’t pour cool water into hot dishes and vice versa. Because of this, the enamel may crack. The dishes inside which the enamel has cracked cannot be used for cooking, but it will still work in order to store dry cereals in it.

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How to clean the plaque inside and outside the enameled pan:

  • Milk adhering to the walls is cleaned with ordinary coffee grounds.
  • Vinegar flawlessly removes rust that appears under the rim.
  • Soda, salt will help to clean the pan inside and out from minor deposits. Pour them in equal proportions onto a soft sponge, and then rub the walls with it.
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We hope now, even if you have a very dark coating on an enameled pan or something burned in it, there will be no problems with how to get rid of all these troubles. So - you will always be pleased to cook tasty and healthy food in beautiful dishes.


