How to clean and wash a pan of burnt jam

Most housewives can cook caramel, sweet jams, jams, marmalades, syrups, etc. very well. But if you do not follow the process a little, then there may be soot on the walls of the container. This is an uncritical situation. It’s usually quite easy to clean the pan of burnt jam. You just need to know how to do it.

How to clean a pan of burnt jam

Preparatory stage

It is usually quite simple to clean the dishes from burnt jam (a bowl or pan) if the soot was removed immediately after cooking and transferring to the banks. With the help of water, detergent and a sponge, it is easily removed.

You can also soak the container for a while. Remove the burnt jam from the pan with a solution of warm water with a small amount of detergent. It is necessary to let the dishes soak for several hours. It is important not to fill the container with too hot water, because of this sugar can stick even more to the bottom and walls. Cold can not cope with the task, so the liquid should be just warm. After some time, the burnt layer will become soft, which will allow you to easily remove it.

Soaking pots

To clean burnt jam in a pan and thereby save the container from carbonized sugar, pour water immediately after cooking. But the container should not be too hot, as this can lead to damage to the coating, for example, if it is enamel. You also need to be careful with ceramic coatings. Therefore, the tank must first cool to room temperature on its own, even with very severe contamination. Only then can you soak and try to wipe the burnt out pan.

You can use a dishwasher. But in any case, it is advisable to first soak manually to remove most of the carbon deposits. Only then can a second soak be carried out in the dishwasher.

Cleaning stainless steel cookware

To wash the stainless steel, you should first turn to the soaking method, since it is the most gentle. But too much carbon can not be cleaned with this method. Have to use more powerful tools. But in any case, soaking should first be done to maximize the effect.

The advantage of stainless steel is that it can be rubbed with abrasive materials and means. They will not be able to damage the surface. In some cases, even a metal brush and powder do not help. Then it is worth using such methods:

Cleaning stainless steel cookware

  1. The use of activated carbon. It is necessary to crush 10-15 tablets and pour into a container so that the entire bottom is covered. Wait about 30 minutes, add some water and let stand for another 30 minutes. After that, it should turn out to clean everything with a regular sponge.
  2. Boiling. It is necessary to pour a little water and salt into the pan, and then put the container on fire. Boil for a few minutes.
  3. Vinegar. Pour vinegar into the pan so that all the dirt is covered with it. Leave to soak for about 3 hours. After that, the burnt jam will easily be removed.
  4. Coffee grounds. The mass that remains after the preparation of the drink is excellent as an abrasive. It must be applied to a dirty area and allowed to stand for some time, then cleaned with an ordinary sponge.

Stainless steel dishes can be washed using abrasive materials. But this does not mean that you can use a knife to clean.Sharp objects will leave noticeable scratches anyway.

Enamelled and aluminum surface

How an enameled pan can be washed from carbon deposits

An enameled pan can be washed from carbon deposits in the same way as a stainless steel container, that is, by boiling. You need to make a saturated soda solution and pour it into a pan with burnt jam. After this, the container must be put on medium heat. In addition to soda, you can use food vinegar or citric acid.

For very difficult cases, you can independently make a tool for cleaning from burnt jam. To do this, take one part of citric acid and soda and two parts of "White". All this must be mixed in six parts of water. The solution must be poured into a pan and placed on a stove. Boil for 30 minutes.

A rather interesting way to clean carbon deposits from enameled dishes is to use soda. You need to take any carbonated drink. Soak the pan for 30-40 minutes. If this does not help, then it is necessary to fill the tank with soda again and boil.

You can not use special tools. For this method, you need to put the pan in the freezer for several hours. After that, under cool water you need to wash all the dirt. Do not put under hot water. Abrasive powders and rapid temperature changes spoil the enamel coating on the dishes.

Aluminum tolerates various chemical compounds worse than stainless steel. Therefore, such dishes should be handled more carefully. In this case, it is undesirable to use powders for cleaning. Soak or boil a pot using plain water.. If the burned jam cannot be removed, then the following methods can be used:

How to clean an aluminum pan

  1. In a liter of water you need to dissolve a spoonful of silicate glue and baking soda. Pour the composition into the container and put it on medium heat. Keep the dishes on the stove for 30 minutes. If necessary, you will need to rub a little with a sponge.
  2. Grate a piece of laundry soap and mix it with silicate glue. Spread contaminated areas with this mixture and leave for 10 minutes. After this, the jam is easily washed off.

It is better not to use aluminum utensils for making jam. Acid from fruits corrodes the metal, because of which it falls into the finished product. This can be harmful to human health.

Teflon, ceramics and cast iron

Teflon-coated cookware has non-stick properties. Because of this, nothing should stick to it. But this can still happen. For washing, soaking in water, using a sponge and a regular gel are suitable.

If the pollution is too strong, then you need to take a chopped onion, lemon or apple, put in a container and pour water. After half an hour you need to boil. You can also use citric acid. It is important to remember that soda cannot be used, as it destroys the non-stick coating.

You should also know that you can not use Teflon dishes in the presence of damage to the surface. This leads not only to food sticking, but also harms human health.

Ceramic-coated cookware

Ceramic coated dishes are quite expensive, but easy to clean. Jam is not a cause for concern. You can use one of two methods:

  1. Sprinkle salt over contaminated areas. This will soften the burn. After a while, it can be easily wiped off.
  2. Pour the dishes with cold water and citric acid for 30 minutes. After this, you still need to boil for half an hour. The remaining dirt is removed with a sponge.

Cast iron products are the easiest to clean. Nevertheless, the pan is better to clean on time, that is, until the jam has cooled. If it does not burn very much, then removing the contamination will be easy. Use additional funds is not necessary. In difficult situations, you need to use acids, alkalis, cleaning powders, chemicals. If this does not help, then you can try the following methods:

  1. Take a little soda, citric acid, salt, liquid detergent and bleach. All this must be mixed in equal proportions. A thick mass should be obtained, which should be spread on contaminated places. After 30-40 minutes, the plaque will be easily removed.
  2. Cut lemon into slices and attach them to burnt places. After 3 hours, rinse the pot with running water.

All of these methods are quite effective. But it will be easier if you wash the pan immediately after making the jam.

Special tools

There are many special chemicals that allow you to quickly and easily remove carbon deposits. But many of them are not suitable for cleaning dishes, as they are designed for external surfaces. Therefore, before use, be sure to read the instructions. You should be sure that household chemicals are suitable for surfaces in contact with food. It should clearly indicate what the product is intended for.

The most common household chemicals that are used to combat carbon deposits:

Means Shumanit.

  1. "Shumanit." This, although reliable, but rather caustic. It is not suitable for all types of surfaces, so you must first read the instructions. "Shumanit" even a strong burn can remove quickly. It is sold with a spray gun.
  2. Amway. It is a completely safe, non-aggressive, odorless product. But it is not so effective. With a very burnt jam, it is unlikely to cope. It is made in the form of a gel.
  3. "Mr. Chister." This liquid is not as effective as Schumanit, but it is also aggressive. It is spent more economically.
  4. Comet. A very popular and advertised tool. Designed to remove almost any dirt. Has an average reliability, relatively sparing.
  5. Cillit. Powerful and effective cleaner. May remove for old dirt.

There are many different products that are made in the form of a gel, powder, liquid. Powder cleaners can only be used for cast iron and stainless steel. Other coatings will be damaged, so it is better to use the gel.

Use chemical compounds only in a ventilated area. Also, there should be no children or animals nearby. Be sure to wear rubber gloves and make sure that the product does not get into the eyes. After cleaning, wash the dishes thoroughly under running water.

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