How to clean the cauldron from rust?

Surely, every mistress in the house somewhere covered with an old, rusty cast-iron cauldron, which is still used from time to time. But in order to make food in it pleasant and safe, you need to know how to clean the cauldron from rust if there is no time to regularly maintain its cleanliness. In this article, we will look at methods for cleaning and washing a cast iron cauldron from rust at home, so that you can finally do this with a minimum of time and effort.

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The cast iron cauldron rusts for several reasons:

For example:

  • During the production of cast iron cauldrons, iron is used, which, as you should know, is highly susceptible to the formation of corrosion deposits.
  • The coarse-porous structure of the material also contributes to this phenomenon.
  • If the cauldron is stored incorrectly - there is contact with water or just damp, this is the main reason why the cauldron quickly rusts. The most common mistake - before sending the cast iron cauldron for storage, it was not wiped dry and a small amount of water was left at the bottom.
  • No special treatment of cast iron is carried out, for example, oil calcination.


Important! If the rust is not removed, then in the end it will simply kill the cast iron cauldron, and it will become unusable. If your dish is already in this state, it makes sense not to waste your energy trying to resuscitate it, but with the help of our tips choose a new high-quality cauldron.

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How to clean a cast iron cauldron from rusty coating?

In order to clean the cast iron cauldron and get rid of rust, take:

  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • sandpaper, preferably of different stiffness;
  • laundry soap;
  • soda;
  • metal washcloth for the kitchen;
  • stationery glue;
  • any cleaning powder you use every day.

Now proceed directly to the cleaning.

Household chemicals

Rusted cauldron - not a problem, now we will tell you how to remove rust. In order to eliminate and properly remove rust from the surface of a cast iron cauldron, you need to clean it with a special cleaning powder.

Important! For this purpose, Pemolux is perfect.

After cleaning, treat the surface with a metal sponge, as well as medium-sized sandpaper.


To clean the cauldron from rust, you can simply use sandpaper and a corrosion converter:

  1. Treat the surface of the dishes with emery paper - to start large, and then medium.
  2. Now apply the rust converter according to the instructions on it.

Important! If the rust coating is strong, you can repeat the procedure several times.


You can use a drill and a special nozzle. The cleaning technology will be similar to sandpaper processing, only easier and faster. After cleaning, the cast iron cauldron must be thoroughly washed under running, hot water.

Important! After processing, calcine it.

Glue + soap

It is not difficult to clean the cast iron cauldron from rust at home if you use a rather specific method and arm yourself with a sponge for washing dishes.

It is necessary to act in this way:

  1. Rinse your cauldron thoroughly.
  2. Now take a large container so large that the bowler is completely immersed in it.
  3. Pour water, add a piece of ordinary household soap, about 100 g of stationery glue.
  4. Boil the cauldron for several hours over low heat.
  5. When it has cooled down, it must be thoroughly washed under warm water, and then remove the soot with a washcloth for washing dishes.

Important! This method is very popular because it allows you to return cast iron to its original form. Remember, during boiling, you must open the windows, as well as turn on the hood.


In the event that you have no desire to clean the cast iron cauldron from rust yourself, you can contact a car service for help. There, corrosion deposits will be removed using a grinder.


Important! If you have one available, the problem is solved even easier, because you can do this work yourself.

After that, it is enough to rinse the cauldron thoroughly under warm water, calcine, and then dry thoroughly.


  1. In equal proportions, dilute vinegar and water.
  2. Soak the cauldron in the resulting solution for several hours.
  3. After soaking, using gruel from coarse salt and vegetable oil, clean your cast iron cauldron to perfect condition.

Soda + salt:

  1. Pour water into the cauldron to cover the soot.
  2. Dissolve 200 g of soda and 200 g of sodium chloride in it.
  3. Place the pot on a small fire.
  4. Boil for about two hours.
  5. Leave to cool overnight.
  6. Now you can wash the dishes with a sponge and liquid for dishes. Fat and soot will easily lag behind the walls.
  7. Rinse the dishes several times under the tap and dry thoroughly.
  8. Then a clean pot must be annealed with oil.
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Calcination of a cauldron to prevent corrosion

Calcination is an obligatory procedure that must be performed regularly if you do not want to clean the cauldron from rust constantly. There are several ways to do this.

Option 1:

  1. Heat the cauldron in the oven (temperature 200 ° C).
  2. Carefully remove it and coat with vegetable oil on the outside and inside.
  3. Put back and leave inside the oven until the oil has evaporated.
  4. Repeat several times.
  5. Turn off the oven and let the pan in it cool completely.

Important! We want to remind you that if you use a cauldron with a lid, then the lid must also be calcined, but it is advisable to do this before first use in order to eliminate the remnants of the factory processing.

Option 2:

  1. Place the pot on medium heat.
  2. Pour a small amount of oil into it.
  3. During calcination, the cauldron must be tilted in different directions with a certain periodicity so that the oil lubricates the entire surface of its walls, along their entire height.

Option 3

Calcination with salt is much simpler: just pour 1-2 kilograms of salt inside your cauldron, and then put it on fire. Wait until the salt changes its color to gray.

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How to clean an aluminum cauldron at home?

The main differences between an aluminum pot and a cast iron one are the ease and ability to use cleaning powders and hard metal brushes. The disadvantage of aluminum cookware is that it cannot be calcined - this is the fastest way to ruin it hopelessly. So what to do if thick layers of soot and fat have formed on your favorite pot? How to clean an aluminum cauldron at home?

A great way to clean the aluminum pot from unpleasant soot in nature:

  1. Fill the pan with plain river sand to the brim.
  2. Put on low heat for about 10 hours.

Important! To make the dishes serve you longer, read more information on our website about care for a cauldron from any material.

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We hope that all our tips and tricks will help you eliminate rust and cinder from your cauldron and you can cook delicious and unusual dishes in it for yourself and your family - both at home and in nature.


