How to clean the cat tray from urinary stone?

A cat is a great friend, companion and just a beautiful cute beast, which is nice to see. Unlike dogs, cats do not walk. Therefore, if you do not let the pet out of the house, you need a tray so that the animal can put its big and small “affairs” into it. However, a problem arises. Even if you regularly wash the pet’s “toilet”, you still feel an unpleasant odor. Let's try to figure out how to clean the “bathroom” of your domestic animal in order to avoid the disgusting “amber”. If you change the filler irregularly or even neglect to clean the tray, the animal may avenge that it will spoil the wallpaper, scratch the upholstery or choose your favorite slippers as a toilet. So, how to clean the cat tray from urinary stone?

Important! You need to clean the “bathroom” every day, and the frequency of its “general cleaning” - about once a week.

Let's figure out what is best for washing a cat's toilet.

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Preparation for cleaning

Here are some tips to help you minimize the discomfort of this generally unpleasant procedure:

  • Make sure that there is a garbage bin next to the pet's tray. This will make it possible not to contaminate the floor. It is important that the bucket was not for general use, but specifically intended for cleaning the cat's bathroom.
  • It is advisable to clean the “toilet” in protective gloves and a medical mask. This is especially true for pregnant women.

Important! Such precautions will not be superfluous, since they are the prevention of a dangerous infection - toxoplasmosis, dangerous to the fetus. If possible, let other family members take care of the cat during pregnancy.

1-kotenok-v-lotkeYou will also need:

  • Old toothbrush.
  • Laundry soap (toilet is not suitable because of the smell).
  • Bag or bucket for trash.
  • Special scoop with strainer for cleaning excrement and lumps of filler.
  • Protective gloves.
  • Medical gauze mask.
  • Baking soda.
  • Cat litter or regular sand.

As you can see, everything is extremely affordable, the costs are minimal. It will take only a little time and patience. And a lot, a lot of love for the pet.

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How to clean a cat tray from urinary stone: daily hygiene

It includes:

  • Cleaning the “toilet” of animal excrement. It is advisable to use a special plastic scoop with a mesh bottom for this. You capture the cat's vital product with it, and clean, dry filler particles through the mesh cells fall back into the container.

Important! If you do not clean it daily or even several times a day, then the cat will ignore the “toilet” and relieve it where it sees fit.

  • How to clean a cat tray from urinary stone? In this regard, clumpy filler is convenient. In the place where the cat met a small need, the filler forms lumps that can be easily removed with the same mesh scoop. These lumps, like excrement, need to be cleaned every day.
  • Filler replacement. Before you fill the filler in the pet's tray, put a little baking soda on the bottom of the container. This helps neutralize the smell of cat urine. Poured? Now you can add sawdust, sand or “tricked out” filler from the pet store.

Important! It is much easier to clean the “toilet” if you put on it a plastic garbage bag, shake out the entire contents of the container into it. To wash the “toilet” in this case is much easier.

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We carry out general cleaning in the cat's “bathroom”

Thanks to cleaning the tray once a week, spots and plaque are washed off the surface. If you have 2-3 pets living in your house, you need to clean the “toilet” more often: two to three times a week.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Throw the contents of the tray into the bag or bucket. Sometimes you can come across advice that the sawdust used by the cat can be used as organic fertilizer or in order to fall asleep seedlings for the winter (the smell of a cat repels rodents). Advice, to put it mildly, is ambiguous. But experienced gardeners claim that mice bypass the garden.
  2. Now about how to clean the cat tray from plaque. Wash the tray under running water to remove urinary stone. To clean the container from plaque, dishwashing detergents without a strong odor, baking soda or ordinary laundry soap are suitable.

Important! Never use products with a citrus or ammonia odor. Cats do not tolerate these smells, and may completely refuse to visit the “bathroom”.

  1. Make sure that the detergent rinses well. Cats sometimes lick the tray, and there is a risk that the animal may be poisoned by residues of detergent.
  2. Dry the toilet or wipe it dry with a piece of soft, clean cloth. If you leave it wet, the filler will simply stick to the bottom or get loose.
  3. Add baking soda to the bottom to neutralize the odor.
  4. Pour the filler with a layer of 5-6 cm.

Important! If you spill it too much, the cat will sprinkle it on the floor. If, on the contrary, it is too small, then the animal will not be able to bury the products of its vital activity, and there will be an unpleasant smell in the apartment.

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Some useful tips

These tips will help you minimize pet toilet cleaning time:

  • If the cat scatters the filler, it is advisable to purchase a "house", "snail" or to fill the filler under the net.
  • To avoid infection with toxoplasmosis, when cleaning the toilet, it is advisable to use a gauze mask or a “petal” respirator.
  • After cleaning the tray, wash your hands well with soap.
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Now you know how to wash a cat tray from urinary stone and how to avoid unpleasant odors. Take care of the “bathroom” of your pet on time, and this will ensure peace in the house - both for you and your pet.


