How to cleanse your skin from acne?

Modern people often wonder how to cleanse the skin of acne, because they cause a person moral discomfort, lead to the appearance of various complexes. Acne is a disease that causes a disruption in the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands of the body, producing excessive amounts of sebum. When small particles of unshelled epidermis, dust, cosmetic residues are attached to fat secretions, this can create favorable conditions for the multiplication of various pathogenic bacteria on the surface of the skin and also inside them. How to deal with all this disgrace, we will consider in this article.
to contents ↑Causes of Acne
Before you begin to get rid of various rashes on the surface of the face and body, you must definitely determine the causes of their occurrence:
- Hormonal disruptions that occur most often in adolescence at the stage of growing up. Perhaps the appearance of acne on the face of women during menstruation, pregnancy, after an abortion or after menopause.
Important! Similar problems can also be hidden in disruption of the urogenital or endocrine system.
- Elevated secretion from the sebaceous glands, as well as skin prone to the frequent appearance of acne. Greasy skin contaminated faster, which leads to blockage of the excretory ducts and the formation of inflammation.
- Dust and other contaminants easily penetrate the enlarged pores of the body, which provoke the appearance of black spots, the occurrence of infection inside the tissues, as well as the formation of painful acne.
Stages of the disease
In medical circles, it is customary to divide Acne disease into three main stages, on which, in due time, the prescribed treatment depends:
Light form
At the initial stage of the disease, a mild form of acne is observed. With timely, and most importantly, the correct treatment, it is quite easy to get rid of them, not allowing more serious manifestations of the disease.
Important! If the number of acne does not exceed ten pieces, then external treatment is used exclusively.m
Effective use of anti-inflammatory ointments, various tonics or lotions to wipe the skin, which does not contain alcohol.
Important! To get the best result, you need to normalize the diet, excluding fatty, smoked, sweet, flour, and dairy products from the diet.
Middle form
If the face contains 10-40 pieces of uraea, this means that the patient has a second stage of Acne. In such cases, the doctor may be prescribed internal antibiotic therapy, which involves the use of external anti-inflammatory cosmetic agents.
Complex form
During the third stage, the patient's face acquires a red tint, inflammation is clearly noticeable, and the skin is almost completely covered with acne. The appearance of a rash can also be observed on the shoulders, back, buttocks and in the decollete. Treatment of such manifestations should be carried out under the mandatory supervision of a dermatologist.
to contents ↑Acne Treatment
It will not work to get rid of the manifestations of acne in a few days or even weeks. To achieve a noticeable and permanent result, therapy should be long and complex.
Important! Be sure to visit a dermatologist before starting acne treatment.
Before helping to cleanse the face of acne, the doctor will diagnose and choose the right drugs for further treatment:
- If hormonal disorders are found, a specialist can sometimes prescribe a contraceptive course for women.
- If a severe form of Acne is detected, then the doctor may prescribe systemic antibacterial therapy.
to contents ↑Important! Remember that all medications and cosmetics prescribed by a doctor act individually, they help someone well, but not much to someone.
Home Acne Cleansing Methods
It is very difficult to remove skin rashes, but, unfortunately, not every patient can undergo the full course of cosmetology treatment. In addition, high-quality drugs have a fairly high cost. However, there are a huge number of methods, each of which is designed to solve a specific problem: the fight against black spots, eliminating inflammation, healing. It is especially important to provide the necessary care for the skin surface before and after the procedures.
Where to begin?
To carry out cleaning procedures, you must:
- Wash hands thoroughly with soap, and the area of the neck and face with a special foam or gel.
- Do not apply scrub on damaged skin.
- Cooked medicinal decoctions should be stored in the refrigerator or frozen in ice cubes.
- Lotions and masks that are prepared from several ingredients are not subject to long-term storage. Use them immediately after cooking.
- With prolonged constant use of drying agents, your skin will need additional hydration. In this case, you need to choose only those funds from which you will not have new rashes.
Special anti-acne drugs that can be purchased at pharmacies will help cleanse the skin of the acne and dry the rash.
- retinoid ointment;
- zinc ointment;
- ichthyol ointment;
- “Differin”;
- “Baziron AC”;
- “Skinoren”;
- “Zinerite”;
Get rid of excess oily skin
There are three ways to make oily skin less shiny.
- If you wipe the skin with a tonic based on a lemon, you can contribute to the disappearance of pigmentation, reduce the number of black spots and eliminate greasy shine. To achieve the desired result, you must first remove makeup and apply the product twice a day.
Important! To make a healing tonic, take 1 tablespoon of salicylic acid and lemon juice, which mix with 2 tablespoons of boiled or purified water.
- When using hydrogen peroxide, you can get rid of spots left after acne. It will eliminate redness and reduce oily skin. Take 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide, vegetable oil (olive, peach or coconut) and lemon juice. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Use this product to treat the face, neck and décolleté.
Important! The procedure should be carried out no more than once a week, immediately after which apply a moisturizer to the skin.
- Boil 100 g of oatmeal in boiling water, add 1 tablespoon of honey (preferably lime) to the cooled gruel. Apply the mixture on the face and other problem areas, hold for about 20 minutes. After the procedure, the product must be washed off with warm water.
Important! Such therapy will help to cope with redness of the skin and at the same time cleanse the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands.
How to narrow skin pores?
In beauty salons, special cooling masks are used to narrow the pores of the skin. At home, you can also clear your skin of acne without spending a lot of money on the procedure. The mask can be prepared according to one of the following instructions:
- Take one tablespoon of honey, baking soda and fresh milk. Mix everything, apply to the face with light massage movements.Then wash off the mask, apply a moisturizer to the skin.
Important! It is recommended to carry out such a procedure no more than once every 5-7 days.
- Grind two to three Streptocide tablets in a mortar. Add a few drops of boiled water to the resulting powder, mix the ingredients until a gruel is not too thick. Apply on face, then wait 2 minutes and wash. Having finished the cleansing procedure, a little nourishing cream should be applied to the skin.
Important! The antibiotic will cope with pathogenic bacteria, help get rid of subcutaneous acne, and prevent the appearance of new ones.
- In equal amounts, mix natural grape juice, celandine broth and badyag, sold in any pharmacy. Apply the product to areas with expanded pores, having stood for 5 minutes, rinse thoroughly.
to contents ↑Important! It is very important to avoid contact with the eyes, because this can cause burning and irritation of their mucous membranes.
Therapeutic face masks
The use of special nourishing and cleansing cosmetic masks will help normalize the condition of the skin. You can cook them at home, following the following recipes:
Recipe number 1
A mask prepared from:
- 1 tablespoon of gelatin;
- 1 tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers, diluted in 100 ml of milk.
All ingredients are mixed and placed for 40 seconds in the microwave. Then again everything is thoroughly mixed, the cooled finished product is applied to the skin of the face. Wash off the mask after it hardens.
Important! It is recommended to repeat the procedure every week.
Recipe number 2
Acne can be dried with finely grated laundry soap and water. The mixture is whipped until a thick foam is formed, mixed with the same amount of salt and applied to the face. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes.
Important! This procedure should be repeated every other day. The results will become noticeable in two weeks.
Recipe number 3
Grind oatmeal into flour, add 1 tablespoon of flour and two drops of lemon essential oil to a glass of kefir. After application, hold the mask on the skin for 20 minutes.
Important! After a month of application, black spots disappear and acne disappears.
Recipe number 4
A mask for oily and problem skin can be made from:
- 4 tablespoons of white cosmetic clay;
- 3 teaspoons ground cinnamon;
- 5 tablespoons of sea salt;
- chamomile infusion on the water.
All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and, having applied to the skin of the face, stand for about 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
to contents ↑Proper nutrition
To quickly cleanse your skin of acne, you need to eat right and include the following trace elements and vitamins in your diet:
- Zinc - reduces the secretion of fat. This trace element is found in hard cheese, buckwheat, peas, and beans.
- Vitamin A - normalizes the sebaceous glands, which reduces the number of acne. This vitamin is found in carrots, pumpkins, sweet peppers, peaches, lean meat.
- Sulfur - acts detrimental to pathogenic microbes, prevents their reproduction and growth. It is found in avocados, herbs, lettuce, broccoli, watermelons, asparagus, nuts, garlic and cabbage.
Expert Advice:
- In the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed, it is necessary to wash and clean the skin with a tonic. After that, a moisturizer is applied to the skin, which is selected in accordance with the type of your skin.
- For washing and rubbing the skin, use decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage, succession). It is best to freeze them in ice molds and wipe their face with them in the morning or evening. The vegetable beneficial components that make up this composition will help eliminate inflammation and eliminate redness of the skin, soothe it. And the cold will narrow the widened pore openings.
- It is necessary to eat less spicy, salty, fatty, smoked food, adhere to the principles of a healthy diet.This will help the body recover and cleanse from the inside, which will have a beneficial effect not only on the condition of internal organs, but also on the appearance of the skin.
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We hope that the recommendations in this article will help you deal effectively with the problem of acne on your face. Over time, you can sincerely enjoy your own beauty and appearance.
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