How to clean your skin

The key to facial skin beauty is proper care and regular cleaning. How to cleanse your skin, how to determine your skin type and choose the right cleansers, how to help your skin regain its health and look well-groomed without spending extra time and procedures on procedures, we will tell you in detail in this article.
to contents ↑Why skin care?
Every woman dreams of looking good, always fresh and attractive. But, external factors, environment, UV - radiation, stress and bad habits mercilessly reflected on the skin of the face. Unfortunately, no makeup can give your face a healthy look.
Only properly selected facial skin cleansing and mask will return your face to its former freshness. It would be nice to go to the salon and resort to the services of specialists, but not always enough time, money or just laziness. But as they say, beauty requires sacrifice, so sacrifice an hour of your time for the benefit of the beauty of your face.
We offer you useful and effective ways to clean your face at home, as well as several folk recipes. Using the achievements of folk wisdom and natural remedies in cosmetology gives very good results.
to contents ↑Where to begin?
Knowing your skin is very important. The appropriate type of means and methods for caring for it will depend on this. There are 4 types of skin: oily, normal, dry and combination.
to contents ↑Important! To find out what type of skin you have, after you wake up in the morning, take a thin paper towel unfolded and blot it all over your face. If there is an extensive oily spot, then you have oily skin. If only in some areas of the face - combined, the napkin is dry - respectively, either normal or dry.
How to cleanse the skin at home?
And so you have decided on the type, let's proceed to the procedure. We cleanse the skin at home in three stages. The general rules for such a cosmetic procedure are as follows:
- Disclosure of pores. For a superficial cleaning of your type, choose a suitable skin product, wash thoroughly. But this is not enough for high-quality pore cleaning. This procedure only removes external dirt, and your skin requires a more “deep intervention”. Be sure to steam the skin with steam baths before you begin deep cleaning.
- Cleansing effect. Apply your chosen cleanser to the skin of the face and neck, whether it is a special cosmetic or prepared with your own hands. Stand the right amount of time. Rub gently if necessary - most often this method is used if the composition includes abrasive particles.
- Pore closure. Apply a mask. Rinse your face with cool water. Rub a moisturizer into your face and neck.
What is surface cleaning?
Every morning and evening you should start with cleansing your face, as even at night the sebaceous glands work, not to mention the fact that your skin is subject to the above factors during the day. For this:
- Apply cleansing cream or a special makeup remover.
- Leave for a while to dissolve the remainder of cosmetics and sebum.
- Wipe your face with a cotton swab soaked in the product.
- Rinse with warm water.
Important! If you have oily skin, use alcohol-based lotions, they remove excess fat, cleanse, disinfect skin, and narrow pores. For dry skin, on the contrary, choose a neutral product.
How to cleanse your skin with home remedies - recipes
If you adhere to the current modern trend - the use of exclusively natural and safe means, use proven folk remedies that quickly restore the attractiveness and freshness of your skin.
Method 1
The easiest way that does not require cost, since every housewife has the ingredients in the kitchen. Use soda, salt and soap suds. Proceed as follows:
- Take a small container.
- Mix in it in equal proportions finely ground salt and soda.
- In another container, make soap foam, you will need shaving foam, cosmetic soap or 72% laundry soap.
- Wash with warm water.
- Apply soap foam to your face.
- Dip your fingers in a mixture of salt and soda.
- With light massaging movements apply solo-soda slurry to the face.
- Pay more attention to problem areas, but avoid the area around the eyes.
- Leave on for 5-10 minutes.
- Rinse first with warm water and then cool.
- Wipe the skin with a tonic.
- Apply a moisturizer.
Important! This method is suitable for oily skin. When using this mask, the skin becomes dull and clean.
Method 2
- Pour a couple tablespoons of bran into a small container.
- Take 3% hydrogen peroxide.
- Mix the peroxide with the bran until the consistency of the slurry.
- Rinse your face with warm water so that it evaporates a little.
- Apply the mixture.
- Leave on for 10 minutes.
- Rinse with warm and cold water alternately.
Method 3
Use natural dairy products such as whey or yogurt. This mask has a slight whitening effect. In addition, an acidic environment that is very beneficial for the skin supplies the skin with vitamins and at the same time moisturizes it.
Recipe for oily skin:
- Pour a few tablespoons of yogurt in a small container and add 2 tbsp. l bran to gruel.
- Apply on face for a while, allow to soak.
- Rinse with warm water.
Important! Sour milk makes it possible to quickly whiten, remove age spots, eliminate redness and inflammation of the skin, sour milk products are very important for youth and beauty, they stimulate the production of collagen, and this slows down skin aging.
Method 4
This method is also suitable for oily skin:
- In any pharmacy, purchase alcohol tincture of calendula.
- Mix in equal parts tincture and mineral water.
- Apply daily as a lotion.
Method 5
The increased work of the sebaceous glands provokes the appearance of acne and acne. In this case, a cleansing mask for oily skin helps:
- Take one spoonful of oatmeal, honey, tea tree oil and one egg yolk.
- Mix.
- Apply gruel to problem areas.
- Leave on for 10-15 minutes.
- Rinse off the mask with warm and then cool water.
Method 6
This option is for different skin types. Proceed as follows:
- Brew oatmeal with boiling water, if you have dry skin - add a few drops of milk or olive oil.
- Add a few drops of lemon juice to the cooled gruel.
- Apply on face.
- Leave on for 10-15 minutes.
- Rinse with warm water.
Method 7
To make the skin look fresh and healthy, use black (white, pink, green, blue) clay. It can be purchased at any pharmacy. Clay has an elongating property, and if you notice small rashes after the cleansing procedure - do not be alarmed, this clay has pulled out stained impurities and toxins.
Use it this way:
- Dilute the clay with water to the consistency of sour cream.
- Apply the substance to the face.
- Massage by rubbing clay into the skin.
- Let it dry.
- Rinse the clay with water.
- Make a light scrub.
- Rinse with warm water.
Important! Instead of water, clay can be diluted with infusion of herbs.
Method 8
Use decoctions of medicinal herbs: celandine, chamomile, calendula, yarrow, St. John's wort, especially the most effective is a decoction of white lily leaves. Also use aloe juice, a plant that actually exists on every windowsill.
For this:
- Cut the oldest leaves of scarlet, it would be nice if they were perennial leaves.
- Leave them in the refrigerator for 7-10 days.
- Grind and squeeze the juice.
- Dilute in a ratio of 1: 5 with water.
- In a water bath, steam for 2-3 minutes.
- Allow to cool.
- Apply on face skin.
- Leave on for 10-15 minutes.
- Use a cotton swab to remove excess funds from the face.
Method 9
Use fruit acids. Enzymes that make up their composition have an exfoliating effect. That is why they are included in the composition of various cosmetics for skin care.
Important! Such products not only reduce the number of age spots, but also smooth out small scars and wrinkles, and all this thanks to the improvement of the metabolic process, which restores a healthy complexion, while the skin becomes soft and smooth. All this wealth is found in fruits, berries and vegetables.
Use any berry with an acidic environment in this way:
- Mash with a spoon until gruel.
- Apply the flesh around the face, avoiding areas around the eyes.
- Leave on for a few minutes, depending on the type of skin.
- Rinse with warm water.
Method 10
For dry skin, we offer a recipe with homemade mayonnaise made by hand:
- Pound the egg yolk with vegetable oil in a blender or mixer.
- Add a couple of spoons of sour cream.
- Apply on face skin.
- With light massaging movements rub into the skin of the face and neck.
- Rinse with warm water.
- Dry with a linen towel.
Important! This procedure is called “ambulance” - it is used if there is no time for more painstaking processes.
Method 11
Sauerkraut will come to your aid to rejuvenation. This is an indispensable source of vitamin C. It acts as a bleach, a nourishing and cleansing element.
To soften and soak tired skin, use a mask from a mixture of sauerkraut, cottage cheese and sour cream:
- Take 1 tsp. mix each ingredient.
- Apply the mask to your face.
- Leave for a while.
- Rinse with warm water.
If you have dry skin:
- Apply a mask of sauerkraut juice and raw egg yolk once a week.
- Add some olive oil to the egg and cabbage mixture.
- Leave on face for 10-15 minutes.
- Rinse with warm water.
Method 12
Use a mask with a buttock - this product has a vasodilating and exfoliating effect. Together with the mask, dead skin cells are washed off.
Important! If you have sensitive skin prone to irritation, it is not recommended to use body mask.
The principle of application:
- Mix bodyagi powder with 3% peroxide solution until sour cream.
- Apply a thin layer on the face.
- Wait 15 minutes.
- Rinse with warm water.
- Apply a moisturizer.
What are steam baths?
Under the influence of hot steam, the skin is cleansed, softens and moisturizes, becomes more elastic, blood supply and sweat glands work. Without steam baths, no deep cleaning is carried out.
Do it this way:
- If you do not have a special steamer, take a regular pan.
- Pour in it preferably purified or mineral water.
- Boil, add to it the collection of antiseptic herbs that you have at your fingertips, for example: chamomile, calendula, celandine, plantain, oregano, a series of lime flowers in a proportion of 1 tbsp. on 1 tbsp. water.
- Let it brew for about 10 to 20 minutes.
- Gather your hair in a bun or simply tie your head with a headscarf.
- Cover with your head above the steam.
- Determine the distance between the surface and you - it should not be less than 20 cm. Hot steam is dangerous - there can be a usual burn.
Important! Also use essential oils in steam baths - they beneficially affect both the skin and the general tone of the body.
How to thoroughly cleanse the skin at home?
It can be either a special cosmetic or mechanical facial cleansing.
To prepare a scrub for deep cleansing at home, you will need the remains of freshly ground natural coffee:
- In a small container, mix a couple of tablespoons of freshly ground coffee with 1 tbsp. l sour cream or yogurt.
- Apply gruel on the face.
- Massage your skin for 2-5 minutes.
- Hold your face over the water bath for 5-10 minutes.
- Rinse off the rest of the coffee with warm water.
- Wipe your hands with alcohol, and face skin with 3% hydrogen peroxide.
- Wrap the index fingers with a bandage or gauze to prevent infection during mechanical removal of acne.
- Proceed to remove the black dots.
- At the end of the procedure, wipe the skin with peroxide.
Important! Steam cleaning procedures are not recommended for people with bronchial asthma, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, in the presence of dermatoses, rosacea and excessive facial hairiness.
How to narrow pores after deep cleansing of the face?
Prepare oily skin lotion:
- Take a glass of tea leaves.
- Add 2 tbsp. l lemon juice or vodka.
Lotion for aging and oily skin:
- In 0.5 cups of boiled water, add 1 tbsp. l honey and lemon.
- Shuffle.
- Leave for a day.
- Use the resulting composition once a week.
- Apply on face skin.
- Leave on for 10 -20 minutes.
- Rinse with warm water.
Use decoctions of strawberries for dry skin:
- Take the dry leaves and berries of wild strawberries.
- Pour them with warm milk or water.
- Insist for about an hour.
- Strain.
- Add 1 tsp. glycerin.
- Use to clean dry skin in the morning and evening.
Milk nourishing tonics are very useful for dry skin:
- In the enamel bowl, put the flesh of 1 banana or orange.
- Add to it 1 tsp. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l powdered sugar.
- Mix all this with 1 cup of milk.
- Bring the mixture to a boil.
- Cool the mass.
- Apply gruel for 15-20 minutes.
- Wash with warm water.
Useful Tips
- Never go to bed with makeup on your face.
- Do not use low-quality decorative cosmetics.
- Use only cosmetics appropriate to your skin and age.
- Lead a healthy lifestyle.
- Take time to massage your face and neck.
- Pay attention to rest and sleep.
- Drink plenty of water, but not at night.
- After the cleansing procedure, always apply a moisturizer.
- Eat plenty of vitamins.
- Do not abuse fatty and fried foods.
- Do not drink a lot of carbonated liquids.
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Using our tips and you can easily maintain the elasticity, purity and whiteness of your face! Always maintain a good mood - positive emotions not only extend your life, but also reflect on the beauty of your skin.
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