How to clean a cat's plaid coat?

We all love animals, in particular cats and cats, because they are so cute, fluffy, with a rough tongue, so different - black, white, speckled and many, many others. But owners of cats or cats often encounter such a problem that the pile of their pets gets on bed, pillows, rugs, other places. You can hardly do something with their periodic molting. But how to reduce the amount of hair falling out as much as possible, how to clean the cat’s plaid from wool, you will find out here.
to contents ↑Get rid of pet hair
First, desired actions for caring for things will be described. And how to remove cat hair from bedding, you will learn later:
- First - the most important rule that you must follow - you need to bathe a cat with a special balm, comb it out more often. Also a good option would be to remove excess hair from the animal, stroking it with wet hands.
- Having a cat in the apartment, you need to regularly conduct wet cleaning. When cleaning, it is good to use a mop with a special nozzle that collects even small fibers.
- So that the pile from the pet does not get into the washing machine, the laundry should be cleaned with a special roller with adhesive tape before washing.
- Wool will not be in the air if you do wet cleaning more often, so that small fibers do not lie in the corners of the home.
We clean the bed and clothes
Even with daily cleaning, the pile of the animal will still appear, although not in such a plentiful amount. To clean the cat’s plaid from wool, you will have to perform additional steps during molting. Here are some tips on this subject:
- It is convenient to remove wool from clothes and bed linen with a roller with adhesive tape.
- Carpets, rugs, furniture can be cleaned with a special brush and wiped with a damp cloth, and then you can already vacuum it.
- Before washing, sweep your clothes with wet hands or a special roller, just like in the situation with the cat itself.
- Bedspreads, plaids before washing need to be vacuumed. When washing clothes in the machine, set the double rinse mode.
- Wool from a coat, trousers can be removed with a damp sponge. It is good to remove the pile and gloves from latex.
- Swipe a baby balloon on the carpet and rug. Static electricity will appear on the ball, as a result - the wool will gather in a lump. Sticky tape can clean small fibers from bedding.
- Try this way: first, shake the laundry properly - out the window or knock it out on the street, then put the laundry in the wash and add an antistatic agent.
- Try it at home and learn how to clean bedding from wool with the help of such a “gadget” - a rubber brush. She perfectly collects the pile that has crumbled from the pet from sofas and rugs. You can use such a tool more than once, so do not rush to throw it away after the first use.
- You cannot do without the use of technology in the 21st century. If you have the opportunity, buy a tumble dryer. Wool slides and settles on the filter, as a result - clean linen and clothes.
- Scotch. Yes, the most common scotch tape that is in every home. Just glue it with strips and remove the wool from any interior item or clothing that you need to clean.
- Try such a straightforward way - throw a foam sponge into the drum with the laundry, a certain amount of wool will stick into it.
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And finally, remember that you made this choice consciously, that is, you thought that there would be such small snags when the animal lives at your place. All of the above methods are not energy-consuming, and most do not require huge cash costs. There is always one more proven way - to take a thing to dry cleaning. We hope the article was useful and interesting for you.
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