How to clean a burnt enamel pan?

Almost every housewife was faced with the problem of burning food to the pan. This happens especially often if during the cooking process you had to get a little distracted by a phone call or an interesting post on a social network. In this article, we will share recommendations on how to clean a burnt enamel pan.
to contents ↑What might come in handy?
Most modern housewives, despite the extensive range of cookware with non-stick coating, prefer affordable and aesthetically attractive enameled pots. However, situations often arise that, for a moment, turning away from the stove, the hostess discovers food that is burnt tightly to the bottom of the vessel.
If such a nuisance happened to you, then you should not be upset and cook your favorite pan for ejection, because you can clean a burnt enameled pan using the following improvised means:
- salt;
- table vinegar;
- baking soda;
- Activated carbon;
- coffee grounds;
- lemon acid;
- sour apple;
- carbonated drinks;
- sour milk.
Depending on the available tools in your kitchen, you can choose the most practical solution to the question of how to clean the pan from burnt food at home.
to contents ↑The enameled pan burned - how to clean?
To return an enameled dish to its attractive appearance, use one of the following effective cleaning methods.
Salt is available in almost every kitchen, and so you do not have to look for it for a long time. But this particular product will help to quickly and efficiently clean the surface of a burnt pan. It should be used in the following way:
- Pour sodium chloride generously in place of the burnout.
- Pour a small amount of water into the pan.
- Let the dish stand in saline for 2-3 hours.
- Turn on hot water and wipe the area with a kitchen sponge.
Important! If traces of burns still remain at the bottom of your pan, you can get rid of them by boiling. To do this, it is enough to fill the vessel with 300 ml of water, into which about 50 g of salt should be added. Boil the resulting solution in a saucepan over low heat for 40 minutes, which will lead to a complete cleaning of the bottom and walls of the vessel.
Acetic acid
Table vinegar is one of the most effective and effective means to clean the enameled pan from the burnout. You can use it in one of the following ways:
- Pour the vinegar solution into the bottom of the pan so that the liquid completely covers the area of contamination. Leave the dishes in such a state to bite for 3 hours. During this time, a chemical reaction will take place, after which the remains of burnt food can be easily removed using a conventional dishwashing detergent.
- Pour clean water into the pan and add a small amount of vinegar to it, then put the bowl on a small fire. After a few minutes, you will be able to observe how particles of soot peel off the enameled surface. Residues can be cleaned with a kitchen sponge and a little physical effort.
Important! If there is no vinegar in your kitchen, you can replace it with citric acid or freshly squeezed lemon juice.In order for fresh lemon to give out more liquid, it should first be scalded in boiling water.
Baking soda
Soda is one of the universal cleaners that will help safely remove enamel from the bottom of the pan for an enamel coating. The following recommendations will help clean dishes from contamination:
- Pour a liter of clean water into the pan.
- Add about a glass of baking soda to the container.
- Bring the resulting solution to a boil.
- Boil the mixture over low heat over an hour.
- Remove the pan from the heat and let stand for another 2 hours.
- Pour the soda mixture and rinse the container with clean water.
Activated carbon
No matter how surprising it may sound, but in solving the problem: “an enameled pan burned - how to clean it?” A medicine like activated charcoal tablets will help you. To achieve the desired result, follow the following algorithm of actions:
- A pack of activated carbon from ten tablets must be carefully shredded until a uniform powder is formed.
- Pour the crushed coal onto the surface of the burnout.
- Wait about 15-20 minutes until the active substance enters into a chemical reaction with contamination.
- Add a little warm water to the pan and leave the dishes in this state for another 15-20 minutes.
- Rinse your favorite product with any cleaning agent.
Coffee grounds
If you are thinking about how to wash the pan from burnt milk, then the most effective remedy in this situation is coffee grounds. You can get this ingredient by drinking a cup of aromatic and delicious brewed coffee.
Do not discard the remaining thick at the bottom of the cup, but use it as follows:
- Apply the substance liberally to the surface of the dirt and rub thoroughly into the burnout.
- Leave the treated container for about an hour.
- Remove residue with a kitchen sponge.
Important! Sour milk also has an excellent cleansing effect, which is enough to fill the place of the burn-in at night. In the morning, just wash the pan in the way that is familiar to you.
Carbonated drinks
Carbonated drinks such as Coca-Cola or Sprite are very popular among children and adults. However, not every consumer of this product knows that it can be used with advantage in the economy. No matter how surprising it may sound, it is carbonated drinks that will help you in deciding how to clean the pan from the burnout.
To get the best possible result, use the fluid as follows:
- Pour soda into a dirty pan.
- On a small fire, bring the contents of the container to a boil.
- Boil a pot of carbonated drink for 30-40 minutes.
to contents ↑Important! For minor contamination, it is sufficient to fill the burn-in area with a carbonated drink and leave it in this position for about an hour.
How else can I clean a burnt enameled pan?
If the contamination on your enameled pan is very strong or the above cleaning methods did not give the desired result, then whiteness will help to cope with the burnout.
Use a chemical according to the following instructions:
- Fill the pan with cold water.
- Add to the tank 1 tbsp. a spoon of white.
- Leave the container with the resulting solution for a day.
- We pour out the liquid and twice boil the pan with clean water.
to contents ↑Important! Boil and rinse the dishes thoroughly in clean water, because this will help get rid of the remnants of the chemical and eliminate the possibility of it getting into food.
Useful Tips
If you want to keep the attractive appearance of your enameled pots for a long time, then you should adhere to the following recommendations regarding their use:
- Pour water into the dishes you just bought and, putting on fire, let the liquid boil. After removing the pan from the fire, do not pour out the liquid, but let the product cool.Thus, you harden the enamel before using it again.
- Remember that enameled dishes are afraid of sudden temperature changes, so it is not recommended to put an empty pan on the hot surface of the stove.
- Cold water cannot be poured into a heated bowl, as this can lead to cracking of enamel and further burning of food in damaged areas.
- Do not subject enamel pans to mechanical shock.
to contents ↑Stock footage
In this article, we shared with you effective methods for cleaning burnt enameled pots and sincerely hope that these recommendations will help return your dishes to their former aesthetic appeal and functionality.
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