How to clean the silicone case?

Electronic gadgets are no longer a tribute to fashion, not the desire to stand out from the crowd with new technology, but the urgent need of everyone in the century of extensive and accessible information. But despite the fact that phones and tablets are made with protective coatings from durable materials, any mechanical impact - shock, drop, affects the functionality and operability of the device. Very few people want to spend a lot of money on protection, and the gadget should still look decent and solid. Therefore, most often, owners of cheap and expensive trendy phone models get silicone-based cases. And over time, the result inevitably raises the question of how to clean the silicone case. This is what we will deal with in this article.

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How to wash a silicone case?

Silicone in its qualities is a very strong, flexible, durable material, resistant to any impact. Nevertheless, grabbing the first tool that came to hand in order to clean the silicone case for the phone is still not worth it.

Important! Depending on the color and responsibility of the manufacturer of the protective equipment for your gadget, the case can withstand even the use of “Domestos” or crumble into dust even after using soap with a high alkali content.
It is impossible to predict the development of events in this case - everything is checked only empirically in practice. Therefore, start cleaning your cover with less aggressive means.

For this purpose fit:

  • stationery eraser;
  • wet hand wipes;
  • acetone-free nail polish remover;
  • soap, washing liquid for dishes;
  • isopropyl alcohol;
  • borax;
  • Toothpaste;
  • soda;
  • citric acid or juice.


Important! To make the work more convenient, arm yourself with comfortable sponges, clean rags, a soft toothbrush.

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How to clean the silicone case?

Cleaning a silicone case is not so difficult, even if it is thoroughly worn and covered with stains of incomprehensible origin. When using any of the above tools, you do not have to spend a lot of time, because almost all of them are excellent bleaches and universal cleaners.

So, how to clean the silicone case from dirt at home:

  1. Use an eraser for local small pollution - just gently rub them with problem areas.
  2. Wet wipes for hands can also give a very unexpected result of absolute cleanliness if the cover is not covered with cracks and just covered with a slight coating.
  3. Lemon juice, dishwashing detergent or soap - here prepare a weakly concentrated solution with warm water and soak the cover for 30-60 minutes. Be guided by the degree of contamination of the material. If the result is not very impressed with you, add a bit of borax to the solution and repeat soaking.
  4. Alcohol, nail polish remover - it’s still undesirable to soak in such products; it’s better not to affect them for long. Therefore, take a cotton pad, moisten in the tool that you have, and gently wipe the entire cover, starting from the most problematic places.
  5. Soda is used in the form of pulp made from powder and water. Apply it for a while on the surface of the material, leave it for 20 minutes, rub the silicone with a soft-bristled toothbrush and rinse thoroughly with clean water.Toothpaste is used in a similar way, but you don’t need to cook it already - just apply and wipe the contaminated cover with the product.
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How to clean the silicone case?

There are a lot of recommendations for cleaning protection for an electronic gadget today. Including on the Internet it is advised to use any household chemicals for cleaning carpets, plumbing from rust, chlorinated mixtures.

Do not rush to do all this. From such exposure, silicone may turn yellow, lose its strength, flexibility, and become cloudy if the cover is transparent. Especially if you bought protection for your phone cheaply and without warranty. Better - once again make it easier to soak, you can slightly increase the washing time, for sure the second time all the dirt will go away.

Important! You can not use any rough abrasive materials - sponges, brushes made of metal, knives and other sharp objects.

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As you have already seen, cleaning a silicone case is an easy task. Therefore, you just have to allocate time for this and put it in order so that your phone has an appearance to suit you - solid, fashionable, attractive.


