How to clean a pan of old soot?

Each of you at home has pans or other cutlery items that are covered with soot. Faced with this problem, housewives often ask themselves a question, how to clean a pan of old soot? We will help you in solving this issue, as well as give some useful tips.

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The advantages of folk methods

Expensive industrial substances that allow you to wash the dishes, even if there is old fat or soot on it, it is not always convenient to use. Someone will be confused by the cost, because old fat needs to be washed off not so often, and the purchase of a whole package of expensive substance for washing a frying pan in the singular does not always seem to be a very practical solution.

In addition, young children can live in the house, and it is for their safety and integrity that it is not recommended to use potent household chemicals to clean the pan of old soot and fat. At the same time, representatives of the older generation react extremely negatively to industrial detergents, giving preference to cheaper, effective and safe folk methods.

If for some reason special cleaning products are not suitable for you, do not rush to send your dishes for disposal. There are effective methods that do not require you significant time, as well as funds.


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We clean carbon deposits from dishes - the most effective methods

Before you clean the dishes from deposits of old fat at home, look at what you have available in the medicine cabinet and in the kitchen. Most of the tools are suitable in order to successfully solve the problem.

Citric Acid and Soda

These components can be found in every kitchen. They are incredibly effective and at the same time absolutely safe for children, as well as for adults.

To clean the dishes from the deposits of old fat at home:

  1. Wet contaminated dishes with warm water.
  2. Sprinkle the entire surface with a mixture that contains the same volume of citric acid and baking soda.
  3. Wait a few minutes for this mixture to react with fats.
  4. After that, remove everything with a damp cloth.
  5. Wash your kitchen utensils in the usual way.

Mustard powder

Mustard is suitable for removing even the most persistent old fat, and that is why it is valued so highly by the older generation.

There are several ways to clean dishes from grease, soot using this powder:

  1. In the event that you need to get rid of pollution on the surface of the pan, preheat it on a stove so that the fat melts. Then - pour it and wipe the surface of the pan with dry mustard powder. After 15-20 minutes, rinse the pan that you cleaned with plenty of cool water.
  2. If it is not a frying pan that is contaminated, but another kitchen utensil, soak it in a solution of mustard. In order to do this, place the dirty dishes in a deep container, fill it to the top with water, and then add a small amount of mustard solution. In this state, leave the dishes for 30-40 minutes, and then wash them in the usual way. Fat will be removed with ease.

Salt and table vinegar

If you have only these products in your possession or if you have already tried them for other purposes of cleaning various surfaces, feel free to use them and confirm their effectiveness with your practice. In this case, in order to clean the pan of old soot, the actions will be as follows:

  1. Poured into the bottom of the pan 2 tbsp. l salt and exactly the same amount of ordinary table 9% acetic acid.
  2. If this mixture does not cover the entire bottom surface, add an additional amount of each of the components, observing the specified proportion.
  3. Place the pan on the stove and heat it until the mixture has completely and completely evaporated.
  4. After you have done this, wash your skillet using water and ordinary detergent.

Table vinegar and soda:

  1. Mix baking soda in equal proportions with ordinary 9% table vinegar.
  2. Please note that a chemical reaction will begin to develop immediately, after which a paste forms.
  3. With it, you will need to treat the entire contaminated surface, and then leave the dishes to be cleaned in this condition for 20-25 minutes.
  4. After - you can easily remove all dirt with the hard side of the dish sponge.
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How to clean an old cast iron skillet?

If you use a long-standing cast-iron frying pan, but you are not going to change it to modern analogues, proceed in the following ways to clear the pan of old carbon deposits.

Soap and glue:

  1. Rub the soap on a coarse grater - so it dissolves faster in water, and then - more quickly fulfill its purpose.
  2. Pour to the top a large container in which your cast-iron frying pan fits easily.
  3. Bring the water to a boil, and then add soap shavings and a small can of glue.

Important! Glue can use PVA.

  1. Then reduce the heat to medium and mix thoroughly until the soap is completely dissolved.
  2. Put a frying pan in your bowl, which boil for 2-3 hours.

Important! If the pollution is very old, you can continue boiling and much longer.

  1. After time, wash the pan with a metal sponge, as well as ordinary detergent for dishes.

Important! As a result of boiling in a solution of glue and soap, the carbon will soften and peel off the surface of the pan will be easy.

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How to clean dishes with ceramic coating?

Ceramic-coated cookware is the safest and most convenient for cooking a variety of foods. Some housewives have long replaced all cast-iron kitchen utensils with it.

Important! Such products are easy to wash, food does not burn to its surface, and they are safe for health.

But despite all these advantages, a light ceramic coating suffers quite often due to burnt fat, and this happens due to the carelessness of the housewives or untimely washing of this dishware.


Important! Do not use abrasive powders to clean dishes that have Teflon and ceramic coating.

Method 1

It is possible to clean the ceramic pan from burnt fat with alcohol:

  1. There is no need to choose a stiff brush or a sponge, just rub the brown greasy stains with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol and they will disappear right before your eyes.
  2. In the event that you did not succeed in getting rid of these spots right away, put an alcohol wool on your spot and wait for 10 minutes. This method perfectly helps to quickly eliminate light pollution.

Method 2

If you turned away for a few minutes, you didn’t follow, and in a frying pan that has a ceramic coating, sauce or pancake burned in, alcohol will not help in this case.

Here, proceed as follows:

  1. First pour water on the bottom of the pan and place it on the gas.
  2. Boil water for 10-15 minutes.
  3. After boiling, as a rule, carbon deposits can be easily removed with a soft sponge.

Important! If this method does not help, add a bag of citric acid to the water, but do not use soda in any case.

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How to clean an aluminum skillet?

When comparing an aluminum skillet with a cast-iron skillet, an aluminum skillet is softer and more tender due to the peculiarities of the component composition of the alloy. In the process of preparation, aluminum is quickly covered with a layer of brown carbon deposits, which spoils the appearance, and is also dangerous to human health.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to clean it with a grinder or a hard brush.

There are two ways to clean a pan from an old carbon deposit, if it is made of aluminum.

  • glowing;
  • digestion or boiling.

Digestion and boiling

You can boil aluminum objects in a solution of glue, soap and soda. Evaluate the degree of contamination of the pan itself: if the pan has been used for several years and a thick layer of old and burned fat has formed on it, then the only way to clean it is to boil it:

  1. Pour 300 g of sodium chloride into 10 liters of water.
  2. Place the pan in the resulting solution so that it is completely covered with water.
  3. Boil for several hours, then it will be cleaned both outside and inside.


  1. The second way to save your aluminum skillet is to heat the sand in it: Pour sand into your skillet so that the walls are covered to the top.
  2. Heat it on a gas stove and leave it for several hours.

Important! After the specified time, you will be surprised, because black soot will spill out with the sand. However, this method will help eliminate burnout only from the inside.

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We are sure that we have helped you sort out such a difficult issue as removing grease and old soot from pans of various types, and our tips and tricks will be really useful for you. Use them and let your dishes always be beautiful and pleasant, convenient for cooking!


