How to clean the plates of yellow plaque?

Every housewife knows firsthand how difficult it is to keep kitchen surfaces, utensils and accessories clean. But it is precisely because of the state of the dishes that most judge the cleanliness of a woman. In this article, we will share with you effective and simple recommendations on how to clean and bleach old dishes and plates from yellow plaque, which eventually forms even on their back side.

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Causes of yellowing on dishes

Why does the tableware turn yellow and how to clean it to a shine? Faced with the problem of how to wash dishes from yellow plaque, most housewives ask a logical question: what is the reason for its appearance and how to clean dishes without ruining the picture and not scratching the surface? In addition, many women are trying to understand, but is it mold and what harm can such dirt do to human health?

In fact, yellowness sooner or later appears on any dishes, and there are several main reasons for this pollution:

  • the use of hard water, which usually comes from urban water systems;
  • low-quality detergents;
  • lack of hot water, which leads to natural problems with fat removal;
  • rush when washing dishes, which, undoubtedly, affects the quality of this procedure.

But still, the question of how to clean the plates of yellow plaque does not lose its relevance. Of course, thorough washing of all kitchen utensils with a powerful agent from well-known manufacturers will help you cope with the problem. However, there are also a number of tried and tested folk methods that will give a result no worse.

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What might come in handy?

To clean the dishes from yellow plaque and frozen fat, you may need the following substances, which are likely to be in the kitchen:

  • Baking soda.
  • Lemon acid.
  • Table vinegar.
  • Mustard Powder.

Also, do not forget to prepare auxiliary equipment, which includes kitchen sponges and a basin with clean water.

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Folk ways to remove yellow plaque from plates

Today, many housewives prefer to minimize the use of household chemicals, giving preference to effective, cost-effective, and most importantly - safe for people's health methods. Here are those that will help you quickly and completely remove the yellowness from the plates.

Method number 1 - Soaking in soda solution

To quickly remove traces of old grease from the surface of the plates, the dishes should be soaked in a hot cleaning solution, which is prepared according to the following instructions:

  1. Large capacity is filled with clean, hot water.
  2. For each liter of water in the pan, 3 tbsp is added. l soda.
  3. Dishes coated with unpleasant plaque are immersed in the container for an hour.
  4. After the specified time, the plates are removed from the soda solution, thoroughly cleaned with a kitchen sponge and washed under warm water.

Important! The most effective breakdown of fat is carried out in hot water, so you should maintain the temperature of the solution by adding boiling water. You can also enhance the effect of the cleaning composition due to the small amount of helium dishwashing detergent.

Method number 2 - Cleaning with citric or acetic acid

Acetic or citric acid, which is likely to be found in every kitchen, will help you in deciding how to clean the plates on the reverse side. To achieve the desired result, use one of the proposed tools according to the following algorithm:

  1. Gently apply acid to the back of the plate.
  2. Wait for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Wash the dishes thoroughly with a kitchen sponge with the usual detergent.
  4. Rinse plates in warm running water.


Method number 3 - baking soda

The white powder known to each mistress will help in the fight against unpleasant plaque on plates - soda. This substance is likely to be found in every kitchen, because the scope of its application is surprisingly wide. To achieve the desired cleaning result, follow these instructions:

  1. Moisten dirty dishes with plenty of warm water, and better - soak for a while in sufficient volumes of the basin.
  2. Apply baking soda to the kitchen sponge, clean the problem areas with a cleaning agent.
  3. Thoroughly rinse contaminated dishes under warm running water.

Important! By its cleaning properties, soda is in no way inferior to today's popular chemical compounds. But it is known for its environmental friendliness and safety for human health.

Method number 4 - Mustard powder

At first glance, it may seem that with the help of mustard it is almost impossible to clean the dishes from the frozen fat and the residue left over from it. However, it was mustard powder that has been used for many generations as an effective, and most importantly, safe detergent.

To achieve the highest quality result, mustard powder is recommended to be used as follows:

  1. Place unpleasantly coated dishes in a large container.
  2. To the top, fill the basin with warm water, where add some mustard powder.
  3. Leave the cookware in this condition for 30-40 minutes.
  4. After the specified time, wash the dishes in the usual way.
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Useful Tips

Although all the popular ways to clean dishes at home and involve the use of health-friendly improvised means, but still when using them you should follow the basic safety rules:

  1. Using any of these products, protect your skin with rubber gloves. They will help prevent allergic reactions and irritating effects of acids.
  2. To quickly get rid of the pungent odor of the substances used, before starting cleaning procedures, open the window of the kitchen window.
  3. To use folk remedies, it is best to take a new sponge or use a tool that you will not need in the future.
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In this article, we shared with you effective and simple recommendations on how to clean the plates from yellow plaque, and sincerely hope that in the future your dishes will delight you with their cleanliness.

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