How to clean iron from burnt cloth at home?

Almost every housewife was faced with the task of how to clean burnt synthetics from the iron, because a similar problem often arises in the process of ironing washed clothes. The cause of tissue burning may be the incorrectly set temperature of the device, which leads to the formation of an unpleasant coating on the ironing surface. In this article, we will share useful recommendations and tips on how to clean the iron from burnt fabric at home.

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Types of Iron Soles

To figure out how to clean the iron at home from burnt cloth, it is necessary to clarify what material the ironing surface of the damaged device is made of. In the modern market of household appliances, you can find ironing equipment with the following types of soles:

  1. Teflon coating is a durable and resistant to mechanical damage coating. Despite its ease of use, cleaning such a sole requires the use of special tools and considerable effort.
  2. The aluminum ironing surface is prone to minor scratches and mechanical damage, and therefore often burns to the textile surface.
  3. Ceramic sole is one of the most popular coatings of the iron, which requires gentle care and regular cleaning using products that do not contain abrasive substances.
  4. Stainless steel is a fairly unpretentious material that is protected from mechanical damage and rust.
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Causes of pollution

To understand how to wash the iron from burnt fabric and prevent the appearance of a similar problem in the future, you need to find out and analyze the main causes of this kind of pollution:

  • scale, which can be seen on the sole of most models of irons when using the steam function using tap water;
  • prolonged interaction of the heated sole of the device with products made of artificial fabrics;
  • the contact of the iron with adhesive or resinous substances that, when heated, begin to adhere to the surface of the sole.

Important! Frequent interaction of these factors can lead not only to pollution, but also to damage to the ironing surface, and accordingly - significantly reduce its sliding properties.

Categorical prohibition

To iron things with a dirty or faulty iron is not safe, because such a procedure can forever ruin their appearance. This rule is especially relevant when caring for white and bright things. If the pollution located on the sole of the device, under the influence of high temperature, is “soldered” to your favorite jacket, then it will be practically impossible to clean it.

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How to clean a burnt iron?

To clean the ironing surface from traces of burnt matter at home, you can use one of the following tools.

Cleaning pencil

Surely every housewife at least once heard about such a special tool for cleaning ironing devices as a wax pencil. You can buy this tool to clean the iron from burnt clothes in almost any hardware store.

To achieve the highest quality results of cleaning procedures, use a pencil according to the following instructions:

  1. Preheat the soleplate to the highest possible temperature.
  2. Unplug the equipment from the power supply.
  3. Take the iron to a well-ventilated area, such as a balcony or loggia, carefully treat the surface of the sole.
  4. Wait for your appliance to cool completely.
  5. Wipe the ironing surface with a clean cotton cloth.

So that the sole of your ironing equipment is perfectly clean and smooth, this procedure can be repeated several times until the result completely satisfies you.

Important! During the cleaning process, you can notice the appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor - this is normal in the chemical reaction of melting a wax pencil.


It is possible to get rid of pollution on an ironing surface by means of acetic acid.

Important! Melted textile material can get into the holes intended for steam supply, therefore, it is almost impossible to get rid of such contaminants mechanically without damaging the device.

You can restore the condition of the ironing surface according to the following instructions:

  1. Dilute a solution of table vinegar with clean water in a ratio of 1: 2.
  2. On the ironing board, spread a cotton cloth pre-moistened in the prepared solution, which slightly exceeds the size of the working surface.
  3. Place a slightly heated and unplugged iron on a damp cloth.
  4. After a few minutes, wipe the sole of the household appliance with a clean cloth.

After cleaning according to the above instructions, you can enjoy the perfect cleanliness and attractiveness of the sole of your iron.ytug_03

Lemon acid

The use of citric acid, which can be purchased at any grocery store, will help to quickly and efficiently clean the ironing surface of the iron. To achieve the desired cleaning result, follow the instructions for use of the cleaning composition:

  1. Prepare a cleaning solution by adding a teaspoon of citric acid to a glass of purified water.
  2. Stir thoroughly the prepared cleaning compound.
  3. Fill the water compartment approximately halfway with liquid.
  4. Turn on the device in steaming mode.
  5. Alternate 10 seconds of steaming several times with a 15 second break.
  6. After the cleaning procedure, wipe the cold sole of the iron with a damp sponge or a soft cloth.

Nail polish remover

Acetone-free nail polish remover will help you clean the traces of synthetic fabric burnt to the ironing surface. To achieve the desired result, adhere to the following instructions for cleaning procedures:

  1. Soak a cotton swab with nail polish remover.
  2. Apply detergent to the dirty surface of a cold iron.
  3. Adhered tissue can easily be removed from the surface of the device.
  4. After cleaning, wipe the soleplate with a soft, dampened cloth or sponge.

Paraffin candle

Remove contamination from burnt fabric from the sole of the iron with a paraffin wax.

Important! The effectiveness of this tool is not inferior to special cleaning products, and therefore is very popular among experienced housewives.

To achieve the desired cleaning results, follow the following procedure:

  1. Wrap a regular candle in a piece of clean cotton cloth.
  2. Heat the surface of the iron to maximum temperature.
  3. Unplug the iron.
  4. Spread a clean cloth under the surface of the iron.
  5. Wipe the ironing surface with a pre-prepared paraffin candle.

Important! When cleaning the working surface of the iron, the device must be tilted so that the molten paraffin flows down the surface.

  1. Clean the cleaned surface with a damp cloth.

Important! If the iron is equipped with a steam treatment function, use it to remove any residual dirt from the openings on the work surface.

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Helpful hints:

  1. You can clean the device using cotton swabs that are wetted in the selected cleaning agent.
  2. After each ironing, carefully wipe the surface of the iron with an acetic solution.
  3. Avoid using cleaning powders and other abrasive products, which may leave micro-scratches on the sole of the iron, contributing to more frequent burning of the fabric.
  4. Strong contamination can be removed by scraping the burn with the help of improvised wooden objects, such as a ruler.
  5. Delicate fabrics made from synthetic materials are best ironed through wet gauze.
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In this article, you learned about several effective ways to clean burnt synthetics from an iron. Remember them, so that the next time you find yourself in a similar situation, you can act quickly.


