How to purify water at home without a filter?

Water is the most precious gift of nature that provides life on Earth. Yes, water is not an accidental guest on Earth, it is an active creator of our planet, one of the main “building materials” of any living organism, including the human one. However, pure water is not always available to us.

On the way from the well or source to the consumer, the water is polluted, mechanical and biological impurities appear, as well as chloride compounds. Therefore, one of the main questions for residents of megacities was how to purify tap water at home, making it suitable for consumption.

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Methods of home water treatment

Our body is 80% water. It's no secret that a person can live for several weeks without food, but only a few days without water. It is necessary not less than 3.8 liters of water per day per person, so that he feels cheerful, energetic, healthy. Metabolism, immunity, microflora, skin condition and even mental health depend on the quality of the water we use. Often we spend a lot of money on water cleaning using filters, but there are many simple ways to purify water at home without any special costs.

Stone cleaning

Let's start with the oldest way that dirty water can be cleaned. In ancient times, people noticed that the water in the springs passing through the stones - streams, mountain waterfalls, becomes cleaner. One of the most healing was silicon.

To purify water, you need to buy silicon in a pharmacy at the rate of 10g per 5 liters of water. Then apply it like this:

  1. Rinse the stone under warm running water.
  2. Put on the bottom of the container and fill with cold water to the top.
  3. Cover with gauze and keep away from direct sunlight.
  4. After two days, drain it into a clean dish, leaving a 3-5 cm layer of sediment from salts and heavy metals in the jar.
  5. The container and the stone should be thoroughly washed, you can even brush it.

No less popular is the method of cleaning shungite. You can buy it in eco-shops, pharmacies, or order online. To clean water at home without a filter with this stone, follow these rules:

  1. A clean stone is placed in the container and poured with water at room temperature (100 g of shungite per 1 liter of water).
  2. No need to cover the container.
  3. After an hour, you can drink purified liquid, to get healing shungite water, you should wait 2-3 days.

Important! Shungite water is contraindicated in case of neoplasms (benign and malignant), thrombosis, and exacerbations of any diseases.

Silver cleaning

Our ancestors knew very well about the healing properties of silver. Silver dishes and cutlery were not only the decoration of the table, but also the protection of food and drink from pollution. The silver cross, lowered into the water, not only sanctified, but also cleansed it.

Later, it was proved by science that silver ions are a natural filter from various bacteria.

At home, we can use a silver spoon or coin. It is enough to lower them into a container of water for 10-12 hours.

Important! Never use colloidal (liquid) silver. It has the property of accumulating in the body, which leads to poisoning and severe illness “argyrosis”.

Activated Carbon Cleaning

One of the cheapest and most affordable methods is filtering water through activated carbon.To do this, you will need gauze (wide bandage), cotton wool and activated carbon tablets.

From these items we will make a home filter of three layers:

  • the first layer is cotton wool wrapped in gauze;
  • the second layer is crushed activated carbon wrapped in several layers of gauze;
  • the third layer is cotton and gauze again.

Place all three layers in a watering can or colander. By passing water through this filter, you can clean dirty water from mechanical impurities and neutralize unpleasant odors.

Boiling and settling

An elementary way that even a child can cope with is to uphold:

  1. Just draw water into a jar and leave it for 12 hours.
  2. Then pour it into another dish without shaking, to prevent the sediment from rising up.

Important! This method guarantees the purification of water at home without a filter from large suspended particles (rust, sand).

The settled water can also be boiled. We constantly see traces of boiling on the walls of teapots and pots in the form of rocky deposits with heavy metals and chloride compounds.

Important! Constantly drinking only boiled water is harmful, as it is “dead water”. It flushes beneficial minerals out of the body.


One of the most effective ways to purify water from chlorine is freezing:

  1. Pour in a container (not glass) of water and place in the freezer. Best for this are plastic food containers.
  2. We do not fill it with water to the very top, since when freezing, the volume of liquid increases.
  3. When the contents of the container are half frozen, remove the ice and drain the liquid (it contains harmful impurities of iron salts and heavy metals).
  4. Melt the ice - this will be purified water.

Important! You can also wipe the skin with cubes of such ice, which will contribute to cell rejuvenation, elasticity and a healthy complexion.

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Folk ways of cleansing

Sometimes it’s worth recalling the grandmother’s methods, proven over the centuries:

  1. If you put a bunch of mountain ash in a vessel with water, it will not only cleanse, but also make it a vitamin drink.
  2. To clean water at home without a filter, you can take the bark of willow, willow, oak and beech. They contain tannins, vitamins that will allow you to protect yourself from poisoning.
  3. Do not forget about the healing power of birch, because it was not without reason that the Slavs made baskets for berries and tuyeski for honey from its bark, which prevented the fermentation process and kept the food fresh for a long time.

Important! Remember that according to popular beliefs over the water you can not pronounce bad words, curse, spit in it. In this case, you charge it with negative energy, which will not be the best way to reflect on your health. Even if you are very doubtful of such statements, you are unlikely to want to risk it, because no one has proved the opposite.

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We hope that we have helped you figure out how to purify water at home and make it healthy without a lot of money. Drink clean water, always be in a good mood and enjoy life as much as possible!


