How to purify water?

Water is the most unique solvent. About 70 elements of the Mendeleev’s periodic system can be found in it: in the largest amount — chlorine, magnesium, sodium, calcium, bromine, carbon, strontium, potassium, boron. According to most scientists, this composition reduces the life expectancy of 10-15 years, so the question of how to purify water at home is very relevant today, because 60% of all harmful substances enter the body not with anything, but with water .
to contents ↑Upholding
Even a simple sedimentation improves the properties of the liquid and allows you to purify the water with minimal effort. The fact is that tap water is usually chlorinated to destroy the pathogens that are present in the pipes.
Important! Chlorine is such a strong bactericidal substance that even the causative agent of the plague can be defeated by it, because it is not in vain that we defend water for aquariums and watering indoor plants, but we rarely do this for ourselves.
During sedimentation, chlorine and ammonia are removed from the water, and the salts and colloidal solutions present sink to the bottom. If you perform this procedure, you probably noticed that unpleasant slippery deposits and rust appear on the walls and bottom of the dishes, and we use this inside if we do not clean the water before use!
How to purify water by sedimentation:
- Carry out the procedure for at least 8 hours (the first 3-4 hours volatile impurities will evaporate from the water, and in the next hours, salts of heavy metals will settle).
- Use cookware without a lid for this procedure.
- At the end, pour ¾ of settled water in a clean dish for personal use, and the rest into the sewer.
Boiling water cleanses it not only of pathogens, but also of insoluble calcium salts, which are deposited on the walls of the kettle. Boil the water for 10-15 minutes, no less, and at best we bring the liquid to a boil.
Important! The disadvantage of this method is that with prolonged boiling of chlorinated water, chloroform is formed - a known carcinogen that causes cancer. In addition, when boiling water, its volume decreases, which means that the concentration of salts soluble in it, including salts of heavy metals, increases. Insoluble salts do not completely remain on the walls of the kettle, and therefore a certain amount is still present in the water in the form of a suspension.
It should be borne in mind that at a temperature of 100C not all viruses die, therefore, complete purification of water with this method should not be expected.
You can cook in boiled water, but to drink it you still need to neutralize. To do this, we recommend:
- To 5 l of boiled water add 0.5 g of ascorbic acid.
- Stir thoroughly and leave water for 1 hour.
- Instead of ascorbic acid, fruit juice can be used: dark red, red, or burgundy (add juice until a light pink color appears, and then leave the solution for 1 hour).
to contents ↑Important! You need to add natural juice, and not a substitute from the bags, then you really can clean the water.
A great way to purify water from iron and get rid of salts of heavy metals is to freeze it. After defrosting, a lot of energy will be released from the water, which can saturate the tissues and cells of the body.The main thing is to carry out this procedure correctly:
- Take any suitable utensils (not a bottle, not a glass jar, but preferably transparent).
- Fill the container with water, not reaching 1-2 cm to the edge (when freezing, the volume of water increases).
- Place the container in the freezer or in the cold for several hours.
- As soon as the water freezes by half, make a hole in the ice and drain the remaining water (the freezing temperature of pure water is 0 C, and the salt solutions are much lower, so salt will remain in the not frozen water).
- Melt the remaining ice and use it for cooking and drinking.
Important! It is impossible to use frozen water constantly, since a person needs a certain amount of salts. If you use “living” water, then add a little salt to it.
The method of freezing, of course, is far from perfect, but nevertheless it is accessible and simple. Freshly thawed water obtained from snow and ice has unique therapeutic properties:
- With its use, recovery processes are accelerated.
- Such water increases muscle performance and has anti-allergic properties, it is used for bronchial asthma, stomatitis and itchy dermatitis of an allergic nature.
The method of filtering water is now quite affordable, as there are many types and types of filters on sale, and their prices vary widely. When buying a filter, pay attention to its main characteristic: how many liters of water can be cleaned with it.
Important! When filtering water at home with capacitive filters, do not forget to change them in time, since the harmful components accumulated in the filter will go to the water to be purified, and as a result, the water will not be purified, but, on the contrary, will become even more harmful.
If you want to purify water at home in this way, then buy a multi-level filter. Water with such filtering is first cleaned of mechanical impurities, chlorine, precipitation, colloidal solutions and iron oxides, and then, thanks to the reverse osmosis membrane of the filter, bacteria and viruses are removed from the liquid.
to contents ↑Important! A multi-level filter purifies water by 99%. Water after such purification is close in composition to spring water.
Activated Carbon Cleaning
Water filter manufacturers make extensive use of activated carbon. This tool not only eliminates unpleasant odors of impurities, but also adsorbs most harmful substances.
The method of using activated carbon is very simple and at the same time will cost you cheaply:
- Make cheesecloth or cotton candy.
- Pack 5 tablets of activated carbon in them.
- Place the product on the bottom of the dishes with water.
- By morning, the water will already be cleared.
Mineral Cleaning
If you're looking for interesting ways to purify water at home, try using minerals.
This is a very useful mineral, you can buy it in pharmacies. They say it heals 100 diseases. Silicon not only disinfects water, but also nourishes it with beneficial properties. At the same time, the water does not deteriorate for a long time and becomes very tasty.
Important! This stone is called an element of youth and beauty. It rejuvenates the skin, strengthens blood vessels, provides beauty to hair, teeth, nails. Aging, to a large extent, is associated with a decrease in the silicon content in the body. People with a lack of silicon, as a rule, are irritable, have an increased sensitivity to noise, they find it difficult to concentrate, and they often have a feeling of hopelessness.
The healing effects of silicon water:
- promotes rapid healing of wounds and burns;
- strengthens the immune system;
- normalizes blood sugar and cholesterol;
- rejuvenates and cleanses the skin;
- supports the process of bone restoration;
- provides vascular elasticity;
- enhances hair and nail growth.
To obtain silicon water:
- Wash the pieces of mineral well.
- Put it in a suitable container.
- Fill with water.
- Infuse water on silicon for at least 24 hours (better than 48).
- Drain the purified water into a closed vessel.
- Wash the mineral and fill it with a new portion of water.
Important! You can use such water for any purpose. In the absence of silicon, insist water on earthen pear (Jerusalem artichoke), the mineral content in it is 8%.
Mountain quartz
Indian yogis considered him the most harmonious of all existing crystals. They revered him as a conductor of the pure energy of the Cosmos. It has been established that mountain quartz is easily tuned to the frequency of vibration of the human body. The crystals of the mineral create such an energy stream that is able to cleanse the negative, sick energy and at the same time give a powerful charge of healing power.
Important! Quartz was part of the arsenal of ancient healers, and it was also used by Tibetan llamas. Nowadays, quartz is called a crystal of the 21st century, and the water purified by this mineral is considered a new generation of water.
When interacting with quartz, the water in its chemical composition approaches the standard - the water of mountain glacial sources. It facilitates the transport of nutrients to the cells of the body and removes toxins. After all, everyone knows that the highlanders are famous for their longevity, possibly due to the use of melt ice water.
Water purified on mountain quartz:
- normalizes metabolism, which means it helps to reduce weight;
- rejuvenates the skin, smoothes wrinkles and improves complexion;
- relieves stress, irritability;
- relieves chronic fatigue syndrome;
- activates regeneration;
- strengthens and increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;
- strengthens memory and contributes to the activation of thought processes.
Important! It is necessary to saturate and purify water with quartz according to the same technology and scheme as silicon.
A unique natural mineral, and shungite water is the basis of a healthy lifestyle. In its ability to purify water from harmful impurities, it has no equal. This is a universal sorbent. It adsorbs up to 95 pollutants on its surface, removes turbidity and gives the liquid a spring-like taste, that is, it is a very effective way to purify water at home.
Shungite water acts on the body in this way:
- restores the immune and energy status;
- has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects;
- anesthetizes with burns;
- successfully used to rinse the mouth, throat, nose;
- has a rejuvenating effect;
- relieves small wrinkles, puffiness;
- strengthens hair roots;
- relieves a hangover.
You can also cook food on this water, and any vegetable broth will turn out to be very useful. When you use shungite water, you say goodbye to many diseases, including the gastrointestinal tract, after a few months.
to contents ↑Important! To obtain shungite water, use the same scheme and methodology as when cleaning with the above minerals.
Ancient Indians disinfected water by immersing silver plates in it. In the Russian Orthodox Church, parishioners also use holy water, which is obtained by keeping it in silver vessels.
Important! Silver is superior in bactericidal properties to carbolic acid, gaseous chlorine and other strong disinfectants. The effect of “silver” water, with its properties, persists for several months. But, unfortunately, silver cannot purify water from heavy metals and other chemical compounds, since it is an inert metal.
To purify water with silver, you must:
Pour liquid into cooked dishes.
- Put a silver object (spoon, fork ...) on the bottom. The main thing is that it should not be technical silver and not jewelry, since jewelry uses an alloy with a large amount of copper.
- One day for the water to clear itself of bacteria and acquire a healing property, it is quite enough.
Alternative cleaning methods
If you are an adherent of unconventional solutions, take note of one of the following non-traditional methods of how to purify water at home.
Bible Times Method
- In water, add white young dry wine at the rate of ⅓ wine to ⅔ water.
- Wait 15 minutes.
The life-giving drink is ready. Drink to health!
Folk method
To clear the water of iron, chemical impurities and bacteria, lower the mountain ash paw for 2-3 hours. The cleansing properties of mountain ash compete with activated carbon, chlorine and even silver.
to contents ↑Important! Instead of rowan paws, you can use the leaves of bird cherry, willow bark, husk of onions, juniper branches, but the duration of disinfection should be at least 24 hours.
How to clean water from iron?
Iron is one of the most common elements of the periodic table present on our earth. Therefore, the main ways of getting iron into drinking water are: the process of weathering and soil erosion, corrosion of pipelines, as well as from wastewater of industrial enterprises. Sewage treatment plants can use iron-containing substances to clarify water.
Important! Externally, the presence of iron in water can be detected by smell, metallic taste or a cloudy brownish tint. Initially, pure water during sedimentation may acquire a reddish-brown sediment. If such water flows from the faucet, then you will notice an increased iron content through rusty smudges on the sink or toilet.
Is it worth it to purify water from iron?
We answer - it all depends on the concentration of the mineral. If your water contains less than 3 mg / l of iron, then you need to clean it only to improve the taste, it will not cause any harm to health. If the iron content is above the threshold, then you can think about health and clear the water from excess.
Important! The methods for purifying water from iron depend on the form in which this mineral is contained in your water. Most often, we deal with ferrous iron, that is, the water is colorless and transparent, but has a metallic taste.
Method number 1. Ion exchange
Using filters with ion exchange cartridges. This method uses cation exchangers that remove not only calcium and magnesium ions, but also divalent dissolved iron. It is the method using ion exchange resins that is most effective for removing excess manganese and iron in water. The only problem is to choose the optimal multicomponent combination of ion-exchange resins for working with different parameters of water.
Important! All manufacturers of household filters produce cartridges "deferrization".
Method number 2. Reverse osmosis
Reverse osmosis filters are effective not only to remove ferrous iron, but also to cleanse any other impurities. Many experts believe that it is such filters that better purify water. The reason for this opinion is that ferrous ions are larger than the pores of reverse osmosis membranes; therefore, the membranes retain them well. In this case, the membrane is not clogged, because impurities trapped by the filter are discharged into the sewer.
Important! Problems with reverse osmosis filters and ion-exchange cartridges arise when, in addition to divalent in water, ferric iron is also present. At a high concentration of such iron, the pores of the ion-exchange filter and reverse osmosis membranes become clogged and the filters lose their effectiveness.
On the other hand, it is even easier to purify water from insoluble ferric iron (rust), since most of it is captured by mechanical cleaning filters. The easiest way to clean water from iron is to let the water stand in the air so that the dissolved iron turns into a precipitate. To intensify the oxidation process, air can be blown through water, for example, using an aquarium compressor.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Water is the source of life on earth, so enrich it, purify it and drink it to your health. Let her give you all her healing properties, improve your health and enrich you with energy!
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