How to make an envelope?

Today, communication in the virtual world has become commonplace for many. It is rare to meet a person who does not have a page on social networks. But sometimes you really want to receive a letter or a postcard, written by hand. However, during digital technologies and interactive communication, many people just forgot how to draw up an envelope so that the letter reaches the addressee in time. From the correct spelling of the address details in many respects depends on the speed of delivery of the mail. In the article, we will tell you how to properly draw up an envelope of a letter, because today, when the country's Post introduces automated technologies for sorting correspondence, this is especially important.
to contents ↑Types of Mail Envelopes
A mail envelope can be purchased not only at the post office, but also at any newsstand, as well as in office supply stores. For many people, the variety of letterheads often confronts them with a choice of which envelope to purchase and how to properly arrange it.
The correspondence form has a different purpose and size. The following types of items are distinguished:
- International package. A stamp is printed on this type of envelope (in the upper right corner). The brand is included in the package price.
- Customized package. The stamp is printed on the envelope.
- Blank envelope (no lines and stamps).
- Envelope with printed lines. Stamps for sending the package must be additionally bought and glued on their own.
In addition, envelopes have a different size for the convenience of sealing correspondence. If you send large sheets, documents or greeting cards of non-standard sizes, then you do not need to fold them. To send correspondence, you only need to purchase a suitable envelope. Shipping costs will not change, but the package price will be higher.
Regardless of the size of the envelope and its type, the filling rules remain the same for any correspondence. First of all, the information on the package must be filled carefully and in a certain sequence.
to contents ↑Important! When sending correspondence at the post office, you can always rely on the available sample filling.
What does an envelope form look like in Russia?
The envelope form in which correspondence is sent within the Russian Federation has the approved form and includes the following details:
- Information about the sender. It is located in the upper left corner and is filled in the following order: and sender address, zip code.
- Recipient Information. It is located in the lower right part of the form and is filled in the following order: Name, Postal address, Postal code.
Important! For the recipient and sender, the spelling order of the mailing address is identical.
The envelope for correspondence on the territory of Russia is made of thick paper on which forms for entering data are printed in bright black font.
Important! In the Russian Federation it is forbidden to use other forms of envelopes that are not approved by law. Russian Post will not send such packets.
When filling out the mailing form, you must adhere to the following rules:
- Address - both the sender and the recipient, must be written in legible handwriting. It is better to fill out the package in block letters.
- Corrections, strikethroughs or spelling errors in the writing of the address are not allowed.
- Word wrap and abbreviations of official names of law firms are not allowed.
- The envelope for sending correspondence in the Russian Federation must be filled out in Russian. The addresses of the sender and recipient of mail orders and consignments accepted for delivery within the republics that are part of the Russian Federation may be indicated in the state language of the republic, provided that they are duplicated in Russian.
- The sender and receiver index must be spelled correctly. You need to clarify information about the correct spelling of the index in a special classifier posted on the Russian Post website.
- It is necessary to fill in the index in a special unified form, a sample of which can be found in any post office.
- Stylized index digits (code stamp) can be written in ink of any color, with the exception of red, green and yellow. Otherwise, the shipment will not be allowed to sort.
to contents ↑Important! Russian Post seeks to switch to automated index recognition systems, so a correctly filled code stamp will significantly reduce the time it takes to deliver correspondence to an address.
How to make an envelope for a letter?
To speed up the processing of correspondence and reduce the time of sending, you need to properly draw up an envelope. Follow the procedure for filling out the form.
How to fill in the sender information?
Fill in the sender information in the upper left corner of the form:
- In the first line - the full name of the sender (for a citizen), for a legal entity - full or short name. For example, from Petrov Petr Ivanovich, if the sender is an individual. If the sender is a legal entity, then it can be abbreviated, for example, from LLC “Style”. All data is recorded in the genitive case.
Important! If a specific employee writes from a law firm, or one of the structural divisions of this company draws up correspondence, then this information must be indicated. For example: from the head of the personnel department, Ivanov Fedor Petrovich, OOO Stil.
- The second line of the form fills in the full address of the sender in the following order:
- Name of the street (avenue, alley).
- House number (building).
- Apartment number (office).
- Name of the settlement (town, urban-type town (town), city, etc.).
- The name of the area.
- Republic, region (territory, autonomous region).
- The name of the country.
- Index.
Important! For example:
From: from Privalov Sergey Igorevich
Location: st. Petrova d.13 building 3 quarter 35 village Chernihiv Petrovsky district of the Voronezh region, Russia, 213457
How to fill in recipient information?
In the lower right corner, all information about the recipient is filled. All data is filled in the same sequence:
- Surname, first name patronymic in the dative case.
- Recipient address: street, house, apartment, settlement, region, region, republic (territory, autonomous region), state, postal code.
Important! For example:
To: Igor Sergeyevich Kanyuk, Advertising Department Manager, Kolokolchik LLC
To: st. Peace d.15 of.135 Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 234567
If the exact address of the recipient is unknown, then instead of it it is necessary to write “on demand”.
The recipient’s index is populated in the lower left corner. Use a uniform form for writing a code stamp, a sample of which, as a rule, is on each envelope. If necessary, specify the addressee index in the classifier on the Russian Post website. Correct filling of the code stamp will speed up the delivery time of correspondence.
Important! On blank envelopes without specially designated fields, the order in which the form is filled out is preserved.
How to make an envelope 1 class?
Class 1 correspondence is always sent first, due to the reduced delivery time. The price of such correspondence is slightly higher than that which is set for sending registered letters.
A distinctive feature of the 1st class package is the yellow stripe located in the middle of the form.A class 1 envelope is filled in according to the same template as a simple form. All information about the sender and the addressee is drawn up in the same manner as in a regular envelope sent in Russia.
Important! The weight of a class 1 bag should not exceed 2.5 kg.
How to make a custom letter envelope?
Registration of a registered letter with a notification occurs in the same way as simple correspondence. The only difference is the completion of a special notification form, which indicates the information about the sender (on the one hand) and the recipient (on the other).
When receiving registered mail, the operator is obliged to issue a check to the sender with the displayed track number, by which the shipment can be tracked. Upon delivery of the ordered package to the addressee, the courier must make sure that his signature is next to the recipient's data. The leaflet with the signature of the recipient is returned to the sender to confirm the delivery of correspondence to the destination.
Important! When filling out information about the addressee, it is necessary to record the full full name and patronymic of the recipient, since according to the "Rules for the provision of postal services," the delivery of postal items is done after the presentation of identity documents.
Registration of international shipments
To issue an envelope in Ukraine, you must fill it in the same way as a simple form for correspondence in Russia. All entries are made in Ukrainian with the obligatory repetition of the country in Russian.
Important! The only difference between the envelope forms for correspondence in Russia and Ukraine is the index. In Ukraine, a five-digit code stamp is used, and in Russia, the index contains six digits.
How to make an envelope for a letter abroad?
When sending correspondence to Belarus, Ukraine and other neighboring countries, no questions should arise. The rules for filling out forms are identical, and entries can be made in Russian. But for the design of international mail from Russia, the following rules exist:
- The address is filled in Latin letters and Arabic numerals.
- The Russian address of the sender is completely repeated in the same sequence as for the Russian addressee without any permutations and translations. The names of streets, regions and districts are not translated. They are simply written in Latin letters. The only recommended translation is a translation of the name of the city, for example, Moscow, not Moskva.
- The recipient's foreign address must also be entered in Latin letters and Arabic numerals. It is allowed to write the address of the recipient in the language of the country of destination, provided that the name of the state is duplicated in Russian.
Important! When registering the address of the recipient, the national regulations and traditions of the country of the addressee are taken into account, for example, in England and Ireland, the house number is indicated first, and then the street name.
If we consider the general scheme for the English recipient, then it looks like this:
- Name (name of the recipient).
- House number.
- Street.
- Number of the apartment (office).
- City.
- Index.
- A country.
Important! Currently, there is no comma between the house number and street name. The whole address is written without commas, at the end the period is also not set.
For example:
From: from Petrov Ivan Mikhailovich
Location: st. Victory 12 sq. 213 Moscow Russia, 112113, Moscow Russia
To: Spencer Alessandro
To: 5 Green Avenue, Apt. 3 Ann Arbor 48104 USA, USA
to contents ↑Online envelope printing program
Issuing correspondence forms is a responsible and rather time-consuming process, especially if you are carrying out thousands of mailings. In this case, it is advisable to use a specialized program for printing envelopes. For example, the convenient and high-quality editor of “Mail Envelopes” from AMS Software.
To use the software for printing envelopes, the user needs only:
- Enter information about the sender and addressee.
- Choose a template of the desired format
- Print the finished envelope.
to contents ↑Important! The program includes a built-in template for filling out the form and all fields are entered automatically from the database. In addition, the software is equipped with a friendly Russian-language interface, which ensures easy and comfortable work in this program.
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Communicate with each other more often both in the virtual world and live. We hope that our information will help you establish correspondence with those people who do not have their own pages on the Internet, but really want to “hear” you. Please your loved ones with letters written in your own hand, because in this way you can give them a piece of your soul.
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