How to make a bedroom in a small room?

Often owners of small-sized apartments cannot create a full-fledged interior design due to their small size. This applies to everything, even the bedroom. But her situation directly depends on the quality of your vacation. Therefore, we offer you a number of tips and recommendations on how to decorate a bedroom in a small room in style and comfort.

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Equip a small bedroom

Designing small rooms is a rather difficult task, especially when it comes to the bedroom. In addition to the stylish design, there must also be functionality and convenience. To achieve this result, you need to correctly place the emphasis, thanks to which you can visually change the room and create an atmosphere of comfort in it.

Basic recommendations for decorating small bedrooms:

  • If you correctly set the style and colors, you will already solve half the problem. Remember that dark shades reduce space, so they are in no way suitable for small rooms. Try to choose only light and pastel colors.

Important! Use several shades of the same color. For example, you decorate the ceiling with the lightest, the walls are 1-2 tones darker and the floor is the darkest.

  • To visually enlarge a room, use contrasts. For too low and narrow bedrooms, you can use horizontal or vertical contrast lines.
  • Try not to clutter up with small accessories and decor items, as they “steal” the space.
  • When designing a small bedroom with your own hands, lighting should be considered. It is best to use several wall lights located around the perimeter.
  • The accent of one wall looks very stylish. Such a move does not reduce the room, while creating an “expensive” look.

Important! Such an emphasis should be placed on the wall opposite to the entrance.

  • Use reflective materials in the decoration. For example, a glossy stretch ceiling will add height to the walls.
  • In a small bedroom, the use of small or elaborate furniture is not recommended.
  • Also, to visually enlarge the bedroom, mirrors should be used.
  • To save space and create an optical illusion of space, discard various dressers and nightstands. Replace them with open storage shelves.
  • If your bedroom is very small, you can use transforming furniture.


Finding the perfect design

If you know what you want, it’s not difficult to develop interior decoration. Begin work with sketching sketches. Doing this professionally is not necessary, but be sure to consider the exact size of the room. Thanks to this move, you will be able to arrange furniture and other accessories correctly, and questions regarding the choice of wall decoration, curtains, wardrobe and bed will be solved much easier.

Important! When arranging a small room, get your ideas on the Internet. Thus, you will create a stylish interior without resorting to the services of designers.

With a balcony or loggia, you can increase the area of ​​the bedroom. Also in small apartments they connect a bedroom with a living room.But such a solution is not optimal. This is due to the fact that the interior is designed in one style direction, and this is not always practical.

Important! If we talk about the design for the design of the bedroom in a small room, the most suitable Japanese style and high-tech. Coziness and comfort will be created by Country, Provence or Classic.

Choose a color scheme

The most standard solution for wall decoration is light and beige tones. But for those who are bored with established motives and who are in search of something unusual, we offer several options for stylishly, originally and creatively designing a bedroom:

  • View the entire tint palette of light colors. You do not have to use only beige. Take a closer look at pale pink, blue or milk.

Important! If your room is on the north side, then choose warm colors, for the south - cold.

  • You can use dark and deep colors on only one wall.
  • Pay attention to the combination of white and all shades of blue. Such a “duet” is suitable even for the tiniest rooms.

Important! With blue and white wall decoration, take a look at the Gzhel and Delft paintings.

  • To make the interior of the bedroom more interesting and vibrant, purchase multi-colored pillows, blankets and curtains. Such a rainbow decor is suitable for wall decoration in white.

Create a design using textiles

For all, the textiles in the bedroom are associated with bedspreads, canopies and curtains. But modern design solutions have come to the fact that with the help of textiles they decorate ceilings and walls, which adds comfort in a small room.

Decoration of walls with cloth

If you decide to decorate the walls with such a decor, you should consider which material is most suitable for you:

  • Choose durable fabrics. They must be vapor permeable and UV resistant.

Important! When choosing cloths, pay attention to the fact that they should be saturated with a dust- and moisture-repellent solution.

  • The frame for tight-fitting should only be selected from water-resistant plywood.
  • Bedrooms are decorated with fabric upholstery in styles such as Hi-Tech, Art Deco and Eco. Design delights are emphasized by different types of drapery, pleats and textures.

Important! The most popular in the design of small rooms are combined matte and shiny fabrics. Different light reflection creates original visual effects.

Textile stretch ceiling

This design has become very popular. Due to its environmental friendliness and durability, decorating the ceiling with textiles is more in demand than with PVC film. This design makes it possible to use photo printing and various murals in the design of the ceiling surface.

Important! It is most appropriate to use matte or shiny canvases for small bedrooms.


We select curtains competently

When designing a small bedroom with your own hands, it is very important to consider the design of the window. In addition to a beautiful decor, the curtains must also be functional, maintain a comfortable atmosphere for a good rest:

  • Strong fabrics are very practical. They create protection from the sun, dust and noise, but at the same time make the situation worse. If practicality prevails in your requirements, you can lighten the design with tulle.
  • Lightweight materials. Thanks to this design, you visually increase the space and provide lighting effects.
  • Cold tones always soothe, while warm tones add convenience and comfort.

Important! For a small bedroom, it is best to choose French, English, Austrian, Roman, roller blinds and Japanese curtains.

Small tricks in the design of a small bedroom with textiles:

  • If natural light fails, you can add brightness with bright colors.
  • If you decide to use textile decoration, try combining a raspberry bedspread, green curtains and pillows.The walls should be in such a trio of milky color.
  • To create a feeling of freedom - choose fabrics of soft shades

Choose decor and accessories

Various accessories will decorate even the tiniest bedroom. The main thing is not to overload her. For example:

  • You can hang a poster, photo frame or picture. You do not visually reduce the room, and bright accents will be placed.
  • Also to create brightness and contrast will help wall lamps of various shapes and colors.

Important! When decorating small rooms, try to use non-standard places. For example, a windowsill or the space above the door.

We select furniture

For a small bedroom, the choice of furniture should be minimal. The only thing you can’t save on is the bed.

Important! Choose a bed without legs, so visually it will seem that it takes up little space.

If you want to make the bed a bright accent of your bedroom, then choose models with a high headrest. Accenting the wall with patterns or a different color at the head is also a great option.

If there is room, then you can choose a small cabinet with a mirror. If the area of ​​the room does not allow, the chest of drawers will be an ideal replacement.

Important! An excellent solution for small rooms is the built-in wardrobe.

Use shelving instead of bedside tables. Modern models will fit perfectly into the interior of your room, and due to its practicality, you will have an additional place to store various trinkets and accessories.

Proper planning of furniture placement

In addition to the need to choose stylish, versatile and practical furniture, it also needs to be correctly placed. Due to the small size of the bedroom, you should solve two problems: to preserve maximum space and maintain your interior style. To do this:

  • Bed. It can be placed in several positions:
  • Headboard to a window or wall. In this option, you will have an approach from both sides and it is possible to put bedside tables and shelves.
  • One side of the bed is along the wall.
  • Diagonally. In this case, you have an empty headboard. You can fill it with a corner cabinet or a floor lamp.
  • Cupboard. You should opt for a wardrobe. It can be placed near the bed.
  • Another option is to use a place under the bed. Just put her on the podium of several drawers. They can be used to store bedding.

Important! To visually enlarge the room, paint the cabinet facade in the color of the walls.


In one room we combine two zones

Even despite the small area of ​​the room, it can be divided into functional zones, combining a beauty corner or a personal office in one room.

Instead of a table, you can use a window sill. Thus, you save space in the room, and the window sill will receive another purpose. You can also attach a console without legs instead of a table. This type of design does not take up much space and creates the effect of lightness.

How to visually enlarge a bedroom?

When designing a bedroom in a small room, several design techniques should be used, thanks to which you can visually increase the area of ​​the room:

  1. Do not clutter up the room with excess furniture.
  2. Refuse wall decoration in dark colors.
  3. Use wallpaper with horizontal or vertical patterns.
  4. Mirrors are great helpers in increasing space.
  5. When using a laminate or parquet, laying should be done diagonally.
  6. Do not use furniture that is not related to sleep. For example, chairs and bookshelves.
  7. Do not hang many pictures and photo frames on the walls.
  8. Several shelves can be replaced with one rack.
  9. Use curtains and sleeping textiles without large patterns.
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We show creativity in interior design

There are various design methods thanks to which you can change the interior and add some magic to it:

  1. Choose a bed with a non-standard headboard.
  2. Find pillowcases that match the wall ornament.
  3. Place the mirror opposite the window to create the effect of infinity.
  4. To ensure that the cabinet is not striking, choose a model with transparent doors.
  5. Choose mirrored and glossy surfaces.
  6. To make the room more spacious, do not force the space from the door to the opposite wall with furniture.
  7. Use open shelving.
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We create the design of a rectangular bedroom:

  • Furniture. The solution to the narrow bedroom problem is properly arranged furniture. If everything is done correctly, you will be able to maintain the proportions of the room without losing its functionality. For example, install a cabinet along a short wall. Thus, he will “replace” the wall and visually give the room a square shape. On a long wall you can hang a mirror, which can also significantly modify the room. Also, to save space, you should use hanging shelves above the head of the bed or table.

Important! Do not get carried away with mirrors, as they cause nervousness.

  • Lighting. In the case of a rectangular shape, you should choose central lighting, since placing lamps along the wall, you will deform the room even more.

Important! Choose lamps of different sizes. Due to the “play of light" you can also visually change the parameters.

  • Functional zoning. The rectangular shape of the room is the best suited for this method. You can separate the sleeping area, and from the second make a study or the same beauty corner. Separation can be done using curtains made of beads, various tulles and other materials suitable for this purpose.
  • Color spectrum. Here you can show your creativity and imagination in choosing flowers. But to correct the shape of the room, the wall with the window should be painted and the opposite should be painted in dark and saturated colors, the other two walls - on the contrary, in light. In this case, pick up the curtains.

Important! The use of dark curtains in the formation of a rectangular interior visually brings the window closer to the opposite wall.

  • Floor decoration. There is only one way out - to lay parquet or laminate along a short wall. Despite the complexity of the process, in this way you visually adjust the room.
  • Ceiling. Give up white. Your best bet is to choose beige and milky colors.
  • Bed. If the width of the room allows, then it can be put along a short wall. If the room is already too small, then feel free to install the bed across. This way you will create additional space for other furniture.
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Features of the design of the children's bedroom

When designing a children's room, it should be borne in mind that it should be universal and functional. Even for a room with a small area intended for a nursery, zoning should be carried out in the interior design. Therefore, when developing a layout, you should start from this:

  • Color spectrum. Children's bedroom should be decorated exclusively in bright colors. If you decide to use wallpaper with various images, then the ceiling should be made glossy.

Important! Try to avoid large ornaments.

  • Furniture. It should be narrow and tall. Discard open shelving. In the nursery, built-in shelves with doors will be more appropriate.

Important! The height of the racks and the cabinet should not rest against the ceiling, as this will visually reduce the room.

  • Accessories Try not to clutter the nursery with unnecessary decor items, as this “eats” the space. For storage of toys, special drawers and chests of drawers are perfect.
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2 beds in one bedroom

The design of a bedroom with two beds is very relevant for people living in small-sized city apartments, especially when the family has two children. This option is also suitable for large country cottages.It is mainly used to design guest rooms:

  • We distribute the space. First of all, it should be delimited, and create a comfortable relaxation area for everyone. This can be done using partitions. The beds are generally parallel, with a distance of at least 70 cm from each other.

Important! Another option for placing sleeping places is adjacent to opposite walls, and between them to place other functional objects.

  • Savings in everything. In addition to the correct arrangement, it is also very important to choose not bulky and versatile furniture. Try to pick up a bed with drawers, and shelves and shelves are built into the wall. Such furniture will allow the room to remain functional, while not spending a lot of space.
  • Choose a decor. It’s worth starting with the color scheme. For small rooms it is better to use light colors. If you want to add a twist, then the furniture is worth choosing dark. When decorating a room with two beds, the textiles should be chosen the same for both.

Important! As for curtains, it should not be cluttered with heavy curtains. Pay attention to light and airy tulle. For a small room, you should not pick up too many accessories, as this “steals” the space. Hang some paintings or posters on the wall.

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Design of a bedroom in an apartment

We bring to your attention several tricks, thanks to which you can arrange a cozy and comfortable bedroom, even in the smallest room:

  • The bed should have built-in drawers.
  • Set the berth on the podium. This way you will have extra storage space.
  • If the ceiling height allows, you can place the bed on 2 tiers. So you not only free up space, but also can add an additional functional area.
  • Hang the canopy over the bed. It will create additional comfort and a sense of privacy.

Important! The canopy should be of light translucent fabric.

  • Take a look at the built-in designs. This will dramatically save space.
  • Always use the windowsill. From it you can make an excellent table or sofa.
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The bedroom is a sacred place for every person, here you can retire and relax. Therefore, the creation of coziness and comfort in it should be above all. You should not be afraid of a small area, since even in cramped conditions you can create not only a stylish, but also a practical interior.

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