How to make a bedroom?

In the bedroom, a person spends about a third of his life. Therefore, it is logical that the room that he uses so often should be not only very comfortable, but also stylish. In this article we will consider in detail how to design a bedroom so that being here, you can relax both in body and soul.

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Small bedroom interior

The most comfortable and cozy bedroom is a small one. There is no place for hectic and loud sounds. And creating a comfortable space for rest and sleep is not as difficult as it might seem.

The problem of small bedrooms worries not only residents of apartments with a typical layout. Londoners, Muscovites, and New Yorkers suffer equally from crowding. The world-famous western design gurus came up with not one, not two, but hundreds of all kinds of bedroom projects.

Choosing a bedroom interior style

Small rooms seem to be designed in a simple rustic style. Of course, no one needs to put a spinning wheel in a corner and read with a splinter, as it was in Russian villages. But homespun cloth, very cute and simple objects made of natural materials will help turn the bedroom into the most comfortable place in the world.

For categorical opponents of the rustic style in any of its manifestations, the restrained Classic or Hi-tech style is suitable.

Important! Unfortunately, the project of a ten-meter bedroom in fashionable Chalet or Loft directions cannot be completed - they look natural and organic only when decorating large spaces. But individual objects and elements of these styles can be unobtrusively fit into almost any interior.


Characteristic features of different styles:

  • Modern - comfort, practicality, a combination of elements from different styles;
  • Classics - complex shapes and patterns, a large bed with a headboard, textiles, luxury and richness of composition;
  • Provence - natural materials, pastel colors, floral motifs, all kinds of trinkets;
  • Japanese style - black, red, white plus neutral tones, the unity of philosophy and style, only natural materials, absolutely nothing more;
  • Minimalism - pastel and elegant colors and a few accents, functionality, simple forms.

Modern or modern style

Practicality of design is a requirement of the present. And the desire for clean lines and simplicity manifests itself more and more with an increase in the speed of life and the complexity of completing the tasks that appear before us daily. And there is simply nowhere to place complex and dimensional designs in a small bedroom. The fewer objects in the room, the more spacious it seems. It is by this principle that design “works” in a modern style.

Advantages of the Art Nouveau style:

  • Comfort and convenience of furniture;
  • There are no complex lighting requirements;
  • Technological innovations go well with this design direction;
  • Any materials can be used - natural and synthetic;
  • Plenty of room for imagination - this style can create trendy and traditional interior items.

Important! Art Nouveau is a universal style that is suitable for any room, regardless of their purpose and size.

Classic bedroom

In the designs of classical styles, specialists try to repeat the luxury and comfort of the emperors' bedrooms. The main focus of the room is a bed with a rather high headboard.Not even a bed, but a real bed, which is not intended for dinner, but to indulge in idle rest. If you like a rich finish, lots of ruffles and curtains, soft pillows and large beds with a headboard - a classic interior will be a wonderful solution.

To design a bedroom in a classic style, use:

  • A large number of textiles - from draperies on the walls to handmade carpets, from curtains and bedspreads to multi-tiered curtains;
  • Snow-white color, which emphasizes the status of the owner of the apartment;
  • Massive bed, always with a large headboard (often generously decorated);
  • All home decoration make up a single composition.

Important! In a small bedroom, a classic interior can create a feeling of crowding and clutter. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to such a project and think through the composition well.

Provence style bedroom

Where romantic notes would be more appropriate than in a bedroom? And what style could be more romantic than Provence?

Design according to the best traditions of medieval France - these are pastel colors, flowers on prints and vases, natural wood furniture and all kinds of cute souvenirs on the shelves. A slightly old-fashioned, but airy and bright interior will make it possible to forget at least briefly about all the difficulties of modern life.

A key feature of the Provence interior is its naturalness. Everything should be clear and simple here, without pathos and extravagance, yet Provence is one of the variations of the rustic style. So - it is better to replace silk curtains with chintz in a delicate flower, and if the floor is not lined with natural parquet, then at least with a laminate that imitates an aged tree well.

Little japan

Japan is not a country, but a small philosophy. The idea of ​​proximity to nature, simplicity and the desire to understand oneself is reflected in the design. Japanese-style design is all you need, but at the same time, nothing more:

  • It is better to avoid technological materials - wood is preferable. Unlike the Provence-style bedroom, the Japanese-style room is silk. Try to think: what materials were available to residents of Japan in the 18th century? Wood, bamboo, porcelain, stone and silk thread. They should be used to the maximum in the design of the room.
  • The colors of the Japanese-style interiors are black, red and white and complementary neutral gray. The room can be made warmer by adding restrained natural shades - delicate beige, brown, coffee with milk. The Japanese-style bedroom is one of the few interiors where black furniture will be in place.

How to design a bedroom in this style:

  • Fairly strong, but at the same time dim lighting.
  • Natural materials.
  • There is nothing superfluous - each piece of interior should have a meaning, purpose and its own specific place.
  • Jewelry that matches the idea. You can put a doll in a national dress on a shelf, hang Japanese fans on the walls, add a screen - but all these items should be directly or indirectly related to Japan.
  • Simple forms of furniture. The excesses in such an interior look ridiculous.


Minimalism style

Minimalism is somewhat similar to the Japanese style. These two areas are characterized by a rejection of the excess, an emphasis on free space and the desire for simplicity of form.

We can say that Minimalism is an international variation on the topic of conciseness in design. Lovers of unconstructive luxury and magnificent classics Minimalism is unlikely to please. But residents of small-sized apartments in panel houses will be able to appreciate it.

Important! This style is preferred by many business people who are prone to organization, order in absolutely everything.

Variations on the theme of Minimalism can be a huge amount.This is a high-tech Hi-tech with design innovations, metallic shades, and Ethnic, where minimalism remains a thirst for natural materials.

Important! Unlike the Japanese style, in Minimalism a wider palette of colors and bright accents are allowed.

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How to choose furniture?

The choice of furniture for the bedroom, especially if the room is small, turns into a real problem. Like it or not, you can’t do without a bed and a wardrobe in the bedroom. A full-fledged bedroom set with a dressing table and bedside tables in a small bedroom will look ridiculous. Therefore, try to abandon the whole set of furniture in favor of individual items.

Furniture (if you do not plan to equip a room in the Japanese style) it is better to choose lighter colors that will not “eat” the space.


The best option would be a built-in wardrobe. Opening doors will not interfere with moving around the room. A mirrored cabinet will help visually expand the room. The less noticeable it will be against the background of the walls, the better.

Important! If the layout includes a wall niche, it can make a wonderful wardrobe.


Even if your bedroom is in a classic style, you should pay attention to the bed without legs. The lower your bed, the more free space remains above it, and the less the bed stands out against the general background. The structural elements, bedspreads, as in the case with the cabinet, should be in harmony.

Important! To save the extra 20-40 centimeters, buy a half bed (160-180 cm) instead of a double.


Bedside tables

These interior items are best discarded altogether. They can be replaced with hinged shelves. However, when placing shelves above the headboard, be very careful. Design is design, and inadvertently, an object falling from a shelf can for a long time discourage the desire to take care of the beauty of the interior, switching thoughts to health.


Instead of a ceiling chandelier, floor lamps it is better to use recessed wall lights. So, in the room additional elements cluttering up the space will not appear, and the level of illumination can be easily adjusted.

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Design of a female and man's bedroom

Rather, the design for “girls and boys”. Agree, no matter how romantic the guy may be, a bedroom in pale pink with dolls on the shelves will look a little strange.

How to design a men's bedroom:

  • For the design of the bedroom of a young guy, Minimalism with ethnic elements is wonderful.
  • From decorative elements can be completely abandoned. Accessories for hobbies of youth or necessary sports equipment will perfectly fulfill their role.
  • Men like folding sofas, but more often they choose full beds. This is a paradox, but with a bed it really is simpler: it does not need to be folded every time in the morning, disassembled before bedtime, although it is this practicality that is appreciated by men.
  • Most likely, in the men's bedroom you will need a desktop with a nearby outlet, as men often work in the evenings at home.
  • Decorative elements, which in a woman’s room could tell about some strange personality, in a man’s room look appropriate and speak of a deep inner world. At least, many girls think so.

Important! The color scheme for a man’s bedroom consists mainly of dark, cold tones. Firstly, the dust is not so noticeable. Secondly, with correctly placed accents this is not “gloomy”, but “solid”.

How to design a female bedroom:

  • In the interiors of women's bedrooms, light, bright shades are more common. Although an excess of pink flowers is also useless. But no one can reproach the girl for the bedroom “with a delicate flower” and love for numerous trinkets on the shelves.
  • The wardrobe in the women's room should be much larger than in the men's room, and always with a mirror. After all, it will not be very convenient for the housewife, choosing an outfit, to run all the time to another room to look in the full-length mirror.

Important! Women's bedroom can be decorated in any style. The main thing here is to provide more shelves, drawers, cabinets for accessories and cosmetics.

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How to choose wallpaper for the bedroom?

Wallpaper is a universal way of wall decoration. There are no special functional requirements for wallpaper for bedrooms. They can be smooth, embossed, woven or washable. The main thing here is color, pattern and the following nuances:

  • A medium or large design will make the small room even smaller.
  • Vertical stripes help visually raise the ceiling, horizontal stripes - to expand the space.

To design a bedroom in beige shades, it is recommended to choose light wallpaper.

Important! One of the successful options for implementing such an idea is to glue two types of wallpaper in strips. The main thing is to ensure that the width of the roll of wallpaper does not abruptly break off in the corner of the room, and all the “strips” are the same width.


There is not much room in the small-sized Khrushchev’s bedroom to realize all the ideas conceived and create an atmosphere with the help of decor. You can replace it with photo wallpaper.

The wall can easily be turned into an outlet on a tropical island or in a London urban landscape. With the help of photo wallpaper, the whole bedroom can be turned into a hot beach or wild jungle, the main thing is that the theme of the wallpaper is in harmony with the general idea of ​​decorating the room.

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Choose curtains

The bright sun is not always a welcome guest in the room. Especially if you want to get enough sleep after a busy day. And to decorate the bedroom harmoniously, the design of the curtains also needs to be carefully thought out:

  • Curtains in a room with a classic interior should be complex, tiered and have curtains and brushes.
  • For interior Hi-tech blinds are more suitable to match the walls, and Provence has very light translucent curtains.
  • For small bedrooms, Roman or roller blinds will be a good option, which in the daytime can be hidden under the ceiling and lowered at night.

Important! In a small bedroom, the curtains should be as light as possible and not too different in color from the walls.

When choosing curtains, they often forget about fixtures - cornices should also be simple, combined in shape, color with furniture.

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As a result, it can be noted that the design of the bedroom depends on the personal experience and desire of its residents, as well as on their financial capabilities. In any case, no matter what option you choose, you should remember that being in this room should be pleasant, comfortable and cozy.

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