How to determine the size of the ring?

Jewelry is a wonderful and appropriate gift for any celebration. Present such a gift can not only a man to his lover. A ring, for example, can be a wonderful surprise for a sister, mother, husband and son. To make the jewelry a truly pleasant surprise, you need to figure out how to determine the size of the ring. There are several simple and affordable ways to determine finger coverage, you just need to use the ingenuity and our recommendations described in this article.
to contents ↑What is the size of the ring?
To choose the size of the ring, you must clearly understand what it is. By the size of the ring is meant its diameter, measured from the inside of the product. In order to determine the size of the ring on the finger, it is necessary to measure the distance between two opposite points of the circumference of the hole. The diameter of the circle in millimeters is calculated.
Of course, the simplest and ideal way to determine the size of a product is to go to any jewelry store, where an experienced craftsman can measure the size of a finger with great accuracy and choose a product so that it fits perfectly. That is, it did not cause discomfort when worn, and most importantly, so that it does not fly off at a time when a person is doing something. However, if we are talking about a surprise, then we can’t talk about any trip to the store. You will have to secretly calculate the diameter of the product using our recommendations and simple methods that will help determine the size of the ring at home.
to contents ↑Basic rules for measuring finger size
Before proceeding to the immediate process and figuring out how to measure the size of a finger for a ring at home, decide on which finger the guy or girl will wear this jewelry. All fingers differ in thickness, and therefore - in the diameter of the decoration.
Important! Note that the ring on the finger of the right hand may not fit the size of the finger of the left hand.
It is necessary to take into account the fact that according to the rules adopted by jewelers from different countries, the difference in the original sizes of the rings varies in increments of 0.5 mm. For example, the size of the product will be indicated in this way: 16, 16.5, 17, 17.5 and so on, to the largest.
Important! From the course of school geometry, many remember that the diameter can be calculated due to the circumference. Based on the formula, to calculate the diameter, it is necessary to divide the circumference by the number P equal to 3.14. If during measurement the number is not accurate, for example, 16.7, then you should round it up.
Here are some more important points to consider when measuring your finger size:
- The ideal time for measurement is noon. Keep in mind the fact that the volume of the fingers changes during the day. For example, in the morning, they may be swollen due to accumulated water during sleep.
- You can’t take measurements immediately after playing sports, because after training your fingers are always a little larger.
- Do not measure in extreme cold or debilitating heat. At high temperatures, the fingers expand by half the size, and in the cold, on the contrary, they become smaller.
- Depending on the thickness and volume of the ring, the size may vary.It should be borne in mind that when buying a ring on the whole finger or a width of more than 8 mm, the size of the jewelry should be increased by 25%.
to contents ↑Important! Independent measurements of the size of jewelry do not have high accuracy. It will be only an approximate size, and if you have not guessed a little with the ring, then do not be discouraged. Experienced jewelers can roll it and make it a little wider, or - on the contrary, roll it and make it a little narrower.
How to determine the size of the ring at home?
The easiest way to measure the size of a finger is the length of its reach. How to make measurements imperceptibly for the chosen one - it's up to you. We can offer only a few options:
- Take unnoticed one of the rings of the person to whom you are preparing a surprise. Attach the product to a sheet of white paper and circle the length of the hole along the inside diameter. With this drawing, you can safely go to the store, where the consultants themselves will measure the diameter and select the appropriate size.
- Try on the ring of your loved one on one of your fingers and mark the level to which it fit, with a marker, and then, after measuring your finger, go to the store for a purchase.
- Carefully fold the paper and insert it into the ring. Mark where the sheet converges. Cut a strip and measure it with a ruler. These measurements will be the length of the finger grip. The circumference of the finger can also determine the size of the ring. For example, if the circumference of the finger is 50.3 mm, then the size of the decoration is 16, and if 51.5 mm, then 16.5 and so on.
to contents ↑Important! When buying a ring in a jewelry store, do not forget to take a check, because if you have a supporting document, you can always return the jewelry to the store if you selected the ring size incorrectly.
We play with a goal
If you want to make a surprise for your sweetheart and don’t know how to find out the size of your finger for a ring at home for a guy, you can use the recommendations and options described above or connect a fantasy and come up with your own ways. Of course, all home methods and tricks will not give the perfect result, but you can try:
- Engage in creative work and make handprints on canvas or in clay.
- In a playful way, measure your fingers and the fingers of your chosen one (chosen one) and compare the results. The main thing is that the person to whom you are preparing a surprise does not guess about anything.
Important! Use another approximate method for determining finger volume by clothing size. This method is quite simple, but not exact:
- For a girl or a guy who wear the size of a T-shirt or blouse S, a ring from 15 to 16.5 mm is suitable.
- Clothing size M involves larger rings ranging in size from 16.5 to 17.5. Accordingly, the size L implies rings from 17.5 to 18.5 mm.
However, one cannot speak about accuracy, since all people have different anatomical features. Therefore, do not count on especially choosing a chosen one when deciding how to choose the size of the ring.
If you understand that it’s impossible to secretly and secretly use the above methods, then use the methods for measuring the diameter of the ring with a thread or strip of thin paper, which we will discuss below.
to contents ↑How to determine the size of a ring on a finger using a thread?
For this method, you need a strong cotton thread that does not stretch (preferably for crocheting), 50 cm long.
The sequence of actions is as follows:
- Wrap the prepared thread on the desired finger five times. Try to wind the thread evenly, not too tight and not too weak.
- Cross the ends of the thread on your finger, without tearing off the warp.
- Gently cut the leftover thread on both sides. If you find it difficult to cut the thread, then mark with a marker the place where the ends intersect. Next - having removed the winding, cut off the residues in accordance with the notes made.
- Remove the thread from the finger and measure its length with a ruler or centimeter.
- Divide the result (in millimeters) by 15.7. The result of division - this is the desired ring size.
to contents ↑Important! The result should be rounded to half a millimeter, exclusively in a larger direction.
Paper-based finger sizing
For this method, you will need a strip of ordinary thin paper with a width of 1 to 1.5 cm and a length of 5 cm.
Proceed as follows:
- Wrap a strip around the desired finger.
- In the place where the end of the strip touches, put a mark with a marker or pen.
- Expand a strip of paper, measure its length. The result obtained is the girth of the finger.
- Translate the result in millimeters, divide the resulting value by 3.14.
- Using a special table, determine the size of the decoration.
to contents ↑Important! Today it has become very popular to buy jewelry and jewelry in online catalogs. In addition to Russian, there is also an English and American scale for measuring rings. Knowing the girth of a finger, you can find the required size in the international table and choose jewelry not only in the jewelry store of your country, but also in foreign online catalogs.
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Since ancient times, rings have been a symbol of eternal love, therefore they are given only to very close people with whom they wish to spend their whole lives. Give your loved ones gifts as often as possible, because it is so nice to see delight and surprise on the faces of loved ones. And how to determine the size of the jewelry and be unnoticed at the same time - you learned from our article. We hope that our advice and recommendations have helped you choose a worthy gift for a loved one.
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