How to determine the size of clothes?

As you know, they meet a person by clothes. And this means that dresses, trousers, shirts and everything else should sit perfectly. If you buy things where they can be tried on - there are no problems. But more and more people are using remote trading services. And then you need to specify the exact size, and different manufacturers have different designations. How to determine the size of clothes? Read about it in our article.

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What are the sizes?

It would seem that what is there to ask, you need to take some measurements, look at the table or ask the seller - and that’s all. In fact, not everything is so simple. To choose the right clothing size, you need to take into account that the notation systems are different:

  • Men's
  • Women's
  • children’s.

And in each case different numbers and letters are used! At the same time, much more depends on what part of the world clothes are made, because marking happens:

  • Russian;
  • European;
  • international;
  • Chinese
  • American.

Russian is just two digits (for example, 44 or 46). But many Russian companies use international markings like L or M. On American products, you most often see numbers written in fractions, something like 34/36. On the labels of European products they write the same as on Russian, but this does not always happen. So how not to get confused and accurately determine the size of clothes?

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Take measurements

Before choosing the size of outerwear, trousers or underwear, you need to know some measurements. To determine the parameters of women's clothing you need:

  • chest girth;
  • waist circumference
  • hip girth;
  • height.

Getting down

Start with growth:

  1. Homemade stadiometer is best made from a door jamb. Ask someone to help you. To measure growth, you still need a tablet.
  2. Stand at the door jamb.
  3. Bring the legs together, the heels should be as close as possible to the jamb, knees straightened.
  4. Lower your hands, spread your shoulders.
  5. Ask the assistant to mark with a pencil the level at which your crown is located, with the help of a flat board - only it must be placed strictly horizontally.
  6. Using a measuring tape, measure the distance from the floor to the mark. Lay the centimeter tape vertically.

Important! The tags of many manufacturers usually indicate growth. Yours - should not differ from what is on the marking by more than 3 cm



To measure it, you need the same flexible tape. You can take this measure yourself:

  1. Attach a zero mark to the armpit.
  2. Run a centimeter tape along the most convex parts of the chest, under the second axillary cavity, along the convex parts of the shoulder blades.
  3. Use your fingers to hold the mark that matches the zero.
  4. Record the result.

Important! The tape should lie strictly horizontally!


It is very easy to measure. Make one turn of a centimeter tape on the narrowest part of the body. The main thing is that the tape does not twist and runs parallel to the floor.


This measurement - on the contrary, is taken along the widest part of the body, and the centimeter does not lie horizontally, but at a certain angle to the floor:

  1. Attach a zero mark to the most convex part of the thigh.
  2. Lay the centimeter across the stomach horizontally to the second convex point.
  3. Lay it on the convex parts of the buttocks.
  4. Close the circle, hold the mark and see what you get.
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Men's measurements

Before you determine the size of clothing for men, you also need to take measurements, but slightly different:

  • chest girth;
  • waist circumference
  • neck circumference;
  • height;
  • leg length from thigh to floor.

Height, chest, waist and neck

With measurements of height, chest and waist, we do the same as in the case of female measurements. But in order to buy a shirt, you need to know the neck circumference, since the Russian marking is nothing more than a collar number, in centimeters or inches.

  1. Find the 7 (cervical) vertebra.
  2. Attach a zero mark to this point.
  3. Strictly horizontally lay a centimeter around the neck.
  4. Hold the end mark.
  5. Do not forget to record the result.

Two words about trousers

To determine the correct measurement of trousers, you need not only growth, but also the length of the leg from the hip to the bottom. It’s better to shoot the Merck with an assistant:

  1. Attach the zero mark of the centimeter tape to the protruding hip bone.
  2. Lower the tape so that it hangs vertically.
  3. See which mark is at floor level.
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Russian, European and American

The Russian and European clothing sizes are the easiest to determine - it is enough to divide the chest circumference by 2. This is true for both men and women. In this case, growth is indicated separately.

Usually there are no difficulties with American markings, they are directly related to Russian ones. It is necessary to subtract 10. from the European value. That is, 50 Russian corresponds to 40 American, 54–44, adopted in the United States, and so on. International designations can also be brought to the same system, although very approximately:

  • 46-48 in Russia and in Europe, as well as 36 in the States, corresponds to the marking S;
  • clothes 48-50 European - according to the international classification will be M;
  • for 50-52 - international marking - L;
  • 52-54 - XL;
  • 54-56 - XXL;
  • 56-58 - XXXL;
  • 58-60 - XXXXL.
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International marking

How to find out your men's clothing size if the label contains letters, not numbers? There are special notation systems for people of very high or very small stature, as well as for those who have a very large weight, as well as for those whose dimensions are more or less close to standard ones.


The standard measures are those that are indicated:

  • S;
  • M;
  • L;
  • Xl;
  • XXL.

They are designed for men whose height is not lower than 172.5 cm and not higher than 181.5 cm:

  • If you see the marking S, this means that the thing is sewn on a person with a neck circumference of 35.5 to 37 cm, a chest circumference of 86.5–91.5 cm, a waist of 71-76 cm. In this case, the shoulder width is not more than 84 cm.
  • If you have a neck circumference of 38 to 39.5 cm, chest - up to 101.5, waist - up to 86.5, and shoulders up to 86.5 cm - this is M.
  • When you see the letter L on the label, you can immediately say that this is a suit for someone who has a neck - 41-42 cm, chest - 106-112 cm, waist - 91.5 - 96.5 cm, and shoulders - 88- 89 cm.
  • Finally, there are XL and XXL, which mean clothes for men with a chest circumference of 117 to 122 and 127 to 132 cm, respectively. In this case, the neck circumference will be 43-45 and 45-47 cm, and the shoulder width will be from 89 to 91.5 cm.


For Gullivers

For those whose height is from 183 to 192 cm, the following notation applies:

  • MT
  • LT
  • XLT;
  • XXLT.

The composition of people, as you know, is different. Tall men are thin, dense and full:

  • Clothing for slim people is denoted by MT. It approximately corresponds to the Russian 48-52, when the neck circumference is 38-39.5 cm, the chest is 96-101.5, the waist is 81.5-86.5 cm, and the shoulder width is 87.5-89 cm.
  • Medium - these are LT and XLT, chest circumference, respectively, from 106.5 to 112 cm or from 117 to 122, shoulders 90-91 and 91.5-91 cm, and necks 40-42 and 43-44.5 cm.
  • Finally, you can see the XXLT designation on the tags for clothes for tall and quite powerful men. with a wide chest 127-132 cm, a muscular neck 44.5-47 cm and broad shoulders up to 95.5 cm

Clothing for giants

Height from 193 to 200.5 cm is considered very high. And here there may be some confusion with the order of letters. The following notation applies:

  • LXT;
  • Xlxt;
  • 2XLXT;
  • 3XLXT.

This means that the minimum neck girth for the holder of a long and slender figure is 40.5 cm, and the maximum for a healthy man is 49.5 cm. Accordingly, there are four chest girths:

  • 106.5-112 cm;
  • 117-122 cm;
  • 127-132 cm;
  • 137-142 cm.

The shoulder width will be at least 92.5 cm for this group and 127 cm at maximum.


For marking clothes of men of standard height, but with a lot of weight, the XL designations with the number are used:

  • 2XL;
  • 3XL;
  • 4XL;
  • 5XL.

The neck circumference at 2XL is 45-47 cm, and at the largest - 54.5 cm.The chest sizes gradually increase from 127 cm to 162 cm, the waist - from 117 to 152 cm, and the shoulder width varies from 90 to 94 cm.

The biggest people

For tall and very heavy men apply their own gradation. These are values ​​such as:

  • 2XLT;
  • 3XLT;
  • 4XLT;
  • 5XLT.

The smallest of the largest will have a chest girth of 127 cm, a neck - 45.5 cm, a waist - 117 cm, a shoulder width - 94 cm. The largest of the giants has the dimensions reflected in the 5XLT marking:

  • neck - 54.5 cm;
  • chest - 162.5 cm;
  • waist - 152.5 cm;
  • shoulder width - 98 cm.

Important! If we translate into sizes that are often used in the CIS countries, it will be approximately 80-82.

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There is a match in the standards of men's shirts. In Russia and in Europe, the same designations are accepted - by the number of the collar, that is, from 37 to 45. A more complex system of markings in the United States - there the size is measured not in centimeters, but in inches:

  • 37 European - 141/2;
  • 38 – 15;
  • 39-40 – 151/2;
  • 41 – 16;
  • 42 – 161/2;
  • 43 – 17;
  • 44 – 171/2;
  • 45 – 18.

As for the international marking, it is indicated by the letters S, M, L, XL, XXL, which correspond to 37-38, 39-40, 41-43, 44 and 45 European sizes.

Important! Italian designations may differ from the rest by 1-2 cm, and the British often use the American marking.

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How to determine the size of clothes for women?

With European and American markings, the situation is somewhat different than for men. But the Russian ones coincide. To calculate it, you need to divide the chest circumference by 2. The difference can be up to three centimeters. For example, if your chest circumference is 100 cm, 50 will suit you. It is also good for those who have this measure - 97-98 cm. But if you have a chest of 102 or 103 cm, look for the number 52 on the tag.

American marking

To understand whether an American T-shirt in a package is suitable for you, add 34 to the label. For women's sizes, there is a correspondence:

  • 40 – 6;
  • 42 – 8;
  • 44 – 10;
  • 46 – 12.

But in order to calculate your European size, you need to subtract 6. From the Russian one. Then it turns out the following:

  • 40 – 34;
  • 42 – 36;
  • 44 – 38;
  • 46 – 40.


As for the international designations, then, as for men's clothing, the following letters are used:

  • XS;
  • S;
  • M;
  • L;
  • Xl;
  • XXL;
  • Xxxl.

The first corresponds to 40-42 sizes, the second - 44, M - 48, L - 50, XL-52-54, L with two or three letters X in front - respectively, 56 and 58 sizes.

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Chinese clothes

Chinese stuff literally flooded with online shopping. In principle, if the clothes are good, then it does not matter where they are sewn. Only here, the Chinese notation has its own characteristics.

The marking is most often used internationally, but the difference can be 2-3, or even 5 cm from the declared, and, most often, to the smaller side. So it is better to choose Chinese clothes one size larger.

Important! This also applies to shoes.

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Baby sizes

How to determine the size of clothes by height? For an adult, this is unrealistic, you just need to consider growth. But children's things are exactly what they choose. Marking starts at 50 and ends with the number 164. These numbers mean growth. It is expressed in centimeters.

Important! Some manufacturers also indicate for what age this or that children's thing is intended.

However, there are direct designations of sizes - they differ from each other.

Russian system

For example, in Russia the old Soviet system is still used, when the size of clothes corresponded to growth of 50-56 cm, size 62-68 - 20, 68-74 - 22, etc., up to the transitional age, when children’s , and adult designations.

Important! However, on the tag you can find several numbers. Usually things of size 18 are addressed to children up to a month old, babies up to three months old wear size 20, from three months to six months - 22. But the kids develop differently, and it’s not worth looking at such designations.


CIS countries

In the countries of the former USSR, they departed from the old designations for children's clothing. Instead of 18, 36 is put in Ukraine, instead of 24 - 48, etc.


In the EU countries it is customary to indicate growth. In England, numbers from 2 to 16 are accepted.At the same time, size 2 is intended for children from birth to a year, the fourth - from a year to four years, clothes of the sixth size are worn by older preschoolers.


The simplest designations for children's things are in the States. The labels simply indicate at what age a child can wear the product - two numbers separated by a fraction sign. For example, the designation 0/3 means that it is panties and vests for the baby from birth to three months, and 6/9 - from six months to nine months. In other cases, international lettering is used - the same as for adults.

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In this article, we told you about all the features of labeling the sizes of things produced in different countries. We hope that now it will be easier for you to figure it out, and buying clothes via the Internet will not be a problem for you anymore.

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