How to whiten skin in intimate places?

In the constant pursuit of excellence, many women are ready for anything. Now you can help eliminate excessive pigmentation on any part of the body for almost everyone. Beauty salons offer a range of services to restore normal skin color. But not all can go through these procedures: some girls, because of excessive shyness, do not go to salons, while others may not be able to afford salon procedures. Do not despair, because you can try to get rid of unaesthetic darkening of the skin at home. In this article we will look at how to whiten skin in intimate places using folk remedies.
to contents ↑Do I need to lighten?
Impeccable appearance is not only beautiful shoes, clothes, accessories, makeup. Impeccable appearance is, first of all, healthy and beautiful skin. Oddly enough, this applies not only to visible areas of the body, but also to intimate places. It is in these areas that the skin is more prone to darkening (pigmentation).
For some women, such pigmentation becomes a real problem, and is the cause of the complexes. These impressionable, and not very special people feel discomfort every day, and not just in a swimsuit on the beach.
to contents ↑The main causes of skin darkening
Before starting the struggle to restore skin color, it is necessary to establish and eliminate the reasons due to which violations can occur.
It is no secret that the saturation of the skin tone depends on the concentration of pigments (melanins) that are secreted by cells (melanocytes). If the metabolism of these substances is impaired, changes in the color of the skin begin to occur. In this case, the skin is darker, the more melanin is produced.
Important! This reaction of the body is a protective reaction to the influence of external factors, therefore, hyperpigmentation (dyschromia, persistent discoloration of the skin) occurs. It is expressed by dark spots on the skin, and intimate areas are no exception.
Consider the main reasons why this problem may occur.
Excessive perspiration in the inguinal folds, which is often observed in obese people, leads to darkening of skin color in intimate places.
The effect of ultraviolet rays
When visiting the solarium or taking sunbaths in the nude, you should use sunscreen cosmetics. Ignoring the use of these funds leads to increased production of melanin, respectively, to the formation of darkening of the skin in the intimate area.
Wrong depilation
Excessive pigmentation may occur due to injury and skin irritation during removal of unwanted vegetation with a wax or razor.
Mechanical effect on the skin
Too tight, uncomfortable underwear, especially made from synthetic materials. How to remove dark skin between the legs? Give preference to linen from soft knitwear, without tight lace trim.
Infectious and fungal diseases in the groin area
In places of accumulation of moisture, such as inguinal folds, pathogenic microorganisms and yeast like to settle. They can cause a disruption in pigment production. You can eliminate this pathology with the help of a course of treatment, which is prescribed by a dermatologist.
Stagnation in the pelvic area violates the outflow of venous blood in the external genitalia. This is often accompanied by flushing and swelling of the labia minora and labia majora and discoloration of the skin in intimate places.
Important! In the presence of this disease, the use of special drugs, venotonics, is indicated.
Excessive pigmentation of the skin of the nipples, the inside of the thighs, the labia minora and the labia minora is observed in most women during the period of gestation. This is called chloasma.
How to whiten the skin in the bikini area in this case? Just wait. This condition is considered normal, and passes a few months after the birth, and it is due to the fact that blood circulation increases and hormonal restructuring of the woman’s body occurs.
Diseases of the internal organs
Pigmentation of the skin in the perineum can be associated with pathological processes that occur in the body. In most cases, this is due to tumors located in the stomach, diseases of the gallbladder and liver.
How to whiten the skin in intimate places in this case? - Establish an accurate diagnosis, for which it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination in a hospital.
Other reasons:
- The use of hormonal contraceptives. Pigmentation of the skin in the intimate zone can cause a disturbed hormonal balance in the body, which leads to improperly selected drugs or their dosage. Consult a gynecologist for advice to review therapy if darkening of the skin occurs while taking medications or birth control pills. It is possible that a change in therapy will solve the problem of how to whiten the skin in the intimate area.
- Endocrine disorders. Abnormal skin hyperpigmentation not only in the perineum, but also on the knees, elbows, abdomen, and in the axillary region can be caused by various pathologies that are associated with impaired hormone production by the adrenal glands and the pituitary gland. In this case, it is necessary to examine the blood for hormones, and, if necessary, conduct hormone replacement therapy.
- Intoxication of the body. The excessive use of sulfonamides, antibiotics and other chemotherapeutic agents, as well as the action of chemicals of synthetic or natural origin, can disrupt the metabolism of pigments in the cells of the skin.
- Age-related changes. Even in a perfectly healthy woman, the skin in the bikini area may darken over time. This often occurs during menopause and is due to a change in the level of sex hormones.
- Improper care and use of unsuitable detergents. In this case, the question of how to whiten the skin in the intimate area will help change detergents and proper care.
Important! If the pigmentation process is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and is very intense, be sure to consult a specialist.
Only after establishing the cause of darkening of the skin, you can go on to a set of home procedures aimed at eliminating it.
to contents ↑Features of bleaching at home
Bleaching agents that are used at home can have a fairly strong effect, but at the same time cause side effects, and can give a less pronounced result, but be completely safe.
Important! Before choosing the option of whitening the skin in intimate places, do not forget that the procedure can cause dermatitis, allergic reactions and a violation of pigmentation of the skin.
The main condition under which the procedure for whitening the skin between the legs is the mandatory protection of the skin from ultraviolet rays. Ultraviolet helps increase melanin production.When visiting a tanning bed or a beach during skin whitening, it is imperative to use sunscreen cosmetics, her SPF should be at least 25 units.
How to act?
The procedure for lightening the skin, mainly takes place in two stages:
- The first step in resolving the issue of how to remove dark skin between the legs is exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
- The second is a decrease in the synthesis of melanin.
Special products used for peeling contain alpha hydroxy acids, such as citric, lactic, glycolic, etc.
For these purposes, it may also be suitable:
- salicylic alcohol (20%);
- mercury ointment;
- aspirin tablets diluted with water;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- a mixture of sugar with olive oil.
Important! It is necessary to choose means for exfoliation depending on the sensitivity of the skin and on the severity of the darkening.
For the exfoliation procedure:
- First of all, you need to remove the hairs in this area.
- Two hours after this, apply the selected composition to the skin with light circular motions. This process should take no more than five minutes, after which the treated area is rinsed with warm water.
Removing dead skin particles, you can begin to lighten darkened areas of the skin. For this, various combinations of products (vegetables, fruits, herbs, etc.) can be used that can even out skin tone and reduce the synthesis of melanin production.
The main components that help whiten the skin in the intimate area include:
- Parsley. The essential oils that make up this plant have a powerful whitening effect.
- Lemon. The organic acids that make up this citrus fruit cause a whitening effect.
- Cucumber. The smoothing of skin tone and the elimination of hyperpigmentation contributes to the large amount of ascorbic, nicotinic acids and structured water that this vegetable contains.
- Licorice. Reducing the production of melanin and lightening the skin contributes to a large concentration of phenolic compounds and organic acids that are found in all parts of this plant.
- Bearberry. The pigment metabolism is influenced by its arbutin, which inhibits the activity of enzymes.
- Yarrow. The compounds formed by the flavonoids included in the plant reduce the production of melanin by the cells.
to contents ↑Important! Even folk remedies, despite their natural composition, can cause allergic reactions, which is especially true for people with sensitive skin. Before use, the prepared composition must be tested on the skin in order to avoid undesirable consequences.
Home Skin Whitening Recipes
Employees of beauty salons carry out the procedure according to certain methods, but we will focus on home recipes on how to whiten skin in intimate places.
Important! When choosing a tool to remove dark skin between legs, with great caution, consider using hydrogen peroxide, as you can get other problems in the form of chemical burns.
Such folk remedies as birch, cucumber, grapefruit and pomegranate juices have proven themselves wonderfully. Greater effect can be achieved by preparing the mixture according to the following recipes.
A mixture of parsley juice, lemon and kefir
Perform the procedure with this mixture for a month at intervals 2 times a week, after which you need to take a break.
- Fresh parsley juice - 30 ml;
- Lemon juice - 20 ml;
- Yogurt or kefir - 50 ml.
Preparation and use:
- Combine and mix all the components.
- Lubricate darkened skin with the resulting composition.
- After 5-10 minutes, rinse the mixture with warm water.
- Apply a nourishing cream to the skin.
A mixture of cucumber pulp and moisturizer
With this mixture, you can carry out the procedure 2-3 times a week until you get a stable result.
- Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
- Any moisturizer - 20 g.
Preparation and use:
- Peeled the cucumber grate.
- Mix the gruel with cream.
- Apply the resulting composition to gauze napkins, attach them to the problem place.
- After 20 minutes, fix the compress, moisten the cotton pads with cool water, and wipe the skin with them.
A mixture of white clay and yarrow decoction
The frequency of use of this tool is 2-3 times a week for a month.
- White clay - 30 g;
- Dried yarrow herb - 20 g;
- Boiling water - 100 ml.
Preparation and use:
- Yarrow herb pour boiling water, leave to infuse for 30 minutes.
- Strain the broth and mix with white clay until smooth.
- Lubricate the darkened skin with the resulting composition, leave for 10-15 minutes.
- Wash off with cool water.
- Apply a nourishing cream to the skin.
Important! Strengthen the whitening effect will help a few drops of lemon juice added to the mixture. White clay can very dry the skin, due to which microcracks can form, which cause peeling, inflammation and irritation.
A mixture of coffee grounds and lemon juice
Before obtaining the desired result, it is recommended to carry out procedures with a frequency of 2 times a week.
- Coffee grounds - 30 g;
- Lemon juice - 30 ml.
Preparation and use:
- Mix coffee grounds with lemon juice.
- The resulting mass to handle problem areas. In this case, the application is carried out in a circular motion.
- After 5 minutes, rinse your skin with cool water.
- Lubricate with cream.
to contents ↑Important! When deciding how to whiten the skin between the legs, be patient. Folk remedies do not immediately help, and can act only after 1-2 months.
And a couple more nuances
In any case, first of all, ask yourself why bleach skin in intimate places and whether you need it.
Using chemicals, carefully read the instructions and find out the effect of each component on the human body. Very often, hazardous ingredients can be used in these preparations. So, for example, hydroquinone, which is part of such funds, is a carcinogen and can cause skin cancer. And this, you see, is a disaster compared to darkened skin.
to contents ↑Stock footage
If, however, whitening is a vital necessity, first find the cause of pigmentation and after that, ways to eliminate it. We hope that the above recipes will help you get rid of the complexes, and you can feel relaxed and easy in any life situations.
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