How to whiten skin?

Not all women know how to whiten the skin of the face and other parts of the body correctly at home. This often leads to the appearance of additional problems on the epidermis, which are solved very difficult. In order to prevent major mistakes and get a good result, it is necessary to approach the issue carefully and competently. This article will help you understand this skin care issue.

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Why whiten skin?

The complexion and skin condition immediately indicates the grooming of a person. Improper nutrition and bad habits change the complexion. The skin becomes yellow, gray or spotty. Excessive tanning can also spoil the color of the dermis and make it red-chocolate. It looks painful.

Therefore, skin whitening becomes an important process in restoring a beautiful healthy complexion and other parts of the body. With the right approach, lightening is easy even at home.

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When should you think about skin whitening?

There are a number of indicators of skin condition that cannot be ignored. Skin whitening should be done if:

  • There are a lot of pigment spots on the body such as lentigo, chloasma and freckles, and they spoil your appearance.
  • If you are keen on tanning and as a result the skin color is too dark, painfully red, as if after a burn.
  • The body is too dark, and you want to look fresher.
  • If after cosmetic procedures, traces on the epidermis do not pass for a long time and scarves of a crimson color or red nodular formations remain.

All the reasons that in one way or another spoil your appearance must be eliminated. Before you seek professional help, you can try to cope with the problem yourself at home.

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Homemade masks for whitening facial skin

To whiten your skin at home, you will need fresh or dried herbs, essential oils, and some foods. Experience shows that the use of such products greatly helps to restore a healthy color to the skin, making it more even and beautiful.

Rules for using face whitening masks

  • A whitening mask is best done in the evening, as the mask increases the sensitivity of the skin and can cause slight redness. Also, after such procedures, it is extremely undesirable to go out in the sun.
  • As in any other cosmetic procedures, it is important not to overdo it. The whitening process is lengthy and it is very important to consistency and regularity, and not the intensity of exposure.
  • Before applying the mask, the face should be completely cleaned of cosmetics and dirt in the usual way for you.
  • It will be relevant to use a scrub before the bleaching procedure. Thus, you remove the dead cells of the epidermis and increase the effectiveness of the procedure.
  • Rinse off the mask best with warm water. After this, wipe the face with lotion or tonic and apply a night cream.

Cucumber Masks

The pulp of cucumber and the juice of this vegetable are great for whitening, even in case of sensitive skin.Cucumber saturates the skin cells with moisture and, thus, prevents their dehydration. Combinations of cucumber with other products are effective masks for any skin type.

Recipe number 1

The mask is a mixture of juice and pulp of cucumber. It is a universal option for skin whitening:

  1. Grate a fresh cucumber on a fine grater.
  2. Spread the grated vegetable evenly over cheesecloth folded in several layers.
  3. Put gauze on your face and lie down with it for 15-20 minutes.

Important! So that the mask not only bleaches, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect, a few drops of tea tree oil can be added to the cucumber gruel.

Recipe number 2

If the skin is dry and suffers from peeling and tightness, then a cucumber-sour cream mask is suitable:

  1. Rub the cucumber on a fine grater.
  2. Add a tablespoon of thick sour cream to the grated vegetable and mix well.
  3. Apply a thick layer of the resulting mixture on the face for 20 minutes.

Recipe number 3

For fading skin, it is better to make a honey-cucumber mask. Thanks to the anti-aging effect of honey, such a mask will not only help lighten the skin, but also reduce wrinkles and tighten the skin.

The mask is made in a similar way, only honey is added to the cucumber mixture.

Recipe number 4

For skin that is particularly sensitive and prone to irritation, you can use a skin whitening agent with lemon juice:

  1. Grate the cucumber and squeeze the juice from the resulting mixture.
  2. Squeeze some lemon juice into the cucumber.
  3. Moisten gauze in the resulting liquid and put on face for 15 minutes.
  4. After time, rinse with warm water.

Lemon Masks

The active use of lemon juice in cosmetology is explained by peeling and brightening effect on the skin. In addition, lemon juice has a drying effect, which is successfully used in oily skin care. Another advantage of lemon is a calming effect on human nerve cells.

Important! In no case can lemon masks be made if there is any damage to the skin, wounds from acne or irritation.

Recipe number 1

  1. Mix the juice of half a lemon with a teaspoon of liquid honey.
  2. Apply the mixture to your face with a cotton swab. As the fluid dries on the skin, add it again.
  3. Leave the mask on your face for 10 minutes if you have dry skin, and for 15-20 minutes if your skin is oily.

Important! You can put crushed oatmeal in the mask. This technique will help retain moisture in the mask for a longer time. The skin after this procedure will be smoother.

Recipe number 2

For sensitive or very dry skin, add a small amount of sour cream or cream to the lemon mask:

  1. Mix lemon juice with sour cream or cream.
  2. Spread the mixture on the face and leave for 20 minutes.

Important! For a more convenient application of the mask, you can add a little starch or flour to it.

Recipe number 3

This mask will help not only whiten the skin, but also gradually get rid of acne:

  1. Mix lemon juice with pulp and grated raw potatoes.
  2. Apply cooked gruel on face.

Important! You can soak gauze well in the resulting mixture and use it as a mask.

  1. Leave the mask on your face for 10-15 minutes.

Sour milk masks

Sour-milk products are ideal for whitening sensitive skin. They have a mild effect, provide the necessary nutrition and hydration of the epidermal cells.

Recipe number 1:

  1. Wipe 2-3 tablespoons of cottage cheese through a fine sieve.
  2. Add a raw egg to the curd and mix well.

Important! For dry skin types, only egg yolk should be added to the mask.

  1. Apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer on the skin and leave for 20 minutes.

Important! If your skin needs deep nourishment, you can add a spoonful of sour cream to the mask.

Recipe number 2

The following mask will help refresh and whiten the skin with signs of age-related pigmentation and aging:

  1. Grind the cottage cheese through a fine sieve.
  2. Add honey to the curd and mix well.
  3. Apply on face for 10-15 minutes.

Important! This mask can be used twice a week. It has a gentle and nourishing effect.

Recipe number 3

For more mature skin, a mask of kefir of high fat content and castor oil is suitable. It will help smooth out wrinkles, improve complexion and remove traces of age-related pigmentation.

Important! The frequency of use of masks with a whitening effect depends on the type of skin:

  • For oily and combination skin, such procedures should be carried out twice a week.
  • For dry, sensitive or aging skin, the frequency must be reduced to 1 time in 7-10 days.
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Other homemade skin whitening cosmetics

In addition to the masks, you can independently prepare other cosmetics from natural ingredients, which will help to strengthen and consolidate the effect after using the masks.

Lotion for oily and combination skin:

  1. Grind 4 tablespoons of parsley and cucumber.
  2. Pour the crushed ingredients with 100 grams of vodka.
  3. It is necessary to insist the mixture for 1 week, then strain and dilute with clean water in a ratio of 2: 1.
  4. Wipe your face with the prepared lotion daily in the morning and evening.

Important! Store homemade lotion in the refrigerator.

Brightening lotion for dry and sensitive skin%

  1. Mix equal proportions of cucumber juice and milk.
  2. Wipe your face with the mixture daily.

Important! Do not prepare lotion for the future. It is better to use fresh, cooked every 2-3 days.

Leveling and brightening tonic:

  1. Pour a handful of mint leaves with a cup of boiling water and let it brew.
  2. Strain the cooled liquid and squeeze 2 lemons into it.

Important! The result after using such a tonic will be visible after the first week of use.

Ice cubes:

  1. A decoction of mint, chamomile, parsley, a mixture of lemon and cucumber juice can be frozen in a freezer in the form of cubes.
  2. Wipe your face every morning with ice broth. This will help maintain youthful skin and restore a healthy complexion.

Freckle Remedy:

  1. Combine the crushed blackberries and milk powder.
  2. Apply gruel on the areas that you want to bleach and hold for 4-5 minutes.

Important! The procedure must be carried out daily - after 2 days the results will be noticeable.

Whitening Scrub:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of mashed orange peel + a tablespoon of honey until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  2. Spread the mixture with patting movements on the face, massage gently.

Important! Such a scrub will not only whiten the skin, but also help cleanse it from dead cells, smooth out small wrinkles.

Vitamin Compress:

  1. Squeeze juice from the crushed berries of viburnum.
  2. Using gauze soaked in juice, apply red liquid to your entire face.

Spot therapy with soda:

  1. Make slurry from baking soda and clean water.
  2. Apply the mixture pointwise to problem areas, hold for about 5 minutes.

Important! The procedure should be repeated daily until the desired result is obtained. As a rule, after 3-5 procedures the effect is already noticeable.

Parsley decoction:

  1. Prepare a decoction of parsley.
  2. Pour the cooled liquid into the atomizer.
  3. Spray your face throughout the day as many times as you like.

Important! Such actions save the skin from dehydration and maintain its even color.

Essential oils

Essential oils form the basis of a large number of cosmetics. They beneficially affect the skin, nourish it, take care of a healthy complexion.

Add a drop of patchouli, citrus, sandalwood, black pepper, vanilla or palmarosa oil to the night cream before application to whiten the skin.

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Whitening the skin of hands and feet

If lightening the face is not difficult even for the most lazy people, then a similar procedure to achieve the effect with the skin of the hands and feet will have to work hard.Exposure to rougher skin requires a complex and more severe.

Whitening paste:

  1. Mix banana puree, lemon juice, margarine, warm flower honey.
  2. Apply the mixture overnight on hands or feet, wrap with a cloth bandage.

Important! To whiten the skin with this product, use a bandage, gauze, cotton cloth or any other material of natural origin for dressing. For the palms or feet, gloves or socks can be used. The skin should receive oxygen during the procedure.

  1. Remove the compress in the morning, remove the remnants of the product with a paper towel.

Cabbage Broth

Cabbage is an excellent tool if you need to whiten the skin on a large area of ​​the body:

  1. Prepare a decoction of a liter of water and 5-10 cabbage leaves.
  2. Steam daily in hands or feet fluids for 20 minutes.

Important! Such a tool perfectly softens the skin, removes the top layer of dead cells, and allows you to gently whiten the skin.

Mango + Potato:

  1. Grate one mango and half raw potato on a fine grater.
  2. Mix fruit and vegetables until smooth.
  3. Apply gruel in a dense layer to areas where you plan to whiten the skin.
  4. Leave it overnight.

Important! To make the mixture more liquid, you can add a spoonful of milk.

Oily whitening mixture:

  1. Mix two tablespoons of sugar, olive oil, lemon juice.
  2. Intensively rub the problem areas with the resulting fluid.
  3. Apply oily abrasive to hands liberally, leave for 20 minutes.
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How to whiten the body and armpit area?

To remove tan from areas of the body, you can also use improvised means.

Petroleum jelly

A fairly effective method of whitening darkened skin. Repeat application should be with a frequency of 2-3 times a month.

Important! This option for whitening the skin is not at all suitable for the oily type of dermis, since the oily composition of Vaseline significantly clogs the pores and does not allow the sebaceous glands to function normally.

Cornmeal + egg:

  1. Combine corn flour and egg white.
  2. Apply the mixture to problem areas of the body.
  3. After an hour, when the mixture completely hardens and a dense film forms, remove it.

Tanning cream:

  1. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of sugar in lemon juice.
  2. Add three tablespoons of baby cream and 5 grams (ampoule) of glycerin to the solution.
  3. After the shower, apply the mixture to the whole body.
  4. Do not flush.

Important! Such a tool can soothe sensitive skin, saturate it with the necessary moisture, remove ugly dark spots.

Lemon acid:

  1. Mix a spoonful of citric acid powder, half a spoonful of mineral water.
  2. Apply acidic solution to problem areas.

Important! This method of skin whitening is not suitable for dry dermis, but it will be an excellent option for combination.

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How to whiten skin in intimate areas?

The remedy for acting on such delicate areas of the epidermis should be very gentle.

Hydrogen Peroxide + Camphor Alcohol:

  1. Dilute the spoon with camphor alcohol.
  2. Using a cotton swab, apply liquid to the skin, leave for 40 minutes.

Syntomycin acid

This drug copes with red pimples on the buttocks, red spots remaining after acne on the neck, face, chest and hips. Also, the acid effectively eliminates facial wrinkles in the eyes and mouth.

Honey with milk:

  1. In a glass of warm milk, dilute two tablespoons of honey.
  2. Wipe intimate areas twice daily with such a liquid.


Fatty kefir alone or in combination with essential oils of grapefruit, orange, thyme or lemon well dries and helps whiten the skin.

Important! Essential oils can be added to kefir only in the absence of an allergic reaction to them.

Milk + Rice:

  1. Add warm rice milk, rice milk or rice extract.
  2. Apply liquid to the body without rinsing.

Important! This tool for whitening the skin also normalizes the condition of the combined dermis, eliminates the causes of acne, blackheads.

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How to maintain the whiteness of the skin?

Pigmentation and other skin problems are always easier to prevent than to deal with it later. Even if you have perfect skin, you should take care of it and periodically use skin whitening products to maintain its condition.

So what should be done in order not to know such problems? - It's not that complicated:

  • Categorically refuse tanning. This applies equally to exposure to the body in direct sunlight and to visiting the solarium.

Important! Scientists have long proved that tanning provokes premature aging of the epidermis and causes the development of cancer cells.

  • In the warm season, you should avoid the sun, wear a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Be sure to use a cream with a solar protection factor of at least 15.

Important! Cosmetics with NWF should be used year-round. Although the sun does not warm in the cold season, ultraviolet rays also damage the epidermal cells.

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Whatever method of whitening home-made skin you choose, it is worth remembering that natural masks, lotions, tonics do not immediately give an effect. Do not despair without getting a result after the first procedure. Be patient and systematically carry them out. The reward will be a smooth complexion and clean, clean, healthy skin of the whole body.


