How to bleach elbows with hydrogen peroxide 🥝 whitening elbows at home

Dark elbows in women are a fairly common occurrence. And it always causes discomfort, because how can you look confident and beautiful if such a noticeable part of the body is far from okay? In this article we will tell you about why the skin becomes dry, dark, how to whiten your elbows at home quickly, using affordable and simple means.

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Why elbows become dry and dark: causes of the problem

Far from always rough and dark skin on the elbows indicates poor care. Dark elbows may be a sign of thyroid disease. In addition, this can occur during menopause, in which the level of one of the hormones called estrogen is significantly reduced in the female body.

The skin on the elbows may darken in the presence of such diseases:

  • Psoriasis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Various infectious diseases;
  • Vitamin deficiency (lack of vitamins A, E, B in the body).

Important! Also, the cause of this problem can be the prolonged use of antibiotics. Therefore, before starting the fight against this phenomenon, it is advisable to undergo a full medical examination.

In addition, darkened, roughened areas on the bends of the hands may appear from constant friction and contact of the elbows on some surface (for example, a table) or clothing. In this case, you can get rid of the problem with the help of folk remedies.

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How to whiten your elbows?

There are many recipes for traditional medicine, thanks to which you can quickly and effectively get rid of the problem using inexpensive and simple means. The most common of these are the following.


For this method, you can use both lemon itself and its juice as one of the components of self-prepared care products.

Important! Remember that the procedure will have a better effect, if before starting to steam the skin in the shower, thoroughly rub the problem areas with a scrub.

One of the easiest and fastest ways to whiten your elbows is to apply lemon slices to problem areas, fixing them with a cling film. Keep such a compress should be half an hour, and then, without washing off the lemon juice, grease the skin with oily cream.

Important! Also, in the fight against this phenomenon, wipes and masks for dark places based on lemon juice have proven themselves well:

  • Mask of milk, lemon juice, oatmeal in equal proportions;
  • Mask of lemon juice, glycerin, vitamin E, taken one teaspoon, and four tablespoons of milk;
  • Rubbing dark skin with a product containing 2 tablespoons of rose water, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.



Compresses, as well as masks based on potatoes, can do a good job of roughening and darkening the skin at the folds of the hands. In this case, both raw and boiled potatoes can be used. It will not only soften, but also lighten the skin.

The most popular recipes for whitening your elbows at home quickly:

  • Fix raw grated potatoes on the elbows with a cling film, leave the compress overnight. Alternatively, you can wipe the darkened and roughened skin several times with potato juice several times during the day.
  • Pound boiled potatoes with honey and milk or vegetable oil, attach the mixture to the elbows, fix with polyethylene or a bandage.
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Other ways to get rid of the problem

You can use other methods in the fight against keratinized skin on the bends of the hands. It:

  • The crumb of black bread soaked in warm milk;
  • A decoction of oatmeal;
  • Linseed oil compresses;
  • Coffee grounds;
  • Rubbing the skin with cucumber juice, aloe juice or hydrogen peroxide;
  • Lotions of water-diluted apple cider vinegar.
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Baths and lotions

A remarkable effect of whitening the skin on the elbows is also provided by the baths based on the means familiar to all. Here are some of the recipes:

  • Dissolve one teaspoon and 2 teaspoons of liquid soap in one liter of warm water. Dip your elbows in the solution for 20 minutes.

Important! This procedure is done every day.

  • In one liter of hot water, two tablespoons of soda should be diluted and elbows held in solution for about 15 minutes. Then rinse your hands thoroughly and brush with a nourishing cream.

Important! This type of bath should be used every other day.

  • Warm burdock or olive oil, lower your elbows into it for 20 minutes.
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Remember that a good effect of these alternative methods will be achieved only if applied regularly. As you have seen, there is nothing complicated in the proposed recipes, and they will definitely help you restore your beauty!

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