How to whiten towels at home without boiling?

In the kitchen, no hostess can do without towels. Without them, even an ultramodern kitchen would not be convenient. But after a while, beautiful and bright earlier towels turn into plain-looking rags of incomprehensible color, covered with different spots. What to do? How to bleach kitchen towels at home without boiling so that they return to their original appearance? Of course, you can use household chemicals, but there are other ways to quickly and efficiently bleach kitchen towels at home. Their advantage is that they do not harm the tissue, can be used often and without harm to health, and there are components for such whitening in almost any kitchen.

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Useful Tips

Kitchen towels are made from different fabrics. The most popular are linen and waffle towels. And in order not to look for suitable for the design of your kitchen and not spend money on it, you can easily do our master classes sew kitchen towels with original decor.

Important! Terry fabrics are not the best choice for the kitchen, since they dry for a long time, and harmful microflora develops faster in them.

But there are several recommendations that are the same for all kitchen textile options:

  • It is more difficult to get rid of old pollution than fresh ones. Therefore, timely change the towels, wash them more often.
  • Use alternately multiple sets.
  • If you cook something in the kitchen, then along with towels, use napkins, paper towels, which after use can simply be thrown away.
  • Do not use towels to wipe a dirty table, grease or other dirt.
  • To make towels less dirty, iron them after washing.
  • White towels made from natural fabrics can be boiled. Only before boiling it is advisable to wash them.
  • Colored towels with patterns cannot be boiled - they are washed at a temperature of 40 degrees, and special products, such as oxygen bleaches, are used to remove stains.
  • Hang kitchen towels away from the stove, oven and other household appliances. This will help protect kitchen textiles from stubborn stains.
  • Try to use kitchen utensils with a tight-fitting lid. Then greasy stains will not be sprayed throughout the kitchen, and your towels are less likely to get stained. And in order to take hot dishes, not towels are used, but special potholders. There is a separate publication on our website in which you will find many interesting ideas to make potholders in the style of your kitchen.
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Towel Whitening Methods

The skillful use of some of the tools that are in every kitchen can give the most unexpected results. It turns out that you can bleach towels with vegetable oil. There are several ways to use oil when bleaching kitchen textiles, let's take a closer look.

Vegetable Oil Whitening

Oil has the ability to soften dried spots, respectively - then they are easier to wash off. That is why it is added during bleaching:

  • Pour 10 liters of water into a bucket and put on fire.As the water boils, pour 20 ml of oil there (sunflower is best), pour 20 grams of dry bleach, 50 grams of washing powder and 30 grams of soda. You can take any bleach, for example, “Boss” or “Swan”. Put towels in the prepared solution, turn off the fire, leave it all to cool. Then rinse the towels and hang to dry.

Important! The bleach can be replaced with half a glass of vinegar.

  • Three tablespoons of oil, washing powder, bleach and soda are added to boiling water. Towels are placed in the solution and left overnight. In the morning you can start the usual washing machine.

Important! It is advisable to set the mode of repeated rinsing in order to wash off the product well.

  • The third way came to us from Japan. Water is poured into the bucket - its temperature should be about 60 degrees. 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil, 1 tablespoon of mustard powder, 1 tablespoon of vinegar are added to the water. In this solution we put towels, close the bucket with a lid. After 12 hours, you need to remove the product and rinse four times, alternately in hot or cold water.


Laundry soap

This method, proven over the years, allows you to fight with yellowness, with greasy spots and with an unpleasant odor:

  1. Wet contaminated products, soap them thoroughly with household soap.
  2. Then put them in a plastic bag so that air does not enter.
  3. Leave for a day.
  4. Then the products need only rinse.

Potassium permanganate

The well-known potassium permanganate, which is called potassium permanganate in everyday life, will help to effectively whiten kitchen towels at home. It is a strong oxidizing agent, so it bleaches things well.

To process the laundry you need to make the following mixture:

  • Grate 100 grams of laundry soap on a grater.
  • Dilute potassium permanganate in the bank to a bright pink color.
  • Dilute the soap in 10 liters of boiling water and pour potassium permanganate there. You should get a dirty brown solution.

Place previously washed items in this solution, the container must be tightly closed and left at least for 6 hours. Then the products must be rinsed.

Important! Instead of soap, you can use a glass of washing powder.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Another effective way to remove stains from kitchen towels at home.

Important! Suitable for delicate things, as the fabrics are not damaged.

We prepare the solution and apply it:

  1. For 6 liters of water heated to 70 degrees, there are 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of ammonia.
  2. We put pre-washed laundry in the prepared solution, leave it for 20 minutes.
  3. Then the towels should be rinsed properly.

Important! Liquid ammonia can remove almost any stains from different clothes. Click on the link for a special publication, where we have collected the most effective provenways to remove stains with ammonia.

Mustard powder

Here's another proven recipe - to clean kitchen towels with mustard.

Important! Dry mustard is an excellent bleach, does not spoil the fabric fibers.

How to apply:

  • You need to pour a little powder in hot water.
  • For 1 liter of water is 15 grams of mustard.
  • This mixture should stand for some time.

Important! For bleaching, not a powder precipitate is useful to us, but a turbid liquid that has formed on the surface of the mixture. It contains active ingredients that bleach tissue and also degrease it.

  • It is necessary to leave towels soaked in this liquid for several hours, then rinse properly.
  • Washing with this method is not required.

Important! The abundance of modern household chemicals in the kitchen does not always have a good effect on health. Mustard powder can be an excellent alternative to dishwashing.

How to use it and other safe improvised means, read in our article “Safe dishwashing detergents”.


  1. Regular table salt is added to cool water - 1 tablespoon goes for 1 liter.
  2. In this solution, things are left for some time - depending on the degree of pollution, you can leave from 1 to 8 hours.
  3. Then wash the towels as usual.


Dishwashing Detergent:

  1. In 10 liters of water, dilute 20 grams of any detergent for dishes.
  2. If there are large oily stains, they can be rubbed with a product undiluted in water.
  3. Leave on for 10-20 minutes, then wash.

Soda and ammonia

This method perfectly whitens white products:

  1. For 5 liters of water goes 10 tablespoons of soda and 5 tablespoons of ammonia.
  2. Things are soaked in a solution for 3-4 hours.
  3. Then you can wash in normal mode.

Important! Before washing the product, it is advisable to rinse.

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Washing machine whitening

In the modern world, everything is washed in an automatic machine, and bleaching can be carried out in it. Just remember the following:

  • Wash white towels separately from colored ones; it is better to wash kitchen textiles separately from any other things.
  • Pour bleach with powder according to the manufacturer's recommendations on the packaging.
  • Wash towels in prewash mode at a temperature of at least 70 degrees.
  • Choose a good, proven powder and bleach.

Important! If mold appears on your towels, you can get rid of it in a simple way: just after washing, rinse the laundry in water with the addition of vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.

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Now you can easily whiten even the most old stains and grease from kitchen towels, because now you have a lot of useful tips in the arsenal!

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