How to clean aluminum pans from soot?

Kitchenware requires not only constant care, but also regular cleaning, so that, as in the work of Korney Chukovsky “Fedorino Gora”, it does not turn into unhappy dirty kitchen utensils. Food debris, dirt, grease, limescale - what our faithful household helpers do not encounter, and aluminum pans are no exception. But they are simply indispensable during harvesting for the winter, so you always need to know how to clean aluminum pans from soot, so that they look like new and last for many more years.
to contents ↑Aluminum is a very delicate material!
Despite the fact that in the modern world there are new and practical materials
for the manufacture of pots, pans, aluminum utensils are still in demand, and not only for our grandmothers, mothers. Aluminum pots are lightweight, relatively inexpensive, great for cooking for a large family and simply irreplaceable during the preparation of jam and other preparations for the winter.
To maintain the original appearance of utensils made of such a delicate material, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations for their operation:
- Do not use aluminum utensils for daily preparation of milk porridges, soups.
- Do not store food in pots, as aluminum reacts very easily with organic acids. As a result of such compounds, dark spots may form on the surface of the utensil.
- Do not salt meat, fish or vegetables in the dishes, as this will not only worsen the appearance of the pan, but also adversely affect your health. The chemical reaction of aluminum with acids can form harmful compounds.
- Do not cook in aluminum pans over high heat. It should be remembered that the bottom of the dishes is not protected by a non-stick coating, therefore, in case of strong fire, the dish will immediately burn.
- To clean aluminum pans from soot, do not use detergents for washing, even for external cleaning.
- Do not use aggressive chlorine-based chemicals to clean aluminum utensils.
- Before using an aluminum pan for the first time, boil a salt solution in it: mix a teaspoon of salt with water in a ratio of 1: 5.
- Thoroughly rinse utensils from the remnants of detergent.
- For small (by area) contaminants, use melamine sponges.
- Do not wash aluminum utensils in the dishwasher, as with such a systematic washing it dims, darkens.
- To clean aluminum pans from soot, brushes, sponges with a metallized base, sandpaper, sand, coarse salt are not suitable, since scratches, traces will remain on the surface of the dishes, and care for the damaged surface will be difficult.
- Wash aluminum utensils only when they are cold or barely warm, as a hot pan may get deformed if it gets a stream of cold water.
- A manual sink for aluminum dishes is preferable. Fill utensils with warm water, dilute a small amount of detergent in it. If you need to get rid of burnt products, then leave the solution in the pan for an hour, then remove the dirt with a regular sponge.
How to descale from a pan?
Scale is a solid deposit that is formed as a result of heating and boiling water containing compounds of various salts.You can remove the scum with both folk and modern special means. The following extremely simple methods and tools will help restore the shine of the utensils and quickly descale the pan.
Acetic acid
To clean aluminum pans from soot and darkening:
- Boil water with vinegar in it: 4 tbsp. tablespoons of funds per 1 liter of water.
- Simmer for one hour.
- After the scale dissolves, drain the water and rinse the pan thoroughly with warm running water.
Important! If the utensils have darkened outside, then moisten the sponge in the solution and wipe the dishes: the bottom and walls will immediately brighten and shine.
Lemon acid
Citric acid will help to get rid of utensils from scale and carbon deposits, if applied in this way:
- Draw water into the pan and add citric acid at the rate of 1 teaspoon of the product per 1 liter of water.
- Leave the pot with the solution for 1 hour.
- Put on fire and, bringing the water to a boil, continue to boil the solution over low heat for 20 minutes.
- After the cleaning process, drain the water and rinse the dishes with warm running water.
- If necessary, repeat the cleaning procedure.
The classic version of the fight against scum and soot is an indispensable helper - soda:
- Put purified water into the pan and add baking soda at the rate of: 100 grams of soda per 1 liter of water.
- Put the solution on the fire and boil for half an hour.
- After cleaning, drain the soda solution and wash the dishes with dishwashing detergent.
- Then - thoroughly rinse the pan in warm running water.
This amazing vegetable will perfectly cope with the problem of scale and carbon deposits. You can make sure of this without putting much effort and wasting time, if you act like this:
- Pour water into a pot and bring it to a boil.
- Pour 3-5 medium-sized peeled onions in boiling water, cut in half.
- Cook vegetables for 30 minutes.
- After cleaning, drain the onion solution, and wash the pan with detergent for dishes.
Important! The only negative of this method is its specific smell, but it quickly disappears.
Apple and potato peelings
To clean aluminum pans from soot without using special tools, use apple or potato peelings:
- Rinse the cleanings thoroughly and add them to a pot of water.
- Simmer in water over low heat for 20-30 minutes.
- After this, drain the solution, and clean the pan with a soft sponge.
Important! This method is also suitable for small and light pollution of various origin.
Kefir or cucumber pickle
Dark spots on the surface can be removed with the help of sour milk, kefir or cucumber pickle:
- Fill the dishes with the product and leave overnight.
- In the morning, rinse the dishes well with warm running water.
Borax + ammonia
To descale the pan:
- Dissolve 10 g of pharmacy borax and a few drops of ammonia in a glass of water.
- Cover the walls of the dishes with the solution and leave for 30 minutes.
- After that, wipe the pan with a dry cloth and rinse.
Cream of tartar
Tartar, which is formed on the bottom of bottles or barrels of a drink, will help get rid of stains on kitchen utensils. Replace the crystals can wine vinegar.
A tool is used to descale the pan in this way:
- Dissolve the tartar in hot water (pour vinegar on the bottom of the dishes) and put on fire until it boils.
- Boil the solution for 10 minutes.
- Wipe the outside of the dishes with a sponge, dipping it in the cooled solution, only be sure to protect your hands with gloves.
- Wash cleaned dishes in the usual way and wipe dry with a soft flannel.
to contents ↑Important! If folk proven methods are not suitable for you, then use modern special means of purchase.But when using them, be sure to remember the safety precautions and strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions, because dishes made from delicate material can “respond” to “chemistry” with the same dark spots.
Helpful hints:
- Instead of regular vinegar, use apple cider vinegar. And so that there is no unpleasant odor, at the end of cleaning, boil ordinary water in a pan.
- Remove old stains from scale and scale with gruel from soda, dissolving the product in a small amount of water. Intensively rub the contaminated areas with the mixture, and then wash the utensils in water, it is possible with the addition of ammonia.
- Remove stains on the pan with sour apples. Wipe the contaminated surface with ordinary sour apples, and then rinse the pan with water. The effect is achieved due to the acid contained in the fruit. You can use freshly squeezed lemon juice for this purpose.
- If you forgot the pan on the stove and formed a thick layer of soot, then use regular tooth powder. Pour a little water into the bottom of the dish and boil the soot for 5-7 minutes. Sprinkle a little powder on the bottom of the dishes and leave the pan overnight. In the morning, gently remove carbon deposits with a soft sponge or napkin, and then wash the pan with dishwashing detergent.
- Boiling in a solution of soda and silicate glue will help restore the shine of aluminum utensils. To boil a dirty pan, you will need a vat:
- Pour the following solution into a large container: 1 bucket of water + 100 grams of silicate glue + 100-130 grams of calcined salt.
- Bring the mixture to a boil.
- Dip aluminum utensils into it and boil for 30-40 minutes.
- After cleaning, wash the dishes and rinse in cold water with a few drops of ammonia.
- Rub the surface with a soft flannel towel and the pots will sparkle like new.
to contents ↑Important! Many contaminants can be removed in the old grandfather way - fine river sand or crushed chalk. The main thing is that these products do not contain coarse particles that can scratch the surface of the dishes. Pots are rubbed with sand or chalk mixed with a little water.
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Use aluminum utensils with pleasure, and fight with scum and soot immediately so that procrastination does not force you to look for a replacement for an old, but so beloved and necessary pan. Use our tips and tricks, and caring for aluminum utensils will not take you much time. Good luck
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