How to disable the radio?

Many consider radio a morally obsolete telecommunications service. It is difficult to say how true this statement is, but there is no trace of the former popularity of radio points. In the days of the Soviet Union, radio “spoke” in almost any apartment. News releases, weather forecasts, radio shows, children's shows - all this was very popular. Today, when the Internet is becoming more accessible, many people do not remember the existence of wired broadcasting points in the apartment. But at the same time they continue to regularly pay for the radio link. After reading the article, you will learn how to turn off the radio in the apartment.

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The role of the radio today

It is perhaps unfair that this service has completely outlived itself. Today, stationary radio is a kind of mouthpiece that notifies the listener about the danger of emergency situations:

  1. Act of terrorism.
  2. Man-made accidents.
  3. Ecological disasters.
  4. Natural disasters.

Important! If you hear the sound of a siren in the city, this is a signal to turn on the stationary radio. At its frequency broadcasting is done regarding an emergency.

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Ways to turn off a broadcast point

In accordance with the rules, which no one has canceled, the presence of a radio point in an apartment or house is mandatory. But how many people do you know who use the radio? Probably not. A subscription fee is charged for this business regularly. Isn't it better to completely disable the point you pay for, but which you probably won't have to use?

There are 2 options to turn off the radio:

  • Written appeal to the Housing Office.
  • Contacting a specialized organization providing radio broadcasting and communication services.

Does it make sense to contact the Housing Office?

The first option could be called effective, if not for one “but”. Let's be realistic: the efficiency of our housing offices and the quality of their work have long become a byword. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, it is better to bypass this institution, as they say, “hundredth way”.

Contacting the Telecom office

In contrast to the “unscientific fiction” associated with contacting the local Housing Office, a telecommunications services company where it resolves such issues as quickly as possible. You need to fill out a specialized form. Your radio point will be disconnected in the near future.

Important! You need to have a passport with you. In addition, you will need to pay for the shutdown service on receipt. And, of course, you should not have any debt on the subscription fee for radio broadcasting.

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Opt out of the radio over the internet

How to turn off the radio without leaving your home? The algorithm is quite simple:

  1. Download the application form from the website of the service provider.
  2. Pay for the shutdown service through the online bank.
  3. Scan or photograph receipts and statements.
  4. Go to the electronic reception, leave files on the website with scanned copies of the application.
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Stock footage

You just have to wait a bit. Soon, the wired broadcast point will be turned off. Now you can listen only to your favorite entertainment or news radio waves exactly as you used to do the last few years.

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