How to wash the kettle from rust inside?

A kettle is one of the most irreplaceable things in our life. We all love coffee, tea, chicory and much, much more. But not everyone knows, applies and knows how to properly care for him, because the taste and aroma of any tea or instant coffee largely depends on the quality of the water inside it. Not only will all these raids, smells, rust, etc. change the taste of the drink not for the better, they will also harm your precious health - that’s the most important thing. Therefore, today we will figure out how to wash the kettle from rust inside.

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The appearance of rust

In order to remove a problem, you need to know where it starts. People who have access to high-quality water in all respects are very lucky. Most of them have to use hard water with a high content of various mineral salts and trace elements for drinking and cooking.

If there is a lot of iron in the water, rust deposits will definitely form on the walls of the pots and in the kettle. After we figured out where the cause of rust comes from, we will begin to remove it.

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Rust removal

Let's quickly look at ways to wash the kettle from rust inside, so that you can put them into practice and make sure of a good effect.

Acetic acid

Universal remedy in home life:

  1. Take 6–9% table vinegar, fill the container with water for three quarters of the volume.
  2. Next - bring the water to a boil and turn it off.
  3. Pour in the vinegar solution in the amount of the missing quarter of the kettle.
  4. Soak for eight hours or leave it overnight.
  5. Pour the solution and rinse thoroughly several times with water.

Check it out! Rust and limescale should not be.

Soda and Vinegar

Variation for plastic teapots:

  1. Pour water, vinegar and add one tablespoon of soda.
  2. At the end of a violent effervescent reaction, the resulting liquid is allowed to boil, after cooling it is poured.
  3. Finish cleaning by rinsing with clean water.maxresdefault-5

Important! Acetic acid is only cleaned in steel kettles, while plastic ones can deteriorate. Therefore, when cleaning plastic soda is added.

Lemon acid

The cleaning process proceeds in exactly the same way as with acetic acid, but with some, slight simplification:

  1. The kettle is completely filled with water, brought to a boil.
  2. Pour 1-2 tablespoons of citric acid into it.
  3. After cooling, the solution can be drained, wiped inside with a soft sponge, rinsed thoroughly with clean water and boiled clean water again.

Important! If rust has appeared on the outside, it can also be cleaned with a citric acid solution. Perhaps you have not found citric acid in your home, look at the lemon, you can cut it into slices together with the peel and it will be enough to boil it in the teapot for 10 minutes.


Using pickle from canned cucumbers or tomatoes also gives good results in caring for a metal kettle.

The amount of vinegar or citric acid in the filling of these vegetables, which are added during canning, is quite enough for this procedure.

It is necessary to fill them with dishes, bring to a boil, then cool, drain, rinse thoroughly until the specific smell is completely removed.

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Original methods:

  1. Detergent is poured onto a damp surface, waiting 20 minutes. Then wipe well with half a potato. Next, thoroughly rinse the kettle with water, and it is ready for use.
  2. How to remove rust from the kettle inside? - Coca-Cola will help you. Just pour a drink and leave it overnight. It remains only to wipe with a sponge with soap and rinse with water.
  3. If you have sour milk, do not rush to throw it out. It is enough to fill in one third of the volume of the kettle, boil and leave for some time. All merge, clean inside - this will be enough.
  4. Peeling potatoes, apples and pears is another folk and original way. The washed cleanings are put in an enameled or steel kettle, water is added and heated to a boil. Then they turn off, leave for several hours, all drained and boiled with clean water. Further, all formations inside the dishes are washed out.

Important! We will give you a little advice in the fight against rust. In order to no longer have a rusty coating in the kettle, rinse it after each boiling. If the water is hard and confirmed by the presence of a high iron content in it, the best option would be to install a filter house.

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The emergence of scale

Limescale is no less a problem than rust, so it’s your duty to deal with it. The chemical composition of water is such that salts form when heated. And the harder the water, the more deposits. Filters can only become a temporary obstacle to scale, but later on, plaque will prevail over your kettle.

As a result, there are a number of problems, water boils much longer, and electrical appliance may fail. In addition, scum adversely affects your body, which is no longer an innovation, causing problems in the functioning of the genitourinary system and kidneys.

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Scale the kettle

In order for your kettle to look fresh not only outside but also inside, you need to know how to clean the scale inside the kettle:

  1. A special tool, for example, “Anti-scale” or “Silat”. They can wash scale in any kettle. As usual, you need to boil water with this tool for several minutes. Pour the solution and rinse well.

Important! This is the easiest way, but you need to remember that the harmful substances in the composition can affect health. Therefore, rinse the kettle as thoroughly and efficiently as possible.

  1. Apple or apple cider vinegar. Cut the apple into slices, or take 1 cup of vinegar, add to the teapot with 1 liter of water. The procedure is simple: boil, pour and rinse.

Do not think that there are so few ways to rinse and descale the kettle, these are just some of the ways. You can also use absolutely all the methods that have been described to remove rust, the main thing is to look carefully and do not clean the plastic kettle with what you do not need to do.

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Burnt Kettle

A burnt kettle should not be thrown away or replaced immediately. You should try the following methods:

  1. Specialized tools, such as Sanklin. Using it is simple: apply to the surface and leave for a few minutes, then thoroughly wash the kettle.

Important! Always use pasty products and a soft sponge so as not to leave scratches on the surface.

  1. Folk way, which is more laborious, but less financially expensive. You will need a large pot in which the kettle should fit. We are preparing a special solution: for 10 liters of water, 100 grams of soda and 80 grams of silicate glue. The current ingredients can be replaced with grated laundry soap. Immerse the kettle in a pot with a solution and bring to a boil. Allow to cool and with a cooled solution with a sponge we clear of soot.
  2. Here is another good folk way. Try to remove a small layer of burning with wet salt. Or prepare a solution: 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 tbsp. a spoon of vinegar - it will help remove carbon deposits from the kettle.

Important! Remember that we use a soft sponge so as not to leave marks.

  1. Activated charcoal will help clean aluminum from the kettle. Crush the surface of 10-15 tablets, apply to problem areas. After 40-60 minutes, wash the burnout, rinse with water.
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Fat is another problem on the path to clean cutlery. If the kettle is on the stove during cooking, when the fats are flying in all directions, such situations are categorically undesirable, as you understand. And if they happened, then see how to get rid of fat:

  1. The easiest way for dishwasher owners. Need to put on the hottest mode. There is a chance that the first time it does not clear, then repeat the procedure.
  2. For cases when the kettle is thoroughly covered with fat, the following method is suitable: prepare a solution of vinegar 1 tbsp. spoons, soda 1 teaspoon, salt 1 teaspoon. With this solution, rub the boiled fat and rinse thoroughly.
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Care Tips

As with any item or item, there are rules for caring for the kettle:

  • Use soft, filtered, or at least settled water for the kettle. If possible, it is better not to use tap water, but to buy in gallons. Or, as mentioned above, put filters at home.
  • Boil the water once. It is undesirable to use again boiled water, replace it with fresh.
  • Before each use, rinse the kettle from the inside, rinse it from white flakes and other accumulations from previous use.
  • For prevention, boiling water with citric acid, about once a month, will help. For the whole kettle - 1 tbsp. a spoon. This method has been described above.
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With proper care, your kettle will delight you with constant glare and radiance from its purity, aroma and taste of coffee and tea drinks, and most importantly - you don’t have to go to the store and go ahead, choose, spend money on a new appliance. It is very easy and simple to follow this set of rules, because it does not require any financial, labor-intensive and almost time-consuming expenses. Regularity and habit - that is what will help you in caring for this device.


