How to wash the casserole from the pan?

It’s sad if dinner is burnt, but in extreme cases it can be replaced with a simple dish made in haste. The question remains open: how to wash the ashes from the pan? There are several effective methods that allow you to quickly deal with this, frankly, difficult problem. After reading the article, you can easily clean the pan, pan and other items of kitchen utensils that have become victims of the owner’s oversight during cooking. The choice of a specific technique depends on the material from which the dishes are made. Aluminum, enameled metal, stainless steel or a Teflon-coated surface can be cleaned in various ways.

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How to clean the enameled pan from soot at home is a question that worries many.

Method 1:

  1. The simplest way is to boil salt water in it.
  2. The effectiveness of the method increases if baking soda is added to the salt. The solution thus becomes more concentrated.
  3. After the water boils for 1-2 hours, leave the solution in the pan for another 7 hours.

If you started cleaning in the evening, then the next day the work will go much faster.

Method 2

It is advisable to clean the dishes with a soft brush, it is possible with soda powder. The use of such an aggressive agent as a metal washcloth or emery is unacceptable, since enamel integrity can be compromised. Subsequently, food in such a saucepan will burn constantly. Have to throw away the deteriorated dishes.

Important! Sometimes after such cleaning dark or yellow spots remain on the enamel surface. You can get rid of them with ordinary bleach. Add a little “White” to the water and boil the solution in a saucepan. The yellowness will go away, but the dishes will need to be rinsed properly with running water.

Method 3

Another “working” option is the use of dishwashing detergent:

  1. Add detergent to the pot with water (do not be stingy!) And put on fire.
  2. Heat the water to a boil, then drain the water down the drain.
  3. Now it remains to wipe the softened soot with a sponge for dishes.

Important! The advantage of this method is that the enamel is cleaned almost instantly. Kitchenware looks like new!

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How to remove carbon deposits in a stainless steel pan *

Before you wash the soot from a stainless steel pan, prepare everything you need. You will need:

  • table vinegar;
  • salt;
  • water.

As you can see, the set is available:

  • Mix all the ingredients (the water should be hot), pour the solution into a bowl and leave overnight.
  • There is a more radical way when one of the components is not. Soak the charred items overnight in boiling water. The burnt soak, and it will not be difficult to clean it. Teflon-coated dishes are also cleaned in the same way.

Important! When cleaning kitchen utensils from stainless steel, do not use hard metal washcloths, as they leave scratches that make further use of the dishes impossible.

The same goes for Teflon pans. If the coating is damaged, it releases toxic substances that are harmful to the body, so cooking food in such dishes is, to say the least, unsafe.

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How to remove fumes from an aluminum pan?

Activated carbon will help hostesses successfully overcome this difficulty. A particularly good result is obtained when it is necessary to clean dishes from burnt milk.The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Powder a few tablets of activated carbon.
  2. Pour the powder to the bottom of the dishes, hold for half an hour.
  3. Pour water into a saucepan, leave for another half an hour, until the mass dries.
  4. Clean the pan from the pan with a dishwashing detergent.

Important! Using activated carbon, you can also clean carbon deposits with enameled and steel utensils.

Here's another way to wash the aluminum pan from the burning. It helps with cleaning and water with soda:

  1. Add soda to hot water (a tablespoon of soda is diluted with water to a pulp state).
  2. To begin, spread the burnt stain on the bottom of the pan with the mixture.
  3. Then add water and boil the mixture for 15 minutes.
  4. After that, it remains only to wash off the carbon deposits with the use of a special detergent.
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How to clean the pan from soot outside?

Shot and fat from burnt food is formed not only from the inside, but also from the outside of pans and pans. As practice shows, cleaning the outside takes longer and requires more effort:

  1. To get started, take a larger container than the pan or pan you are cleaning.
  2. Prepare a soda solution: 1 liter of water - a tablespoon of soda.
  3. The cleaning process is the simmering of one pan inside another, using a soda solution. The boiling time is 2 hours.

After this, the deposit will come off quite simply.

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As you can see, the essence of all the ways to wash the ashes from the pan is to pre-soak them for several hours in a solution containing substances that break down soot. The further cleaning process is quite standard. Of course, you can use aggressive household cleaning products, but homemade, proven products over the years are effective and safe.


