How to wash burnt sugar?

Many of us are faced with the problem when it is necessary to clean the surface of dishes from sticky sugar-containing substances, for example, when making jam, sugar can burn at the bottom of the pan. How to wash burnt sugar so as not to damage the bottom of the pan, we will consider in the article. A suitable method is selected based on which material to remove carbon deposits from.

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How to wash burnt sugar with teflon pans?

watermarked - 3118033Teflon-coated dishes are made using elements that prevent the burning of food particles, so it is easy to clean: just fill the kitchen utensils with water and a small solution of liquid detergent. After half an hour, rinse the dishes. After such a feasible procedure, the problem of how to wash burnt sugar will be completely solved.

Important! The Teflon coating deteriorates under the influence of alkaline products, so use natural products to cleanse: apple peel, lemon, unpeeled bulb. Boil the listed products in a soiled container, and then rinse.

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Cleaning aluminum dishes

Aluminum utensils are covered with a thin protective layer, which is destroyed by chemical agents. It is also impossible to use abrasive products to clean such household items, as this can lead to the release of harmful compounds into food during subsequent cooking.

Therefore, in this situation, the question is more: how to wash burnt sugar? We recommend using the following tools:

  • lemon acid;
  • soda;
  • laundry soap;
  • silicate glue.

Method 1

You can remove the remaining jam using citric acid as follows:

  1. Remove food debris with a tablespoon (do not scratch or scratch).
  2. Pour water into the pan so that it covers the soot line. If sugar burned only to the bottom, then fill in no more than 2 cm of water.
  3. Add 1 tsp. citric acid in a ratio of 1 liter of water.
  4. Cover the utensils and simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. Pour out the water along with soot.
  6. Wash the dishes in the usual way.

Method 2

To wash burnt sugar with soda and silicate glue, follow these instructions:

  1. Fill the desired container with water.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l soda and 1 tbsp. l glue.
  3. Stir well.
  4. Boil the solution for half an hour.
  5. Pour the mixture and wipe the bottom, as well as the side walls, with a stiff brush.

Important! If your pan is contaminated from the outside, then, to wash the burnt sugar, boil it in a larger container. To do this, you will need 1 liter of water, 20 g of laundry soap and 10 g of glue. Step-by-step instruction:

  • Rub the outside of the dish with laundry soap.
  • Add glue.
  • Boil the pan in a larger container.
  • Rinse utensils under running water.

Method 3

A simple way was suggested by one of the “failed jam cooks”:

  1. Put a pan on the gas and heat it for 2-3 hours.
  2. After the container has warmed up well, sprinkle some water on the burnt place (the water ball will roll along the bottom of the pan, and the bottom will bleach).
  3. After this procedure, the deposit will simply burn out.

Important! The described cleaning method is recommended only for ordinary aluminum utensils.

Method 4

For cast aluminum utensils with a non-stick coating, use ammonia to clean: 2-3 drops of the product will remove an unpleasant dark deposit and restore the luster to the coating.

Important! If there is no ammonia, arm yourself with vinegar to quickly solve the problem of how to wash burnt sugar.

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Ceramic pottery cleaning

Ceramic-coated pans are environmentally friendly and rarely burn. They are easily cleaned from the sugar crust of jam. Use citric acid diluted with water for this purpose. Boil dirty kitchen items, and after the food soaks soften, wipe with a hard sponge.

A more accessible and common method of cleaning that does not harm the ceramic surface is the use of salt:

  1. Pour 5 tbsp. Onto a dirty surface of the container. l salt.
  2. Evenly distribute the product on the bottom.
  3. Leave the dishes for a couple of hours, then rinse.
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Elimination of burnout with enamel pan

Enameled objects require a delicate approach. Again, the question arises as to how to wash burnt sugar, since you can not use a hard metal washcloth for cleaning - you can scratch the enameled layer. After that, the sugar will constantly burn in the damaged area, and it is impossible to cook in a pan with damaged enamel. In addition, the enamel does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, so do not immediately fill it with cold water, after the jam has burned.

To clean enameled utensils, use simple, common household products:

  • table vinegar;
  • baking soda;
  • Activated carbon;
  • lemon acid;
  • salt;
  • apple peel;
  • abrasive powders.

Option 1

watermarked - on_tract_images_550x400To wash burnt sugar with soda, use it as follows:

  1. ½ cup soda pour water so as to cover the contaminated surface.
  2. Boil the resulting mixture for the time required until the sugar crust loosens.
  3. Pour out the remaining water and carbon deposits.
  4. Rinse the dishes.

Important! Soda can be replaced with citric acid or salt. The ratio of acid to water should be the same as when cleaning aluminum dishes. Use salt in a proportion of 5-6 tbsp. l on 1 liter of water. Boil the dishes, adding the listed funds to them.

Option 2

The original way to remove sugar peel is a natural method using apple peels. Like citric acid, the peel breaks down particles of sugar and fructose. Use the following instruction:

  1. Rub the contaminated area with apple peel.
  2. Leave on the surface for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse the dishes.

Important! If there is no desired effect, then boil apple peeling in a dirty bowl.

Option 3

Table vinegar is also suitable for dissolving a burnt crust:

  1. Pour the product onto contaminated areas.
  2. Leave for a couple of hours.
  3. Rinse the item well under running water.

Option 4

When using activated carbon in order to wash burnt sugar, it must be crushed and sprinkled on contaminated areas of the dishes. Leave the utensils for half an hour, after which fill the container with cold water and let stand for another half hour. After the procedure, wash the dishes with a liquid detergent.

Important! If dark spots remain on the surface of a snow-white pan, remove them by boiling with bleach. Remember to rinse the dishes well with clean water to achieve the desired result.

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Elimination of burnouts on cast iron cookware

Cast iron cookware until it has cooled. Burning can be filled with water, adding 4 tsp. salt. Cast iron utensils, like stainless steel items, do not require special care. Here the question of how to wash burnt sugar is solved quite easily - you can wipe it with a metal washcloth, use any alkaline products, vinegar, citric acid, as well as powder detergents.

Special chemicals can also save from burnt jam:

  • “Gala”;
  • “Fairy”;
  • “Forte +”;
  • “Comet”.

Important! When using chemicals, use rubber gloves to protect your hands.

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Helpful hints:

  1. You can eliminate burnouts on baking trays, pots, pans in the same ways as for cleaning dishes.
  2. If sugar streaks have formed inside the microwave, put a glass of water in the center of the rotating element to remove them. Run the microwave for 10 minutes. After completion, remove the glass and wipe the stove with a damp sponge. Under the influence of steam, all burnt spots will be removed.
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We hope that our tips will help you wash the burnt sugar, and the cooked jam will delight your household. Bon appetit and good luck!

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