Barbecue grills 🥝 how to remove carbon deposits

Everyone knows how delicious grilled sausages, barbecue, chicken legs are obtained on a grill. These dishes are truly worthy of attention and there are a lot of kitchen utensils for their preparation. But since skewers do not give such a convenient and comfortable result, most often today they use a special grill. Of course, the difference in cleaning is great, but practicality prevails, and after cooking our favorite dishes, we wonder how to clean the grill. Now we will tell you some convenient and simple ways to wash the grill for barbecue.

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Professional household chemicals

For these purposes, there are many special liquids and sprays that are sold “at every corner”. They break down fat well and really work. A small minus is the factor that the product costs money and is a chemical substance that can remain on the grill.

Important! Among the most popular options for such household chemicals, it is possible to note “Sif cream”, “Silite”, “Fairy”.

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Outdoor cleaning while relaxing

A fairly simple way to clean the grill grate at home is to leave it overnight in the grass. As you know, dew falls at night and the fat gets wet. In the morning you calmly, without the help of any special means, wash the grate with plain water and a sponge.

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We clean the grate in the country - a minimum of effort

A method that is very similar in principle will be suitable if you have some capacity and no dew is expected at night:

  1. Type in a basin, barrel, water. It is possible with the addition of a small amount of vinegar - this will help you easily and the founder wash all the fat and soot.
  2. Soak it for a while - you can at night.
  3. Use a cloth to wash your kitchen utensils.
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Wedge by wedge - remove the cinder by fire

If not everyone has a water tank, you can resort to using the same bonfire, as in the old saying - “they knock out a wedge with a wedge”. Just take and burn the grate at the stake. All fat products will burn out, there will be a small deposit, which you can remove with a special grill brush. In this method, you limit yourself to the use of any detergents, and spend a minimum of water.

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For resourceful

In the event that you have nowhere to hurry and there is no desire to get dirty, then for this category of vacationers there is also an option to wash the grill for barbecue:

  1. Lubricate the contaminated product with a thick soap.
  2. Wrap in a plastic bag and leave overnight.
  3. In the morning, rinse and wipe with a dry towel, rag, napkin.

Important! And if you intend to call in your car after a rest at the car wash, then with the words “friend, spray on the grill”, addressed to one of the car wash workers, you will kill two birds with one stone. From night soaking in soap, the grate is easily washed off under water pressure.

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Traditional mechanical cleaning - maximum effort

How to wash the grill for the grill at home - every good housewife knows. The brush - iron or artificial, it does not matter, for sure there is in every house. In this case:

  1. Using detergents, simply wipe your grate with a brush, rinse in water and you're done.
  2. You can also resort to the help of an ordinary kitchen brush. But only after cleaning, you need to carefully study the connections on the grill. It happens that small particles of the brush come off and get stuck in it.
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The modern way - will it help?

Still clean the soot and grease from the grill, no matter how strange it sounds, can the usual “Coca-Cola” or “Pepsi-Cola”. Drinks such as "Sprite", "7UP" and similar soda will do. Surprise but try. Using a rag dipped in this drink, you can easily wash your favorite wire rack to shine.

Important! If you need to wash the barbecue grill, which is thoroughly smoked, it is better to soak it in such a drink at night.

In conclusion, do not forget to rinse the subject with running water so that it does not remain sticky and does not attract various insects.

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Prevention of burning on grates

Before using the grill, it is necessary to lubricate it with vegetable oil. Slices of food do not stick and are easily washed with minimal effort on your part.

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Stock footage

Use the grill grate correctly, clean it in a timely manner and then you do not have to limit yourself on vacation to prepare not always useful, but such tasty dishes. And this is the key to your excellent mood.


