How to wash fat from a pan?

Crockery is the most important tool of a housewife in the kitchen. With his help, she cooks food. And that means - after cooking, soot, grease, pieces of food and other dirt remain. You must have come across such a situation, wasted energy, nerves - this is far from a new story. So also in the process of all this, breakage or damage to the pan can occur, which in the end will make the result clearly worse. In this article, we will tell you how to wash fat from a pan, what means to use to clean pots and pans, so that this process is no longer tedious and complicated for you.

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Safety precautions during cleaning:

  1. All work must be done with rubber gloves so as not to harm the skin of the hands.
  2. When using detergents - both chemical and household, you need to open as many windows in the kitchen as possible to ventilate the room. The hood can also be turned on.
  3. When using aggressive dishwashing detergents, it is better to take the old sponge that you plan to throw away.
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Fat Removal - 5 Best Ways

First, let's look at the topic of fat, as this is often the most pressing issue.

Method 1

If you don’t get help with such products as “Fairy” or “Pemolux”, take a look at the most aggressive means for washing the stove or the oven. They will perfectly cope with the task.

Method 2

Since buying one can of strong substance will be unprofitable, often housewives resort to folk methods. Soda paired with citric acid will do an excellent job. So:

  1. Dirty, greasy dishes - a pan or pan, must be abundantly moistened with plain warm water.
  2. After that, a mixture of soda and citric acid is applied to the surface.
  3. Now you need to wait until the reaction occurs, and the mixture begins its cleansing effect.
  4. After a few minutes, the spent mixture must be washed off the dishes and rinsed additionally with warm water and ordinary detergent.

Now your dishes are shiny clean!

When using this method, you don’t even have to bother and rub the surface of the dishes, everything will work out on its own. How to wash fat from a pan? - For you is no longer a problem.

Method 3

  1. The first thing you do is prepare a mixture of soda and vinegar in equal proportions.
  2. After - this mixture is rubbed with dirty dishes with frozen fat, and remains in this processed state for 10-15 minutes.
  3. At the end of time, the dishes lend themselves easily to a regular, soft sponge.1366738396_kak-otmyt-skovorodu-ot-nagara_02

Method 4:

  1. Pour a few tablespoons of salt into the pan - it is necessary to fill the entire bottom, and then add table vinegar in a ratio of 1 to 1.
  2. Then put it on the fire and warm it up until the dirt pieces move away from the walls.
  3. After that, the surface of the pan is washed perfectly using ordinary detergent and water, a sponge.

Method 5

Mustard powder is a good remedy:

  1. We well heat the dishes you need.
  2. Further, the residues that have melted are removed, followed by the application of powder.
  3. After 10-15 minutes, the pan is washed perfectly with plain water, all dirt, including old grease and carbon deposits, is removed.
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How to wash delicate dishes?

A method for ceramic or glassware, that is, one that you can’t put on an open fire. It must be well soaked in a mustard solution. Everything is done as follows:

  1. Water is poured into a large container and mixed with mustard powder, the dishes are immersed in it.
  2. After half an hour, the dishes can easily be cleaned.
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An original way from ancestors - we bring the dishes to perfection

PVA glue and laundry soap - this is what has long been used in housewives' households when it is necessary to wash fat from a pan. Fancy ingredients? And you check their action and make sure that this method actually works:

  1. First of all, you find a volumetric container in which you will boil a pot or pan, pour water and put on fire.
  2. After the water boils, pour in it a gram of 100-150 PVA glue and pour the rubbed shavings of laundry soap, about half a piece.
  3. Now you need to boil this mixture until the soap is completely dissolved, and after that - dip your dishes into it.
  4. The process should go at least two hours, in bad cases - moreover.

Important! Note that the smell will not be the most pleasant at the same time, so make sure that the room is well ventilated.

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Wash the burning outside

If your dishes deteriorated outside, you will have to deal with the problem mechanically, using a knife, a metal or hard synthetic scraper and hot water. All the same dishwashing liquid or cleaning abrasive powders will help speed up the process.

A simple way without the hassle

Cast iron, aluminum, steel utensils without plastic or wooden parts can be preliminarily calcined in the oven at a temperature of 200-250 degrees or on an open fire.

Important! Note that the soot from burning fat will be thorough. Therefore, if you do this in an apartment - the draft should be good so that at least half of the smell is removed immediately.

When the fat deposits burn out, it remains only to clean the device of their residues (of course, after complete cooling).

Important! Pans with ceramic or teflon coating Abrasive cleaning can only be done from the outside and only with a soft sponge if you do not want to damage and peel the non-stick layer. But aluminum utensils generally do not like mechanical intervention, except for incandescent.

Time tested

One of the oldest ways that we have gotten over time is to use 72% of laundry soap. The steps are as follows:

  1. First of all, we rub the soap on a coarse grater, exactly half.
  2. Then the chips are poured into the dishes and filled with water.
  3. After boiling the soapy solution, make a small fire and leave it for 25-30 minutes.
  4. Turn off, close the dishes with a lid and let cool.
  5. Drain the cold solution and wash the walls of the pan under hot water with a regular sponge.
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So the article came to the end, in which almost all the methods were described, so that you could much faster and easier to wash fat from a pan or pan outside and inside. And so that from now on you do not have to struggle with soot, immediately after its first signs and after each cooking, wash the dishes. Then the problems will be many times less.

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