How to adjust the motion sensor for lighting?

Manual inclusion of light is not always convenient not only in a commercial enterprise, but also at home. To automatically turn on the lighting, special indicator sensors are used that can recognize a person within their radius of action. Ultrasound, microwave, and infrared motion detectors are used in both residential and public buildings. After reading this article, you will get the answer to the question: how to adjust the motion sensor for lighting?

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Classification, or which light sensors are better

As already mentioned, according to the principle of action, the detectors are distinguished by:

  • ultrasound
  • infrared;
  • microwave;
  • mixed.

We will examine their differences in order to find out the difference in the principle of operation, and, accordingly, in which sensors for lighting are better.


Infrared detectors respond to the thermal radiation of the human body. The receiver responds to infrared rays. The infrared signal is converted to electrical, the lamp contacts close, as a result, the light turns on.

There are passive and active sensors:

  • The former respond to changes in ambient temperature.
  • Active devices scan the room.

When the signal is interrupted, the light is turned on.

Important! It is very important to avoid contamination of the receiver, transmitter, since a false interruption of the signal can be caused by clogging.

Microwave, Ultrasound

Microwave and ultrasonic devices work on a similar basis, only their triggering comes from the action of ultrasound waves. Unlike infrared devices, the indicators of these two types can only be active (they constantly scan the room).

Important! A microwave device has the significant advantage that it can work “through walls”.

The indicators also differ in the area of ​​application - control of street or domestic lighting. They differ in their design. “Outdoor” detectors are enclosed in a protective housing that prevents the ingress of dust and precipitation.

Important! In addition, devices designed for outdoor use have good anti-vandal characteristics. For household indicators, this option is missing.

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Tips for choosing lamps and sensors for lighting:

  • For outdoor work, LED spotlights are great. Lighting device tolerates temperature extremes, practically does not break.
  • In production, for lighting large areas, fluorescent all-weather lights are beneficial.
  • For home use, twilight relays are convenient. These are sensors that respond both to changes in the environment and to the degree of illumination of objects. With the onset of twilight, the device closes the contacts of the electrical circuit, which makes the light turn on. This is a good solution to create the effect of presence at the cottage.
  • For access lighting, you can use different lamps, but experts advise to pay attention to diode energy-saving lamps.
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Installation and setup

Now about how to set up a lamp with a motion sensor. There are many options for installing indicators on different surfaces. The simplest and, at the same time, reliable option is an infrared indicator mounted on the ceiling.

Important! By detecting the presence of a person in the coverage area, the device is triggered. If the object leaves the signal receiving area, the detector opens the electrical circuit.

Luminaire connection diagram with motion indicator:

  1. The sensor has 3 cables: “lamp”, “zero”, “power”. Specialists recommend, in addition to the sensor, to mount a conventional switch.
  2. Connect the lamp wire to the corresponding cable on the indicator.
  3. Connect the zero to zero of the conventional switch with the lamp.
  4. Take the phase cable to the power supply of the house or apartment.
  5. Ensure that the connection of the push button and touch switches is parallel. Otherwise, an unstable motion indicator will burn out during a sharp change in voltage.
  6. After installing the sensor, check its operation. Repair, as well as scheduled reinstallation, is done twice a year and more often to avoid the indicator malfunctioning.

Important! This option is more suitable for installing the indicator in a room.

Outdoor appliances, as a rule, are connected directly to the lamp:

  1. Zero and the lamp wire are diverted to the lamp.
  2. Power is connected to the network cable.

Important! This scheme is suitable for an apartment vestibule, and for the organization of access lighting.

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As for adjusting the motion sensor for lighting, you need to configure the device in accordance with the instructions - each manufacturer gives its recommendations. Follow the indicated rules, and you will succeed in doing everything exactly as you expected.


