How to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture?

Usually, when people start a kitten’s house, they don’t even guess what will happen next. And then something that doesn’t fit with what kind of pictures dreamers usually draw in their imagination - cats, so cute, fluffy, purring and affectionate, can with the same force with which you love them completely ruin all the furniture, carpets and wallpaper. The apartment, roughly speaking, turns into ruins. Beating and harassing an animal does not make sense - it is inherent in nature and it simply does not understand the reasons for its cruel treatment. Therefore, you need to look for other methods of how to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture. In this article, you will learn why tailed horses sharpen their claws everywhere, how to protect furniture from cats, how to communicate with animals correctly, and a few more nuances on the topic.
to contents ↑Reasons why cats sharpen claws in an apartment
As mentioned above, claw sharpening is a natural behavior of the baleen, it is due to the fact that it:
- ordinary physical exercises that help the animal strengthen muscles;
- expression of emotions;
- a way to mark the territory - on the paws in the area of the pads they have sweat glands;
- a way to express your feeling of love for you;
- the upper part of the claw, which needs to be removed, is exfoliated.
Important! Of course, there is an opinion that another reason that the cat is demonstratively, furiously and loudly, in plain sight, is scratching furniture or wallpaper is its lack of manners and self-centeredness. Yes, animals also have a character and they have it completely different. There are also selfish seals, lovers of attracting attention. There is an approach to everyone, and we just need to make some efforts. Then the problem “how to wean the cat to tear the wallpaper” will be solved!
Well, we will describe some effective working methods of how to wean a cat from scratching furniture.
to contents ↑Wean the animal to scratch in the wrong places
Having decided that you will gently and unobtrusively teach your cat to scratch in the right places, use several methods. So what do we have today.
Scarlet Point
This is perhaps the most optimal solution to the problem. You can buy this device at the pet store or design it yourself.
We act:
- First, you need to carefully monitor the pet for several days and notice where and what are its favorite places for sharpening claws.
- After that, you take a board and nail a favorite material on it: wallpaper, carpet or upholstery.
Important! It often happens that you need to create three such claw-rails at once: with wallpaper, with carpet and upholstery. You can also buy or build a scratching post with a tree bark or sisal rope.
- Put these items in your favorite cat places.
- Fix so that it is convenient for the animal to scratch them - the boards should not stagger or go down under the pressure of the cat's body.
- The sharpener should be at a comfortable height for the pet.
And now, when everything is ready, you can apply the following methods of how to wean a cat to tear a sofa, wallpaper and furniture.
Important! Do not accustom the beast to the sharpener too annoyingly. Do not force it. Otherwise, this will lead to the fact that the cat will start to bypass it and will never come close, because he cannot trust and express love for an object that is dangerous.
Useful Tips
To achieve your goal as soon as possible, you can do the following - treat a place with a claw-dog and its very own aroma attractive to a cat: valerian or motherwort. Also in pet stores they sell special liquids with aromas for cats - there is a choice, you just have to try and find what is ideal for you and your pet.
to contents ↑Important! If the claw gear is in an uncomfortable place for people living in the apartment, you can apply the following trick - every day, move the sharpener a little bit to the place you need. But this already needs to be done when you have strongly accustomed the cat to the scratching post and he already scratches nothing but her.
Ways to scare cats from the wrong places
Cats are quite impressionable and emotional animals. This can be beaten for the benefit of you personally - to wean a cat from tearing wallpapers and furniture in the wrong places of your such a cozy and beautiful home.
Sharp sounds
With the help of loud piercing sounds, you can scare away an animal when it sharpens its claws in the wrong place of the apartment. The options here may also be different:
- Your loud shouts, unusual for a pet, will scare the cat, but you need to scream at the beginning of the process or during the process of sharpening the claws. After the pet has done his job, screaming is useless - he won’t understand why.
- How to wean a cat to scratch wallpapers and furniture with other sounds? You can buy special rattles, or make them yourself - put pennies or small pebbles in cans of instant coffee. Thunder a rattle when the cat has started or is already sharpening its “cold weapon”.
- Another option is balloons. Pop the ball next to the cat when it sharpens its claws on your favorite sofa. It seems that the cat will approach the sofa after the first ball with fear.
Important! Make sure that the pet does not get stress. Do not frighten strongly, otherwise - then you still have to treat the caudate for some reason, because stress is fraught with the appearance of all kinds of mysterious diseases in animals.
Silicone Claw Tips
A very expensive way to wean a cat from tearing a wallpaper, but if you can afford it, then do it - the most humane method. You won’t have to scare, wet and “poison” the smells of an unfortunate pet.
These are special claw-shaped caps that are fastened with glue on a natural basis. By scratching everything around, the cat will do no harm thanks to this invention. And you don’t need to accustom him to a clawfish either.
Important! Be prepared to spend money and time, because the nozzles need to be changed a maximum of once a month, and before putting on new caps, also cut off the overgrown tips of the claws. Ideal - to do all these gestures in the zoo.
As soon as the animal intended to sharpen its claws on the chair, you are with the spray gun right there. Sprinkle the cat with water, does not understand at once - spray until you understand. A great option is how to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture, because they don’t like to scare water.
Important! Keep in mind that if your pet is already not very keen on swimming, after such experiments the problem will become even more acute. So, perhaps you should still give preference to another way, so as not to spend more than your nerves later.
Repellent odors
Connoisseurs of cats claim that these animals do not tolerate the aromas of citrus fruits, as well as vinegar and onions. But since the smell of onions in an apartment is not particularly good for a person, and vinegar disappears in a matter of hours, then citrus essential oils are ideal.
If there is an opportunity to put open bottles in those places where the pet sharpens claws - put. If not, spray a variety of citrus oils from the spray bottle there. This is not only a great way to protect furniture from cats, but also the ability to fill your home with refreshing scents.
Cats hate sticky places, the feeling that something has stuck to them makes them crazy. Take double sided tape.
Why exactly bilateral?
Yes, he just glues better.Paste it in those pieces of the house where the cat likes to sharpen its claws (except for the place with the claw gun), and enjoy the sight. You will be amused by the pet’s disgust and confusion, and most importantly - he will go there a couple of times, and if he feels sticky, he will never go in the future with the aim of scratching the wallpaper and furniture.
Important! Another way to wean a cat from scratching wallpaper, furniture, etc. with ordinary tape is no less effective. You can do this trick: put the cut tapes on its favorite places with glue up. When the pet approaches, it will step on them, and the ribbons, in turn, will remain with the cat on its paws. Look at how disgusted he will try to tear off the tape. If a couple of times he stumbles upon ribbons in the same place, he will no longer come.
Order handles to the door of the room that do not open if the door is pushed. Cats are very smart animals that, if they really want to, can open a window or go down to a human toilet. Therefore, how to wean a cat from scratching furniture and other important interior details? Just close the doors and do not let him into the luxuriously furnished room with expensive furniture.
to contents ↑Important! Use all these methods when the pet scratches what is impossible. When the cat comes to the claw-tip, praise him, stroke and encourage him to choose a place for sharpening the claws.
Scratched wallpaper - what to do?
In fact, everything is simple. Your actions depend on the extent of the damage. If the cat tracks on the wallpaper are small, decorate with the same wallpaper. If the damage is large, then re-glue the wall. But do this only after weaning the cat to tear the wallpaper. Otherwise, a new finish will suffer the same fate.
to contents ↑Important! It is generally accepted that cutting the claws of a cat is normal. In fact, when the animal is left without claws, this is equivalent to the fact that it remains without the sensitivity necessary for its life. The important nerve endings of the mustachioed are collected in them, and without them he is like a man without arms.
How to communicate with cats?
The first thing to understand and accept, there's nothing to be done about it, a cat is an animal for which freedom is most important, even food. Have you ever seen a depressed cat near a bowl of food? She will not eat where they limit her freedom.
Therefore, in order not to encounter problems, how to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture, defecate in slippers, and other unpleasant things:
- Let your pet move where he wants.
- Praise him for doing the right thing.
- Do not hit for the wrong.
- Be patient and unhurried in instilling new habits.
- Let your pet explore the top of the furniture - they love height.
Stock footage
If you sincerely love your home fluffy, he answers you the same. Time will pass and your pet will sharpen its claws where you arranged a place for it, especially now that you know how to wean a cat to tear wallpaper, furniture and carpets correctly. Respect animals, each other and live happily ever after.
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