How to push pigeons off the balcony?

Many residents of high-rise buildings who have open balconies or loggias are wondering: how to push pigeons from the balcony?
What is the trouble from such guests, because a dove is a bird of the world that has been living near people all its life?
to contents ↑What is the harm from pigeons?
In addition to the owner of an apartment with a balcony on which pigeons make a nest or stop regularly to coo, they bring inconvenience to his neighbors.
It consists in the following:
- The constant pounding of small paws of pigeons moving along the peak of the balcony. It can continue throughout the day: from early morning until late at night.
- The cooing and hassle of the wings.
- White traces of litter. Pigeons leave them almost everywhere. Not only does the litter look, to put it mildly, unattractive, it can also cause damage to the surface of roofing materials and other things: railings, a visor, furniture and things on the balcony.
to contents ↑Important! The biggest danger of pigeon droppings is the presence of many fungi and bacteria that are dangerous to human health. They can cause diseases such as ornithosis, encephalitis, histoplasmosis, and torulosis.
Why do pigeons love balconies so much?
In order to learn how to push pigeons off the balcony, you need to understand why these birds love this particular part of the multi-story building. There may be several:
- Balconies, as a rule, are well protected from adverse weather conditions: wind, rain, snow.
- Wide window sills are an excellent take-off and landing strip for these birds.
- Often people store food on the balcony, which also attracts birds to these places.
- Old furniture, cardboard boxes and other rubbish, which the owners of the apartment take out onto the balcony, are perceived by birds as excellent places for convenient hatching of chicks.
What are pigeons afraid of?
There are things that birds are very afraid of. Based on this knowledge, the basic methods are based on how to scare away birds from the balcony. So, pigeons do not like the following:
- Sharp sounds.
- Moving objects.
- Glare.
- Pets and birds of prey.
How to wean pigeons from the balcony?
If the pigeons have already visited your balcony more than once, then be prepared to begin serious actions to conquer your territory. Having chosen a place, the birds do not give up so easily.
Important! The biggest mistake the owners of the apartment is feeding the birds on their balcony, windowsill, railing. If you want to feed the birds, then do it in a neutral territory, but not at home. Having tried once, they will come back again and again.
To discourage pigeons, try to scare them off first. There are several methods for implementing this.
Do not worry, do not have to bake pigeons. Use this material for a different purpose:
- Strip foil must be cut.
- Attach stripes to different places in the balcony.
- Glare and rustling of foil can scare away intrusive guests for a while.
Important! For these purposes, items such as “wind music” can also be purchased at the store.
To implement this method, you will need a number of unnecessary drives. Such actions will make the design of your balcony original and bright and help push pigeons off the balcony quickly enough:
- Attach the discs to the inner wall of the balcony.
- It is also advisable to decorate the outer wall with disks.
- Bright sunny reflections on disk surfaces can scare away birds.
Important! Several mirrors placed around the perimeter of the balcony will perform the same function as the attached discs.
Scarecrow or predator
Annoying birds are not as bold as they seem at first glance. Therefore, it makes sense to train a domestic cat to be on the balcony or place a stuffed crow. These representatives of the fauna doves avoid and fear. You can also put on the terrace a stuffed falcon or hawk.
Important! Due to the fact that the scarecrow is motionless, the pigeons quickly realize that the bird is not real and stop responding to it.
Loud noises
Pigeons are afraid of loud sound effects, but not all neighbors will understand your intentions and accept them. So applying this method, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances. To push pigeons from the balcony, you will need these tips:
- Take the speakers out onto the balcony and turn on the music loudly.
- The radio can constantly work on the balcony.
Important! This method is not very effective due to the fact that birds can very quickly get used to sound changes. But for a while pigeons such actions really scare.
Ultrasonic repeller
This device is a special device for scaring pigeons. It makes unpleasant and frightening sounds for birds that are not audible to the human ear. The most advanced ultrasound machines have in their design an infrared sensor that detects approaching birds.
Important! The exposure area of such a device is approximately 4 km, which allows you to effectively use it in order to get rid of pigeons in the yard.
Bioacoustic device
Such a device is very similar to ultrasound. Its main action is not only an ultrasonic signal, but also sounds that imitate the hunting of bird predators - eagles, hawks, falcons. The devices have automatic and manual adjustment.
Important! The most expensive ones are equipped with a solar panel. Such devices can protect large areas (more than a dozen hectares), so they are often used on private berths and ports.
Creating discomfort
If simple scaring methods did not help, then you can try to create conditions on the balcony that would cause discomfort in the birds:
- Remove absolutely all food and water from the balcony. It is necessary to hide even those products which, in your opinion, the birds do not eat. Hungry pigeons can peck almost anything, even dog or cat food.
- Various spices are unpleasant for the sensitive smell of birds. The most effective ones are cayenne pepper (one of the most bitter varieties), cinnamon, mustard, black allspice. Sprinkle spices on the windowsill, railing, cornice and other bird seats. You will notice that visits by persistent guests have ceased.
Important! Spices need to be updated periodically, as in the fresh air they tend to lose their specific flavor.
- To discourage pigeons from the windowsill and other surfaces they have chosen, you can try this method. Having identified the most convenient and favorite bird's places on the balcony - a railing, a visor, beat them with plywood with not completely clogged nails. Thus, the place for landing pigeons will be damaged.
Important! In large hardware stores you can buy special protection from pigeons on the windowsill - non-stick knitting needles. They look like metal needles sticking out in different directions. Knitting needles have an adhesive base, so they are attached to absolutely any surface.
- Pull the net over the windowsill or pull in several rows of thread, fishing line. This will ensure that the birds cannot fly onto the balcony.
- To wean pigeons sits on the windowsill or visor of the balcony, you can use vegetable oil or petroleum jelly. Lubricating the visor with the window sill with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil, you will ruin the seat for pigeons.On a slippery surface, such actions are inconvenient.
Radical measures
Sometimes we have to fight fiercely for our territory with pigeons, no matter how sorry we are for them.
If all the above methods did not lead to a result, the pigeons still fly to your balcony and even begin to nest on it, then you should think about cardinal measures to get pigeons out of the balcony:
- Remove all furniture and things that the birds have chosen. If there is no possibility to remove, then cover them with plastic wrap. Pigeons do not like her.
- If the actions with the film did not scare away the birds, and they still make nests in your territory, then you need to learn how to destroy the built nest. Such troubles should be made until the pigeons understand that they are not welcome here and that they will not be able to build a house in this place.
- Having found pigeon eggs on the balcony, replace them with a fake. To do this, you can use pieces of chalk or toy eggs. When the pigeons, hatching the heirs, do not wait for their hatching at the appointed time, they will be upset and will leave your balcony forever.
- To get rid of pigeons in the yard, you can try to regularly water them with water from a hose. Use a good head for this. Several repetitions of such a water procedure will make it clear to the birds that they are not welcome here.
- The most radical and inhumane method is to hunt birds. This method is used only in emergency. Birds are fed diazinon-poisoned grain or any other food. The birds that survive after this will forever understand what is and is unsafe in this place.
Relocation to the dovecote
If you love birds and yourself have become the reason for their visit to your balcony, as they regularly fed them, we advise you to organize a dovecote in the yard. Here, ornithological lovers will be able to feed birds freely, without irritation, enjoy their cooing and watch beautiful birds. And all this will be carried out without damage to your balcony. Birds will no doubt appreciate such actions and will happily settle in new beautiful homes.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Pigeons are peaceful and pleasant birds, until they have begun to wreck on your balcony. Now you know what to do so that the pigeons do not sit on the windowsill, do not nest on your balconies and do not eat your supplies. Without a doubt, you will cope with the problem peacefully, safely protecting your home and not harming nature.
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