How to weave baubles with names?

Many young girls in their free time are engaged in the manufacture of stylish and original accessories using beads, beads, silicone rubber bands. But there is another very popular way to create cute trinkets - weaving baubles.

Among those who do this, there is an opinion that if you know how to weave baubles with names and have mastered this technique perfectly, then you have already reached the pinnacle of mastery. However, it is actually not so difficult to make them, as it may seem initially. And you will see this now.

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We draw up a bauble diagram with the inscription

For the first time handmade bracelets, also called baubles, appeared in a hippie environment. However, today almost every modern girl has colored jewelry on hand. Name bracelets are especially popular.

Weaving baubles with names can be made from beads, or you can use thread for embroidery called floss for these purposes. The manufacturing process of such a product requires perseverance and time, because these ropes are quite thin, and the nodules on the bracelet should be small.

Baubles with names of threads are woven according to a previously drawn pattern. To do it, you should take the following:

  • Pencil.
  • Checked sheet.

So, for the simplest pattern of baubles with the inscription, do the following:

  1. We paint over the cells that correspond to the letters of the name, starting from the central part of the sheet. One cell is one thread, so maybe it makes sense for the letters to be larger, lay 2-3 ropes on each element.
  2. Now we calculate the free field so that our inscription is in the center.
  3. We count the number of cells horizontally. On average, there are five rows per centimeter of bracelet. Divide the number of cells by 5 - this is the length of our name.
  4. Next, measure the wrist. Subtract the length of the inscription and divide the resulting value by two.
  5. We put these values ​​on the circuit.

Important! In the same way, instead of a name, you can make any desired inscription. The main thing is to calculate the correct free field so that the word is an intermediary. You can use different fonts and styles of writing letters.

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What is a baubles generator with names?

For those who want to make a bauble with a name, but do not like to make drawings, you can find a special generator with names on the Internet. The principle of its work is that you enter the desired name in a special field, select the desired font, and the system automatically gives you a bracelet weaving scheme from the mouline thread.

You can also choose the font that you would like to weave letters. It remains only to print the resulting drawing. True, in order to weave the accessory not with a name, but with some other word, you still have to return to drawing the diagram. But here you can take advantage of the Internet - you can create a drawing using a special application, and not on a piece of paper in a cage.

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Types of Nodules

There are three options for knots for floss bracelets:

  • Straight right - the left thread is put on top of the tightly stretched right rope and tied.
  • Straight left - the right rope is placed on top of the tightly stretched left thread and tied.
  • Corner - the knot is tied as on the right, but the main thread is passed under the stretched right.
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The main methods of weaving

Weaving bracelets from a mouline thread with a name follows the method of tying knots of thread. These knots can be alternated with the use of decorative elements (bugles, beads). Weaving threads are conditionally divided into the following types:

  • Nodular - which form the basis of the bracelet.
  • Workers - interwoven with the main and forming into nodules.

There are several options for weaving knots:

  • Direct weaving - the working thread is placed to the left or right of the nodular.
  • Scythe - working threads cross in the form of a pigtail.
  • A braid of an even number of threads - two threads in the center are transferred from right to left and from left to right.
  • A pigtail of 5 threads or an acceleration - the left thread is moved to the center, then the right one in the middle as many times as necessary.
  • Mosaic or oblique weaving - even working threads form knots with each odd thread in the direct and reverse order, the direction can be from right to left, and vice versa.
  • Braid weaving - knots are made on an even number of threads from the edge to the center with a symmetrical direction of weaving - from the right, the knots go to the left, and from the left to the right.
  • Friendship bracelet - a skein of thread tied with a working thread and tightened with a loop.
  • Macrame - two extreme threads are tied over the central one.
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Weave a bauble with a name

To make a bauble with a name, you can draw a diagram yourself, or you can, as mentioned above, use the help of a generator. For weaving this bright accessory, only direct weaving technology is used.

Before you begin, you need to prepare the following:

  • Mouline thread of two colors.
  • Scheme.
  • Scotch.
  • Scissors.

We carry out the work according to the following instructions:

  1. Take 8 threads of one color and 5 threads of another. Lay them on the table 3 + 8 + 2, while the first thread should be three times longer than all the others.
  2. Tie all the threads with a large knot, attach to the table with tape.
  3. Make nodules with a long thread, going down. Tighten the weave tightly so that the letters look beautiful.
  4. Return to the top with the same thread of the background, making nodules to the right. Repeat the knots in the desired number of rows.
  5. Proceed to the letters. For example, the printed letter A. Make 3 knots to the left with a working thread, change the color of the letter to a thread and make a knot to the right with the fourth thread, and to the left - the knot with the second thread.
  6. From the bottom up, 8 knots to the right, 7 to the left, again 4 to the right and 3 to the left.
  7. From top to bottom, make 3 and 7 knots to the right.
  8. Then, from the bottom up, run the thread so that 1-3, 11, 12 nodules turn out to the right, and 4-10 - to the left.
  9. Make two passes in the background color and continue to weave the following letters according to the pattern.
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Make a fastener

Often such fasteners are not made fasteners - just the threads are tied with a movable knot, which is tightened and stretched. However, for those who want to make an original button clasp, there is a simple option for weaving a loop:

  1. Make a loop of the desired size from folded in half threads.
  2. With the extreme thread of the scheme, tie knots in a loop from the middle.
  3. With the thread from the other side of your bracelet, make the same knots in the opposite direction.
  4. When the loop is ready, you can start weaving baubles with names.
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Weaving Tricks

Jewelry made of bright threads always attracts attention. Especially if it is bracelets with names. But in order to make this accessory in high quality, you should understand some tricks:

  • In order to prevent the decoration from twisting, you can make two knots with each working thread.
  • It is advisable to work with threads of good quality, otherwise - weaving can be uneven.
  • Very narrow accessories can be steamed.
  • The mouline thread should be the same thickness and texture.
  • To keep the bracelet even, the nodules should be periodically tightened.
  • If the product turned out to be too stiff due to tightly tightened knots, then the finished bauble can be washed using an air conditioner.
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Stock footage

If you like hippie-style jewelry, then the multi-colored bracelet with the name should definitely be in your arsenal. And even better to master all the subtleties of how to weave baubles with names. Among other things, this is a very exciting process, which distracts from problems and trains the brain, because in order to make the decoration beautiful and even, you should correctly draw up a weaving pattern and follow it strictly.


