How to fix a cabinet door?

Chipboard, also known as chipboard, is used to make furniture very often. Furniture may look like it is made of noble wood, but it will be much cheaper. Particleboard has one unpleasant feature - its structure is such that metal fasteners do not always hold well. Most affected are items that have doors. How to fix a cabinet door? We will discuss this now.

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Door defects

Any furniture needs constant attention, otherwise - it begins to give owners trouble. Metal products must always be monitored so that they do not rust. Wooden tables, chairs and cabinets begin to creak over time, and they have to be glued or twisted. Most of all unpleasant surprises are presented by furniture from chipboard, in particular, cabinets.

However, some problems are characteristic of all furniture materials, except plastic:

  • the door begins to creak;
  • the door does not want to close;
  • the pen does not want to work or is broken;
  • the door is scratched.
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How to fix cabinet door hinges?

How and how to fix a torn door from a closet? If your door burst open, then restoring it is not a problem. Some defects of the hinges can be eliminated with your own hands, in other cases it is better to replace the hinge or door. For example, if an unpleasant creak is heard when opening or closing the doors.

A door can start to creak both from a chipboard, and wooden, and metal and at all emits a disgusting rattle. Actually, not the cabinet itself creaks, but the door hinges. Accordingly - they need to be "treated".

To do this, you will need:

  • machine oil or hinge oil;
  • syringe.

Important! Special oil for loops in this case is preferable, because it is sold in a convenient aerosol package.

How to fix the cabinet door:

It is enough to smear the loop, and it will cease to irritate your hearing. Well, engine oil is most conveniently applied with a small syringe (for example, a diabetic). Preventive maintenance requires only a few drops.

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Fix the magnet

It is not uncommon for the cabinet door to open constantly. It is useless to close. Our grandmothers got out of the situation simply by folding a piece of newspaper several times and putting it under the door. Effective, but not particularly beautiful.

But there were no other ways than to invite the joiner to fit the naughty detail. Now it’s very important to see what your design is:

  • with a magnet;
  • without a magnet.

Magnet Door

Most modern furniture doors are held closed with a small magnet and metal bar. If the cabinet is constantly open, the magnetic mount just needs to be adjusted.

The only tool you need for this is a screwdriver:

  1. Loosen the screws that secure the magnet, but do not remove them completely.
  2. Move it a little forward.
  3. Tighten the screws.

Check what you got. Usually, such a simple repair helps well, but it happens that it does not give a result. Then you need to change the mount.

Door without magnet

In this case, you can take advantage of the grandmother's experience and make a small laying. Only, of course, not out of paper. Most suitable for a small piece of rubber with a thickness of 1 to 5 mm, depending on the width of the gap.

You will also need:

  • knife or scissors;
  • ruler;
  • ball pen;
  • universal glue;
  • hammer and small nails.

It remains only to cut out the gasket - a rectangle of about 2x3 cm. It does not matter how smooth it is. Next, to fix the cabinet door:

  1. Draw a rectangle of the desired size on a piece of rubber.
  2. Cut the workpiece with a sharp knife (it is better to do it on a ruler) or scissors, if the rubber structure allows.
  3. Stick a piece on the bottom of the box, or nail it with small nails.
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What to do with a pen?

How to restore a pen if it is dropped. Restoring a pen does not make sense, unless it has artistic value. If it is standard, it is better to replace it with exactly the same. To do this, you need a screwdriver and a small box or a sheet of white paper (so that the screws are not lost during the process).

Proceed to repair the cabinet door:

  1. Open the door.
  2. Carefully unscrew the screws.
  3. Remove the handle.
  4. Attach a new one.
  5. Screw in the screws without tightening.
  6. Correct the handle.
  7. Tighten the screws.
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Mechanical damage

If the cabinet door is scratched or the lining has fallen off, it can be restored. At the same time, it is better to remove it from the hinges - they always do this with a wooden or metal part. But as for chipboard - it’s better not to risk it, to restore it on weight.

Important! Unfortunately, the fastening places at such doors fail quite often, and repair does not always give the desired result.

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Chipboard door repair

The most common problem with such parts - screws, screws or self-tapping screws fly out, and often together with pieces of the board. A hole is formed in which nothing is inserted. How to repair the cabinet door from chipboard, if such a disaster happened?

In a few ways:

  • put a loop of another design;
  • close up holes with the help of a special branded composition;
  • close the holes with a home-made solution of sawdust and glue;
  • by putting wooden bushings;
  • putting a wooden or metal die.

Glue and screws

Particleboard, from which the furniture is made, can be either hard or soft. Repair methods in these cases will be different. For example, if the cabinet is made of a soft plate (as a rule, modern furniture is made of this), broken holes can be repaired using sawdust, but this option is not suitable for old Soviet furniture.

If the fastener has flown off, and a “laceration” has formed in its place, you can try to repair it with a composition that includes:

  • sawdust;
  • PVA glue.

In this case, it is not necessary to remove the door from the second hinge:

  1. Mix the sawdust with glue to get a thick and relatively homogeneous mass (it is important that there are no large lumps).
  2. Seal the hole with this mixture.
  3. Allow to dry completely.
  4. Dip the screws into the same glue and screw in.

Important! This method is only suitable for small cabinets in which the doors are light enough.


Epoxy resin

This option is more reliable than the previous one, since the epoxy after solidification has a rather greater strength:

  1. Mix epoxy with large wood chips.
  2. Fill the place of damage.
  3. Allow to dry completely, which will take about 24 hours.
  4. Mark the locations of the holes for the fasteners - if you are not going to change the loop, they will be in the same place as they were.
  5. Drill holes with a thin drill.
  6. Drill them under the diameter of the screws.
  7. Fasten the door.

If a big piece fell off

It also happens that a large piece of chipboard fell off at the attachment point, but it did not fall apart into separate fragments. In this case, it can simply be glued by adding a small amount of sawdust to the PVA glue. The rest is done in the same way as in the previous case.

When the door just fell off

How to fix the cabinet door from chipboard, if it fell off, but quite neatly, and no sawdust was formed? In this case, plastic dowels will help you out.

You will also need a tool with which you can cut the dowels - they are likely to be longer than necessary. Dowels should not crawl out. You can cut them with a knife. After you insert them, hang the door hinge on the screws.

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New loop

You can get out of the situation and otherwise - you will not need to glue anything. Door hinges now come in a variety of sizes and with different distances between the holes for the screws. In this case, you can not even close the holes from under the fallen fasteners.

It is better, of course, to do this by coating with furniture wax - any unnecessary hole reduces the strength of the entire structure. So seal the holes with one of the proposed methods, and then proceed as follows:

  1. Using a special cutter with a diameter of 30 mm, make grooves in the door under the hinge above or below the previous ones.
  2. Screw the hinge to the door with screws.
  3. Screw the second part of the loop to the sidewall.

Important! For greater reliability, you can immediately put the screws on the glue - this will increase the fastening strength.

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Wooden corks

How to repair a kitchen cabinet door if it is quite heavy? Even very strong glue in this situation is not a particularly reliable assistant. You will need:

  • a piece of solid wood (best oak, but you can take a birch);
  • knife;
  • PVA glue;
  • rags or napkins;
  • hammer.

In this case, cone-shaped plugs are clogged into the holes:

  1. Cut 2 wooden corks - their diameter should be larger than the size of the hole.
  2. Coat the holes with PVA glue so that the tiles are well saturated.
  3. Lubricate the cork with the same glue.
  4. Drive the cork into the hole.
  5. Remove excess glue with a damp cloth or rag.
  6. Wait until the glue is completely dry.
  7. Screw the loop into place with screws
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Special tools

Some furniture manufacturers produce special restoration tools. Usually they resemble plasticine in consistency. For example, Heinkel offers its customers such material.

How to apply:

  1. Mash the composition.
  2. Sprinkle the place you are going to restore with water.
  3. Cover it with “plasticine”.
  4. Wait for the structure to dry.
  5. Put the loop in the usual way on the screws.
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Wooden or metal die

The holes formed from the dropped screws can not be closed up, but closed. To do this, you need a wooden or metal die.

Important! Wood is easier to make and drill, but metal is more reliable.

How to repair the cabinet door:

  1. Remove the door and unscrew the hinges.
  2. Cut the die so long that it covers both holes.
  3. Attach it with long screws to the inside of the cabinet.
  4. Mark the places for screws.
  5. Screw the door.
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When do you need to drill through?

In most cases, a hinge is attached to the inside of the cabinet. When drilling holes, care must be taken not to perforate the door. But sometimes you have to do this, if no other methods can be applied, and throwing the cabinet away is still a pity:

  1. Make 2 dice.
  2. Screw one on the inside and the other on the outside.
  3. Drill holes for the bolts on the inner die, and under the nuts for the nuts.
  4. Put the loop by screwing it with bolts.
  5. Cover the outer plate with a decorative overlay.
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To prevent the door from breaking off

As you can see, there are a lot of fuss with repairing doors from chipboard, and repair does not always give a good result. Therefore, it makes sense to apply some preventive measures, especially since they are quite simple:

  1. When arranging furniture, immediately select a place for the cabinet to move it as little as possible.
  2. Do not pull the door; open it smoothly and without jerking.
  3. Do not hang heavy objects on the handle (for a shopping bag you can find a more suitable place).
  4. Lubricate the hinges periodically.
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Stock footage

Now you know the different ways to fix the cabinet door. We hope you managed to do this on your own, and the result looks aesthetically pleasing, and the furniture has not lost its reliability and practicality.

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