How to fix an air mattress at home quickly and easily

An air mattress is a thing that will help not only to relax while relaxing, but also provide extra beds in case of shortage. Like any other product made from such a material, the mattress is not protected from the risk of being accidentally punctured during use. But to fix an air mattress at home can be quite simple and quick, without resorting to the help of a master.

How to fix an air mattress at home

Home Repair

First you need to understand whether it is possible to eliminate a hole in the product yourself. It is not difficult to do this, but for this you need to take into account the safety rules and prepare the necessary tools.

Air mattress patch

When repairing an Intex air mattress, you must use the patch and glue the damaged area correctly. If you follow all the rules and work in stages, then the result in quality will not be distinguished from the work of the master. You should not immediately try to find a hole in the rubber, as most often the problem is in the valve. Many mattresses (including sleeping) begin to lose air due to the valve being loose or damaged. If the valve is closed well and the problem is not in it, then look for damage in the product itself.

Damage search

The process of repairing the damage itself is quite simple. But many already at the initial stage are faced with a serious problem - determining the place of pumping air. In most cases, the hole is so small that a minimal amount of air comes out of it, which does not allow us to identify a place during an external examination. Finding damage by sound is also quite difficult.

Repairing an Intex air mattress is not as easy as it might seem. Depending on the situation, it is decided whether it is possible to independently deal with the problem or is it nevertheless preferable to entrust the work to a professional.

Finding damage on an air mattress

If the owner of the product decided to take everything into his own hands, then for a start he needs to identify the problem area. When the damage is large, a simple inspection of the product is enough, but with a small puncture it will be more difficult.

If, during a visual inspection, suspected puncture sites were found, then you can verify this by squeezing the place around. The airflow coming out at the moment of pressure on the mattress will indicate where the damage is. With a small puncture, the following techniques can help:

  1. Immersion in water. If there is a river or a pond nearby, it is easiest to find a puncture by lowering the product into the water. For this, the mattress must be well inflated beforehand. To make it easier to lower the rubber mattress under water, you can sit on top of it. If there really is damage, then small bubbles will float to the surface of the water.
  2. Lather. The mattress is inflated tightly, and then treated with soap foam. You can wipe the product with a simple soft sponge or a small piece of foam. Foam can be obtained by dissolving the soap in water. The finished solution with a sponge is carefully distributed throughout the mattress. The puncture site can be found quickly by the appearance of soap bubbles.
  3. Orientation to the sound. Those who do not complain of hearing will be able to identify the site of damage by sound. To do this, choose a quiet place and well inflate the product. Sound from a punctured place comes out hissing with interruptions.
  4. Filling with water. If the previous options are not satisfied, then you can fill the inflatable product with water. In this case, jets of water will start to flow out of the damage.The main disadvantage of this method is that after determining the puncture, it will be problematic to dry the product from the inside. Many mattresses simply spoil after being filled with water. In addition, even if the whole process went well, unattractive stains can still remain on the mattress.

Repair with a special set

Repair with a special set

In no case can not be used to repair anti-decubitus and any other superglue mattress. For minor damage, you need to take a patch 1.5 to 1.5 cm in size. Use a cotton dipped in alcohol to treat the patch and the area with a hole. Also, damage can simply be wiped with a clean rag, it should be dry. The adhesive is applied to the patch in abundant quantities. Then it is immediately pressed to the puncture and smoothed, tightly held for several minutes so that the glue can dry out. After 30 minutes, the mattress will be ready for use.

If Desmokol glue is used during work, then when applied to the patch it should be well smeared. After allowing the first layer to dry (10 minutes) and apply the second. Then dry and stick the patch. During drying, only use the dryer with warm air.

Big damage

Before repairing such a productit should be prepared. After determining the puncture, it is indicated with a marker or chalk, so as not to search again. The product itself is well cleaned of dirt with plain water and waiting for it to dry. It is strictly forbidden to dry the rubber mattress on the battery or any other hot device.

If the puncture is located on a fleecy place, then it should be carefully cleaned with sandpaper with a small grain size. This will ensure that the patch is firmly pressed against the puncture. The area of ​​damage must be degreased before work. To do this, you can use gasoline, acetone or alcohol. If you use the listed degreasers carefully, then no spots will remain on the product.

Patch and tool selection

The next step will be the preparation of all the necessary tools to repair. You can find a repair kit in the store or on the Internet. It usually includes patches, glue and transparent vinyl films. Additionally, instructions are attached that will help you quickly understand how the product recovery process goes.

Patch set

Many approach responsibly and buy a kit with a self-inflating mattress, so that after damage they immediately close up the product. Such a set of tools is quite compact and mobile.

If there is no suitable kit nearby, then you can use improvised materials. To eliminate a puncture, any unnecessary rubber toy is suitable. A piece of rubber of a suitable size is cut from it. In order not to acquire glue, you can take an adhesive mixture for rubber. Also, the following materials will be needed for work:

  • sandpaper;
  • small brush for glue;
  • scissors;
  • marker or chalk - mark the puncture site.

Glue selection

Specialty glue can be found in sporting goods stores. It is usually bundled with kits for repairing rubber accessories. For work, glue for bicycle cameras and various adhesive substances may be suitable. Superglue when working with such a product is dangerous, as it can damage the inflatable product even more.

Adhesive for bicycle cameras

First you need to cut the patch. If there is no special repair kit, then it is important to use a patch with a thickness similar to the material of the mattress. It is also important to take into account that the resulting patch is well bent if it is required to patch the fold line.

When preparing a patch, it is important to make sure that its size is larger than the diameter of the puncture. Otherwise, the product will not be fully sealed and air will continue to escape.

Patch and seams

The amount of glue applied will directly depend on its type. If the patch is glued with thick glue (for example, PVC), then it is important to apply it in copious amounts and tightly. Liquid glue it is important to apply evenly and in a small layer.

The patch and the puncture site are smeared with glue.

Not only the patches are smeared with glue, but also the puncture site. After gluing the hole with a patch, it must be dried well (about 10 minutes). If this time is not available, then for drying as soon as possible, a hot air dryer can be sent to the patch.

The work does not end there, since it is important to process the puncture site at the seam so that it cannot swell and the product lasts a longer time. Sizing along the perimeter is quite simple - carefully, but in abundant quantities, glue the edges of the patch. Allow the damaged area to dry a second time. If there is no waiting time again, then you can use the same hairdryer.

Damage to the velor side

It is much more difficult to seal an air mattress on the velor side than a simple model. The main problem in this case is the villi, which react negatively to adhesive substances and interfere with the adhesion of materials.

First you need to find a patch similar to the fabric of the product, or buy a special repair kit. Many manufacturers put such material into the packaging with the mattress itself. Therefore, it is best in this situation to take components from a set.

Before gluing the patch, carefully clean the damaged area with emery cloth. This will help to prepare the product material for further work and increase the chance of high-quality restoration.

DIY Tips

Fix Bestway Rubber Mattress

Repairing a Bestway rubber mattress is quick and does not take much time and energy. Many materials required for gluing can be found at home. In this case, a patch may turn out to be a piece from an unnecessary toy, rubber boots, various oilcloths.

It is most important that the master does not forget to wash his hands and take care of the basic safety rules before work. If work is carried out with strong glue, then it is necessary to use special gloves that will not allow the glue to get on the skin of the hands. If there is any doubt that it will not work out independently, it is best to just take the product to the master.

Damage protection

In order for the rubber product to last for many years and not to break after some time in the same place, it is important to follow the repair instructions, as well as carefully close the damage seams. Compliance with all the rules will help prevent a repeated hole in the previous section and will protect the owner from repeated repairs.

Proper storage and use

Many owners of inflatable products are guilty of the appearance of a breakthrough themselves, as they do not follow the basic rules for the prevention of damage. In order not to repair the Chinese mattress many times, the following requirements should be met:

  • Do not rush to throw the mattress on the ground, without making sure that there are no sharp objects on it;
  • Before laying the product on the floor, lay a soft material;
  • it is forbidden to drag an inflated product on the ground and to let children play with it;
  • Do not swim on mattresses that are not intended for water recreation;
  • Do not jump on the mattress too sharply and with great force;
  • make sure that no pets appear near him that can easily pierce the rubber with their claws;
  • Do not inflate too much (this leads to quick wear).

Proper storage of the mattress

If the mattress is operated infrequently, then its storage should be carried out in a deflated form. To do this, it is best to choose a dry and dark place. Before putting a thing in storage, it is important to dry it well and blow it off carefully, without pressing the surface. If necessary, you can wash the product with a simple soapy foam without using any detergents that can corrode the rubber. Abrasive powders are also prohibited. At the end of cleaning, the product is washed with clean water and dried.

If serious damage has occurred in the mattress, then your efforts will most likely be insufficient and you will have to turn to a specialist for help.Most often, these holes include large holes, cuts, seams and a torn valve. In all other cases, you can cope with the hole on your own, without spending money on the services of a master. Is it possible to cope with the problem with your own hands - everyone decides for himself.

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