How to clean the enameled pan inside from black?

Enameled pans are used by many housewives, because coating the paint is completely safe when cooking a wide variety of dishes. Such items of daily kitchenware look beautiful, practical, and with careful care, the dishes will last a very long time. Sometimes it happens that when cooking porridge or milk, these products stick to the pan. It is incredibly difficult to wash this soot with simple detergents, therefore, every housewife's arsenal should have several folk remedies that will help resolve the issue of how to clean the enameled pan inside from black, scale or carbon deposits. We will offer you several options in this article.
to contents ↑Immediate cleaning
If the soot is still completely fresh:
- You need to very quickly put the dishes in the sink and fill it with water at a suitable temperature.
Important! It is advisable to fill the pan to the brim so that all the scum that has formed inside is captured.
- Then you should add detergent for dishes, and use a sponge to try to wash the carbon deposits.
- If this does not work out, leave a container of water for 30-40 minutes to soak. During this time, the coating should lag behind the walls of the dishes, and it will be much easier to wash.
Folk remedies to help - 7 effective remedies
How to clean enameled dishes, if after cooking there was a nuisance: there was a raid or a dark deposit? The main thing is not to start rubbing its inner walls with hard metal brushes or pour cold water on uncooked dishes.
In fact, our grandmothers, for a long time, came up with many different tools, how to clean such dishes. Moreover, the components for these funds can be found in every home.
Salt action
In order to remove carbon deposits inside an enameled pan, you can use ordinary salt. Immediately after cooking and dark plaque, sprinkle salt on the bottom of the pan.
Important! You can also sprinkle the surface of the gas stove with this mixture if milk is spilled on it. This will help not only to clean it faster, but also to avoid the nasty smell of burnt milk or other food.
You can prepare a concentrated salt solution:
- Pour them a burnt pot and put on fire.
- After 20 minutes, you can remove the dishes and try to clean it with a regular dishwashing sponge.
Important! In most cases, this method helps to clean the enameled pan inside from blackness even in the most advanced cases.
Sand cleaning
You can clean cast iron and enameled dishes with ordinary sand.
This procedure is best done on the street when there is a lot of sand in the summer. Sand dishes are cleaned very simply and quickly, and not only inside, but also outside.
For this:
- You need to pour sand on the dishes and carefully rub with a washcloth or cloth.
- As it gets dirty, sand needs to be changed regularly.
Important! Cleaning with sand will take you no more than an hour, but the dishes after this procedure will literally shine like new.
Lemon acid
It is also possible to clean enameled teapots and pans from soot and scale with citric acid, which is also successfully used to clean washing machines and electric kettles.
Important! This product acts very carefully in relation to a delicate enameled coating, but at the same time, it is detrimental to soot, dirt, scale and other unpleasant substances.
To clean the dishes, pour acid inside and pour water. A large pack will be enough for one, but a few need to take a few. Then put the pan on the fire and boil for at least 25 minutes. Next, remove the dishes from the fire and pour the water with fallen dirt into the sink.
Important! This way you can clean enameled dishes systematically, because it suffers greatly from the trace elements contained in the water that we use for cooking.
Coffee grounds
You can resort to the help of a tool such as coffee grounds. The principle of operation of this method is similar to the above option with sand. But coffee grounds, unlike sand, can be easily found at any time of the year. In addition, in addition to removing contaminants, it is able to eliminate unpleasant odors of burnt food.
You need to use a soft sponge and carefully walk the coffee grounds on all surfaces of the pan. The abrasive method will remove contamination.
Soda and laundry soap
A universal way to clean the enameled pan inside from blackness, as well as any other kitchen utensils:
- If you need to clean the pan both inside and out, you should take a large container and place a pan in it that needs to be cleaned.
- Pour water into the tank with the addition of soda and laundry soap pre-grated.
- It is important that the pan is completely covered with water and detergents.
- Next, over low heat, boil the dishes for 40 minutes.
Important! If you also need to remove the dark coating, then you can add a little "White" to the above composition.
Green apples and lemons
Oddly enough, fruits such as green apples and lemons are great for effective cleaning of enameled surfaces. Rub the walls of the dishes with these sour fruits and leave for 40 minutes, then take the dishwashing detergent and carefully walk along the surface with a sponge.
Important! The essence of cleaning efficiency is that these products contain natural acid, which corrodes plaque of various origins. In particular, these tools help get rid of rust, lime deposits.
White or bleach
A more extreme cleaning option is to use bleaching tablets or White. To do this, pour it into the pan for about 40-50 minutes, and then drain it into the bath or sink.
After that, thoroughly clean the enameled pan under running water. After some time, the chlorine will finally disappear, and the dishes will shine like new.
to contents ↑Important! If you are using not a tablet powder, but a liquid concentrate, be very careful in proportions. Take ½ part of the volume indicated on the label for bleaching things. As an alternative, you can use Persol bleach. In this case, mix it with water and boil for 20 minutes.
How to use a pan? Warnings, Prohibitions
In order for enameled dishes to serve you for many years, you should adhere to some rules:
- Use it only for cooking liquid dishes, compotes;
- Never cook roast or porridge in such a dish;
- Enameled utensils do not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, so it should not be left on a heated stove;
- The pan should be placed on gas only when it is filled with liquid.
to contents ↑Important! If you decide to clean the pan, wait for it to cool completely. This should be taken into account, because you can’t pour cold water into a hot dish - because of this, the enamel can crack. The dishes inside which the enamel has cracked cannot be used for cooking.
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In this article, we have offered you many effective ways to quickly clean the enameled pan inside from blackness.Choose a more suitable one and apply if there is an emergency situation with soot or it is time to remove limescale on kitchen utensils, because cooking in a clean and tidy dish is always much more pleasant!
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