How to clean the keyboard on a laptop 🥝 how to disassemble and how to clean

No matter how carefully you work with electronics, there is no escape from the manifestations of the human nature: someone sins food near a laptop, someone likes to drink aromatic coffee and eat crispy crumbly cookies. Therefore, how not to observe computer hygiene, after a short time, the question will surely arise: how to clean a laptop keyboard at home?
to contents ↑Why clean and wipe a laptop?
Any device, whether it be asus, hp, lenovo, acer, which is powered by electricity, attracts dust, this is the nature of electromagnetism, and if the device is also equipped with a forced ventilation system, then dust and dirt will collect inside like bees into a hive. Just such a device is a laptop.
Care and prevention in relation to the laptop comes down to timely and proper disposal of dust and stains. This is necessary not only to maintain a neat appearance, but also most importantly, for the normal operation of the device and extend its service life.
to contents ↑Important! If your PC is already several years old and you need it for work or powerful games, perhaps our notebook ratingmade up of the latest release models.
Or maybe it makes sense to buy an additional device for individual tasks. Then read about which is better - laptop or tablet.
What can a laptop keyboard dirty be?
If dust and dirt get inside the keyboard of a regular computer, then the only harm they do is spoil the keyboard itself. But when dirt and dust from the laptop keyboard fall on its “stuffing”, then you will expect the following troubles:
- Due to mechanical debris getting inside, one or more buttons may get stuck.
- The failure of all keys may occur if you accidentally knock over a glass of liquid to the surface.
- Damage to the internal parts of the laptop can also occur due to moisture inside;
- The laptop turns off due to overheating - this can happen if dust and dirt get on the radiator. As a result, the ventilation system stops passing air.
Given all these factors, to know how to clean a laptop keyboard, it is necessary for each of its owners and regularly do this on their own if there is no time to take the device to specialists.
to contents ↑Important! Do not forget that you need to monitor the cleanliness of the system itself. Solve both problems at the same time, choosing a more suitable option from the ones we proposed in a separate articleways to clean your laptop from viruses.
How to clean a laptop keyboard?
First, figure out what kind of cleaning you need - superficial or deep:
- Surface cleaning involves cleaning the keys, as well as the space between them.
- Deep cleaning will help remove dust from the contacts so that it does not settle on the internal devices of the laptop.
Important! The keyboard of the device needs two types of cleaning, but the more often you do surface cleaning, the less often you will have to resort to deep cleaning. Consider also the fact that not all models can simply remove the buttons.In some laptops and netbooks they represent a single design with a panel. Therefore, if you have just such a technique, you will have to completely disassemble the device for deep cleaning.
Notebook Cleaners
Keyboard surface cleaning should be carried out regularly, at least 1 time per month. In specialized stores you can buy a cleaning kit. It includes a brush, cloth and cleaning fluid. This kit will help you clean your keyboard more thoroughly. If special liquids for cleaning buttons are not at hand, use improvised means to clean the laptop keyboard.
We offer some of them:
- Diluted isopropyl alcohol. This is the best cleaning agent to help get rid of stubborn dirt. Soak a soft cloth with alcohol and gently wipe all the keys. Handle the keyboard carefully, do not overdo it with the liquid so that it does not drip between the keys on the contacts.
Important! Acetone and other aggressive substances can not be used, as they can not only erase the paint on the keyboard, but what’s worst is to melt the laptop case. Ethyl alcohol and vodka can also ruin the paint on the buttons.
- Soapy water. Soak a swab or cotton swab in soapy water and gently remove any dirt from the buttons. After the procedure, be sure to wipe the keyboard with a dry cloth, since moisture is contraindicated in the device.
Basic rules for the use of cleaning products
- Use only special fluids, as well as lint-free wipes, which are sold in any computer store. Users recommend high-quality cleaning products for computer equipment from the company "Defender".
- Use special soft brushes to remove dust and dirt between the keys, and it is better to clean the buttons themselves with wipes.
Important! Before cleaning your laptop keyboard at home, completely disconnect it from the power supply and remove the battery.
How to remove dirt from under the keyboard?
Under the keys, dirt and debris also collect, which interfere with the normal operation of the laptop. The easiest way to get rid of garbage is to turn the device over and shake out the contents.
For the same purpose, you can use:
- a brush with a long hard pile;
- hair dryer - lift the laptop and tilt it, blow out the keyboard with cold air;
- household vacuum cleaner using a narrow nozzle;
- portable can of compressed air - such an aerosol is sold in computer stores.
to contents ↑Important! When cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, do not turn it on at full power.
Deep cleaning laptop keyboard
If you want to be sure that there is no dirt left in the keyboard, do a deep cleaning. You need:
- disassemble the clave;
- remove the keys using a screwdriver;
- clean rubber bands and contacts using a cleaning agent and soft wipes.
Important! All this must be done very carefully, so if you are not confident in your abilities and the result - do not take it, but contact the service center. There, experts will remove the buttons with a special tool, without damaging them, and also having carried out the necessary cleaning, they will return everything back.
If you still decide to thoroughly clean and wash the laptop at home, use the following algorithm:
- Take a picture of the keyboard so that at the end of work everything will be returned to its original place.
- Use a screwdriver to remove the keys. The fastening of the keyboard buttons, although simple, but very weak. Therefore, be careful not to damage the loop.
- As soon as the keys are disconnected, remove dust with a brush or a special vacuum cleaner for cleaning laptops (a vacuum cleaner for cleaning upholstered furniture is also suitable).
- Return all the keys to their places.
- If after cleaning a couple of keys do not work, and you are sure that you did everything correctly, then replace the keyboard. Most likely, it's not about dust.
to contents ↑Important! After you have completed all the work, check the operation of the device.You may need to give him some more time. To do this, we have prepared a selection of ways how to speed up the laptop yourself.
What difficulties may arise in caring for a laptop?
There are times when the usual cleaning of the keyboard can not do. For example, when you pour a laptop juice or tea. Here you have to completely disassemble the keyboard, rinse it with a special solution.
If this happened to you, first thing:
- Turn the device over and pour out as much liquid as possible.
- Blot the remaining moisture with cotton or blow dry.
Only then separate the keys and disassemble the keyboard. Wipe the surface with diluted isopropyl alcohol and then with a dry, clean, soft cloth. If necessary, replace the protective membranes.
to contents ↑Important! Such an operation is best carried out by specialists of a service center. The wizards will disassemble the laptop keyboard, carry out the necessary diagnostics, find out if the contact tracks are damaged, and if the damage is strong and the contacts are oxidized, then in this case you will have to buy new laptop parts.
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Summing up all of the above, we can conclude: to avoid serious damage to the laptop, regularly clean the device, and also keep the mugs of drinks as far away from the computer as possible so that you do not have to change the flooded keyboard at all. Remember that cleanliness is the key to the health of not only the user, but also the key to long-term and uninterrupted operation of any equipment.
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