How to clean the keyboard?

In the modern world, a computer has become an integral part of many people's lives. It is necessary for work, as well as for personal purposes. One of the most important elements of a computer is the keyboard: without it, you cannot give the right command, enter information. And since a person works on the keyboard with his hands, over time it becomes dirty, the keys get stuck, are hard to press and, of course, each user has a question: how to clean the keyboard at home.

Important! Perhaps someone will say that it’s easier and faster to buy a new one and throw this one out, but the keyboard can be expensive or very convenient for you, or you just can’t buy one in the store, so learn to clean the keyboard and don’t lose the chance to do something something useful with your own hands.

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When do I need to clean my keyboard?

How to clean the keyboard?Cleaning is essential if you notice that:

  • the keys began to sink (or stick);
  • on buttons and keyboard appeared not characteristic stains, stripes;
  • keys do not work the first time;
  • when you press the keys, suspicious sounds are heard;
  • between the keys there are dust and pollution.
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Serious pollution prevention

We recommend that you regularly recall that you need to clean the keyboard from the computer at home, and do not wait until the pollution becomes severe, because daily care of the keyboard is quite simple:

  1. Disconnect the keyboard from the computer (the computer should be turned off at this time).
  2. Turn the keyboard over and tap it lightly so that all the crumbs spill out.
  3. Take a hair dryer, turn it on in cold mode and blow on the keys. With this procedure, you blow dust from the inside. A vacuum cleaner with a flat nozzle is also suitable for this purpose.
  4. Use a soft brush to “sweep” the remaining debris between the buttons.
  5. Wipe the keyboard with alcohol wipes, and clean with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol between the keys.

Important! This cleaning should be done once every 2 weeks.

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Special keyboard care products

To make it easier to care for your keyboard, buy special care products in specialized stores:

  • Special wipes designed not only for the care of the keyboard, but also for office equipment. Thanks to the lint-free structure, they do not leave unnecessary strings and villi on the keys, and a special impregnation will not allow damage to the plastic buttons and at the same time effectively remove the traces left by your fingers.
  • USB vacuum cleaners. Despite their small size, the power of such devices is very decent. With their help, you will get rid of dust and crumbs that are stuck under the keys.
  • Cyberlizuns to remove dust and crumbs are such a sticky mass that penetrates into the smallest slots, particles of dust and dirt are glued to it, which are then easily removed.
  • Spray can with compressed air. Use it if you do not have a USB vacuum cleaner. Using a special nozzle, direct a powerful stream of air in order to blow out all the debris from under the keys. This spray is enough for several times.

Important! When using a can of compressed air, do not inhale its contents.Use purposefully - only to clean your computer keyboard at home. After the procedure, be sure to ventilate the room. Do not turn the can over or shake it; handle it carefully.

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Keyboard general cleaning

Many users near the computer drink tea, coffee, dine, and in such cases, even if the keyboard looks normal at first glance, after six months of using it, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning, that is, clean the computer keyboard inside. There are 2 ways to do this: remove all keys from it or disassemble the keyboard completely.

Method number 1

In order to remove the keys from the keyboard and quickly clean the keyboard inside, you will need the following tools and tools:

  • a camera (or a finished photograph of the keyboard);
  • flat thin screwdriver;
  • any capacity for the removed keys;
  • a hair dryer or any device for blowing parts (vacuum cleaner, compressor);
  • soapy solution or cleaning agent;
  • soft cloth or towel for drying keys.

Important! Keys marked with paper-and-paper water-based stickers may lose the printed characters.

In order to use this method, first take a picture or find an image of your or similar keyboard. Armed with a miniature screwdriver, wrapped in electrical tape, or a thin layer of strong fabric (so as not to scratch the product), proceed as follows:

  1. Carefully remove each key in turn.
  2. Wash the removed buttons thoroughly with detergent.
  3. Put the items in a sock, strainer or colander and rinse under running water (heavily soiled keys, leave to soak in soapy water).
  4. Lay out the washed buttons on a towel and leave to dry completely.
  5. If there is no time, then use a hairdryer for drying - this will speed up the process.
  6. While the buttons are dry, clean the keyboard: shake out the debris, remove any dirt with cotton buds.
  7. Blow out the keyboard with a cold hairdryer. Wipe with a slightly damp cloth (do not wet the keyboard).
  8. Return all the keys to their place, looking at the location of the buttons on the photo that you previously stocked up.

Method number 2

In this method, thorough cleaning of the keyboard inside is attached to washing the buttons. It must first be untwisted and disassembled. Below we will consider this method in more detail.

Important! Note that in this case you will not succeed in quickly cleaning the keyboard from the computer. Therefore, choose the right time so that you are calm, not in a hurry, and all the households do not “run in circles” around you.

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How to clean the keyboard inside?

How to clean the keyboard?We hope you turn off the keyboard and take a picture. Next, follow this way:

  1. Turn the keyboard face down and put it on something soft. Unscrew all the screws that you find on the back cover.
  2. Gently and slowly lift the cover. Pay particular attention to the part where the cable is located.
  3. Remove the thin plate with which the signals are transmitted.
  4. Take a small flat-blade screwdriver, wrap it with ordinary electrical tape (so as not to damage the plastic) and gradually remove the keys. Each button has a special latch, so a little effort is enough to remove the buttons. Release the latch and pull out the key.

Important! Pay attention to the Shift buttons and the spacebar. They have not a plastic, but a metal retainer, so remove them very carefully, avoiding strong pressures and sudden changes in the direction of pressure.

  1. Wash the keys in a solution of liquid soap and water, treat stubborn dirt with a toothbrush.
  2. Wash the keyboard case itself (if possible). Use wet wipes, cotton buds, a vacuum cleaner, and a large brush to handle the inside of the case.
  3. After processing, blow dry the case.
  4. Rinse and dry the keys on a towel (or blow dry).

Important! Take the responsibility to dry, as one drop of water is enough to close the keyboard circuit. Allow 4-5 hours to dry completely.

  1. Install the rubber cup contacts and place the keys on the keyboard according to the order.
  2. Assemble the housing and tighten it with screws.
  3. Set the keys for the photo. There may be problems installing keys with iron brackets. We recommend installing the bracket first in the key slots, and then only in the keyboard body.
  4. Connect the keyboard and turn on the computer. If something does not work, then disassemble and reassemble again, carefully checking everything.
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How to clean a laptop or netbook keyboard?

The peculiarity of a portable computer is that the keyboard is built-in and it is not possible to disconnect the buttons on all models, so you won’t be able to wash them. In this case, use compressed air or a hairdryer. Armed with a soft brush, you can “sweep” the trash out of the spaces between the keys by tilting the device at an angle.

Remove grease stains with special office care wipes or a cotton pad soaked in alcohol.

Important! Such a cleaning will not return the keyboard to its original cleanliness, therefore, in order to clean the keyboard on the computer efficiently, if something has been spilled onto it, contact a service center or a repair center for similar equipment.

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Helpful hints:

  • When cleaning the keyboard, the space bar can not be removed, since it is very difficult to put it back later.
  • The keys on the laptop are very difficult to replace, so it’s better not to remove them, as you can damage them, and the laptop itself.
  • If you have lost a photo or forgot where the keys should be, then boot the computer and open the “On-Screen Keyboard” application in Windows. You can find this application by opening the “Start” menu - “Control Panel”.
  • If liquid has spilled onto the keyboard, immediately turn it off and turn it over to remove as much liquid as possible from the device. In the inverted state, leave the keyboard for 24 hours to dry. If viscous and sweet liquid gets in, which is able to glue contacts and buttons, the keyboard will have to be disassembled.
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Stock footage

When cleaning the computer keyboard, proceed slowly, carefully and carefully. Do not overdo it, do not rub the internal board hard so as not to spoil the contacts, and do not excessively moisturize. We hope that using our tips and tricks, you will do everything correctly and accurately, which means that the keyboard will delight you with its pristine cleanliness for many months to come.

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