How to clean natural light skin at home?

Light leather products look doubly impressive - due to the presentable appearance of the material itself and its shade. But while wearing, such outerwear is much faster. In order not to go to dry cleaning every week, you just need to know how to clean natural light skin at home. The main thing is to remember that all stains and greasy spots must be so carefully removed so as not to damage the material itself and not reduce its strength and attractiveness. How to achieve such a result, what means to apply in a particular case - you will learn from this article.
to contents ↑How to clean a leather jacket at home? - Basic Rules
Cleaning white skin is a process that requires a little time and patience, because the more carefully you clean your jacket, the longer it will last for you. In order to properly clean the jacket, you need to adhere to some rules:
- If moisture gets on your “leather”, be sure to wipe it dry with a rag. Categorically do not dry it on heating appliances.
- The main enemy of the skin is dust. That is why you need to often wipe it from dust.
- If you find stains, then you need to remove them immediately, otherwise they can soak into the clothes so that you can hardly clean yourself.
- Carry out activities aimed at cleaning a leather jacket at home carefully and very carefully.
- The skin should be smoothed according to the gentle principle, because excessive pressure or temperature can lead to stains that cannot be removed at all.
If you follow these simple rules, you can easily clean the leather jacket at home.
to contents ↑Daily care
The main way to keep your skin clean is to wipe it with a damp cloth. Using a sponge, you can easily and simply remove dirt and dust that settles on the material. After your jacket has sparkled from wet cleaning, wipe it dry with a dry cloth.
to contents ↑Important! In order to wipe your “skin” you can use both ordinary water and soapy water with the addition of ammonia to disinfect the jacket. Add ammonia at the rate of 10-15 drops for every 250 grams of water.
How to deal with salinity?
It often happens that cleaning a leather jacket at home is more difficult because the cuffs and collar become dirty. If so, then do not be discouraged, because this is not such a serious problem. Basically, problematic greasy spots need to be cleaned with a 10% solution. The solution consists of drinking water and baking soda. With this simple and affordable paste-like product you need to rub greasy places, but so as not to touch the adjacent material.
Is there glycerin? “Then even better.” You can use it as a reducer of the cuff and collar. All that is needed is to rub warm glycerin onto the collars and cuffs of your jacket. It is recommended to carry out such procedures periodically. A similar treatment will soften the skin on outerwear and give it an additional shine effect.
to contents ↑Important! If you have a desire to take care even more carefully, you can buy funds, for example, “Bugs Super Skin”, which allows you to not only effectively carry out cleaning leather jackets at homebut also adds shine.
Removing stains from a leather jacket
If you find a stain on your jacket, then immediately get down to business, as it is much easier to remove a fresh stain than a stain that has already been on your light jacket for several weeks.
Important! Basically, among people there is an opinion that such pollution can be removed with expensive special means, which are usually not at hand, but in practice this is not entirely true. It all depends on the nature of the origin of your spot.
There are many ways to clean a leather jacket. Basically, the methods differ depending on how much the leather coat is soiled. Let's look at some types of stains, and possible remedies to eliminate them.
- Small traces of ink can be removed with diluted medical alcohol or slightly warmed glycerin. For application, you need to take a cotton swab and moisten it with one of the means.
- Salt can also do quite well with this task, while the process of cleaning a leather jacket will drag on for a couple of days, because first you need to pour salt on the jacket area with a stain, leave it like that for a couple of days. Then the salt is cleaned from the jacket with a rag, which should be moistened in turpentine.
Greasy spots
You can quickly remove the greasy stain, which catches your eye, with a napkin and hair dryer. Place a few napkins on a greasy spot, and then heat the spot with a hairdryer. Why does this help? The napkin can easily absorb fat if it is heated to the desired temperature.
Important! The advantage of this method is that you can easily adjust the temperature of the air flow. This means that you should not worry about overheating of the material.
Other options:
- It will also help to cope with such a stain and standard medical alcohol or glycerin soap. They rub directly the place of pollution.
- For some cases, the most common starch is suitable, which must be mixed with cold water to a thick state. Then spread this thick mass at the place of contamination for 10-20 minutes, rinse it and treat this place with glycerin.
The most difficult spot to remove is blood, which must be removed immediately after it appears.
- The easiest way is to treat a leather jacket at home with soapy water. But only in no case can you use a hot solution for this. From this, blood proteins coagulate and it will be much more difficult to remove pollution.
- Hydrogen peroxide also does a good job of this task, but since it is an active substance, try to process the least noticeable places of the jacket first.
Important! Hydrogen peroxide can discolour the material of your jacket, which is why try to process the thing more accurately. Overdo the dose at least a little and the jacket can be used as “backup clothing."
It often happens that a leather jacket gathers dust in your closet for weeks. That is why mold spots may appear, which can be removed quite simply with a small can of refined gasoline. After processing, wipe the area with a damp cloth.
The unpleasant odor left from the refined gasoline is neutralized by a slice of lemon, which must first be cut in half and then walk it on the surface of your jacket. In conclusion, it is necessary to lubricate the place of the former contamination with any cream - special for leather material or at least what you use for your hands. This must be done because the acid from lemon overdries the base and the product may ultimately lose its strength and deform.
Important! Stains of animal or vegetable origin can be easily removed with stain removers that do not have special bleaches on their basis. They are easy to use, and their cost ranges from 1.5 to 3.5 $. The most popular stain remover is Spew Remover We strongly recommend purchasing it and keeping it in your arsenal.
If you are not sure that you can clean the leather jacket from dirt at home yourself, then it is worth contacting special services - dry cleaners.
to contents ↑Important! You should not leave your “leather case” for long-term storage in the closet without preliminary cleaning, otherwise you will have to either throw away the item in the near future or struggle for its cleanliness for a long time.
Professional skin care products
In addition to folk methods, you can also use professional tools that have a fairly high efficiency. They come in completely different forms of release:
- Cream based products. Typically, such funds are most effective.
- Sprays are both the most economical and the most convenient means.
- Napkins are the easiest to use, and it is also impossible to harm the skin of the jacket.
In addition to the fact that they differ from each other in the form of release, they still have differences in why they are needed. Here you can highlight the following features:
- Water repellent sprays. Maintain a normal amount of moisture and also keep your jacket looking great. An excellent option would be Leather Protection Cream, which also protects against various oil contaminants.
- If you have cracks on your skin, be sure to buy a special wax for the skin, which also masks well-worn places. Such a wax gives a lasting effect. For example, Leather Revive, which is able to restore scuffs, as well as rough skin areas.
- The sponge for skin has special components that allow you to maintain the necessary care for your skin.
- Need to bring back the sparkle to your leather jacket? Then you need to buy a mold remover Mold Remover, with which you can not only easily restore the beauty of the jacket, but also remove unpleasant odors from it.
Important! Whatever you use the tool, first you need to read the instructions for use. It is available on each package with a similar tool.
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We hope that with the help of our tips in this article, you can easily clean your natural light skin at home and now you have a complete arsenal of suitable methods for timely care of it. So - you do not have to change expensive outerwear every season and you can look respectable in it for a long time.
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