How to clean the apartment from the negative?

Our well-being often changes depending on the situation: it is unlikely that you will feel cozy and comfortable in the police station or in the municipal hospital. And the point here is not even in the designation of such places, but in the energy sector that has settled inside. If you, coming home, began to feel tired, apathy, or vice versa, aggression, then do not rush to blame all the stress and work, perhaps the energy of your home is overflowing with negativity. Today we will discuss the issue of how to clean an apartment from negative energy.

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Where does the negative come from and methods for its detection

Before cleaning the house from negativity, check if there is negative energy in your apartment. We recommend that you do this in the following ways.

Method number 1. Candle

The easiest way to find out if you need to clean the apartment is to light a church candle and walk through all the premises of the house. If the flame begins to fade, a crack is heard, then the energy of the house is disturbed by something. Hence the painful symptoms: headache, weakness, unwillingness to be at home.

Method number 2. Using animals

If you have pets at home (cats, dogs), watch them. Negative energy is especially felt by cats. Nervousness appears in their behavior, they do not admit to themselves, refuse their favorite food and begin to get sick for no particular reason. If you notice this, immediately begin to decide the question of how to clean the apartment from negativity.

Method number 3. Houseplants

If poor energy appears in the home, then the flowers die even regardless of their care, fertilizer and transplants. It should be remembered that plants also respond to the disease of the person who cares for them.

watermarked - mediterranean_home_officeThere are also several reasons for the appearance of negative energy:

  1. Spoilage. If damage is made to your apartment, then in your home you will find foreign objects: needles in jambs, window openings, pins in furniture, etc. In general, this can be any object that you or household did not bring to the apartment. As soon as you find such an item, immediately get rid of it and get involved in solving the problem of how to clean the apartment in order to restore comfortable living conditions.
  2. Location of the apartment. It happens that houses are built on the site of the former mass graves, or maybe you moved into the apartment in which the tragedy occurred with the former owner of the house. Try checking the negativity with your mobile phone. If there is negative energy, then even on the top floor a mobile phone will be weak in catching a signal. If you notice this, think about when it will be convenient for you to clean the apartment and choose the appropriate method.
  3. The energy of an apartment often depends on those living in it. If a person lives in the house who is accompanied by negative thoughts, depression, of course, can’t be positive energy in such an apartment. Negatives can also be made by guests who either envy or wish you harm.
  4. The aura of the house is also spoiled by long serious illnesses, accompanied by moans and tears. Therefore, we recommend immediately after the patient's recovery, to clear the room of negativity by burning twigs of St. John's wort or dried sage.
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How to clean an apartment from negativity?

There are original Slavic methods, or those that came into our lives from other cultures. Consider several effective and efficient options for how to clean the apartment. For this purpose, various means are suitable. Which ones to give preference to, decide based on your own opinion regarding religion, the actions of folk remedies, faith in otherworldly forces and the ancient teachings of Feng Shui.

Important! Remember that cleaning the apartment will be effective only if you sincerely believe in the result of the procedure that you carry out.

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According to Slavic traditions

Our ancestors were very sensitive to the energy purity of the house. The influence of evil spirits even acquired a kind of cult, therefore, there are a lot of ways to solve the problem of how to clean an apartment from negative. For example:

  1. One of the most common ways to get rid of negativity is to cleanse the house with holy water. Moving around the apartment clockwise, bless all the rooms with water. Pay particular attention to corners, cabinets and pantries.
  2. Also, silver water has been considered an effective remedy since ancient times. To receive it, put any silver object for a day in a vessel with water. Wipe objects in the apartment with such water to charge with positive energy.
  3. One of the effective methods of cleaning a house in ancient times was a method of fumigating a house with incense. For this procedure, you can invite a priest who will not only fumigate the rooms with incense, but will also sprinkle the apartment with holy water, and also read prayers that protect the shelter and those who live from evil spirits.
  4. The defenders of negative energy can also be lit aromatic herbs, for example, juniper, heather or dry wormwood.
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Folk remedies

Negative energy accumulates not only in the corners of the cabinets, but also in the corners of the rooms. To clean the room, you can use salt, onion, garlic. After all, not for nothing, according to popular beliefs, vampires were expelled by garlic. Its properties have not changed at all by today, so it is perfect for solving the issue of how to clean an apartment.

Option 1

watermarked - design016 (1)We recommend using salt as follows:

  1. Place salt containers in the corners.
  2. Let them stand there for 2 days, then throw her away.
  3. Perform this cleaning procedure once a month.

Important! Wipe chairs and sofas from time to time with a cloth soaked in a salt solution. Perform this procedure once a week. If you brought a thing into the house and are not sure of the positiveness of its energy, then rinse the brought thing with saline.

Option 2

Cleaning the apartment with onion or garlic will look like this:

  1. Cut the onion in half and take it to all corners of the rooms, including the pantry, toilet, bath.
  2. They should lie there for 3 days.
  3. Together with onions, you can put a few cloves of garlic.
  4. Throw onion and garlic only by wearing gloves.

Option 3

The use of candles for energetic home improvement is not a new invention, but you need to clean the apartment with a candle in a strictly defined order, clearly observing certain rules:

  1. Before the ritual, fast for 1-3 days and prepare yourself to read holy prayers. To do this, go to the temple the day before, confess and take communion.
  2. The house or apartment must be well cleaned and washed so that there is no speck left in the dwelling, no dirt, no dust. Ventilate thoroughly before cleaning.
  3. To prepare the apartment, we recommend placing a container of sodium chloride in all corners for 1-3 days so that it absorbs the negative floating in the air.
  4. Light a candle and go around the house for the first time counterclockwise, expelling negative entities. Throw out the candle after the procedure.

Important! The candle can be kept both in the candlestick and without it. In the second case, put a paper skirt on the candle so that the molten wax does not burn your hand

  1. Light a new candle (to “charge” your home, you can choose not a white candle, but, for example, green for health, pink for love, etc.e.) and go around the apartment exclusively clockwise, filling the entire space of the home with positive energy. Move from the front door. The principle of energy cleaning is to go around all rooms with a candle in their hands and with prayer on their lips.
  2. Buy candles for filling with positive energy in the church, preferably the longest and thickest: the longer the candle burns, the better the space will be filled with good.
  3. At the end of the procedure, return to the door and leave the candle to burn out.
  4. After the candle goes out, fix the result with a “seal” - a word-formula that seals the dwelling in the state it came to after cleaning.

Important! You can perform any additional actions. For example, hang horseshoes for good luck over the threshold or icons in the corner. All this will enhance the effect and support the positive energy of the house.

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Cleaning the apartment in Feng Shui

The basic rule of the Feng Shui method says: “in order to clean the home, you need to release the positive energy of the house”. For this:

  1. Throw away old and unnecessary things, broken household items, broken dishes and everything you do not need.
  2. To prevent negative energy from remaining in the apartment, change the direction of energy flows. This can be done by moving furniture.
  3. Perform general cleaning in the apartment: wash windows, doors, floors. Cleaning should be planned on the waning moon, since at this time the cleaning will allow you to carefully “sweep” the negative from the house.
  4. Light the room with various incense or scented candles. For effectiveness, use the aromas of St. John's wort, leaves of lavender, pine, sage, oak.
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Prevention of the accumulation of negativity in the house

We hope you clean the apartment of negative energy in the ways described, and in order not to bring evil energy from the street to the house in the future, do not forget to follow simple rules:

  • when you come home, immediately wipe your shoes, take a shower and put on household linen;
  • after the guests leave, immediately wash the dishes, do not leave this matter for later;
  • keep your house in order and cleanliness,
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Adhering to such simple rules, your house will always be warm, easy, comfortable not only for households, but also for guests, and a cleaned apartment will never become a place for scandals, tears and insults, and it will bring you only joy, kindness and happiness.

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