How to clean fur

Clothing with fur is always beautiful, it gives solidity to the appearance. But in order for it to maintain such an effect, it is necessary to clean it regularly, and correctly. What to do if there is no time or opportunity to take the clothes to dry cleaning, how to clean the fur at home with the help of the funds that are available? There is nothing complicated in this, if you know a few rules. In this article, we will give you several effective ways on how and how to clean various types of fur from dirt.

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How to clean fur at home?

How to clean furBefore you start cleaning the product, pay attention to some important rules of procedure:

  1. When cleaning the fur, be careful.
  2. Determine the degree of contamination of the product:
    • Take a hair dryer and direct a stream of cold air at the fur.
    • If the pile returns to its original position, then the thing is clean, sticks together - it means that dirt has accumulated between the fibers and processing is necessary.
    • Determine the type of contamination, the choice of cleaning method and means depends on this.
  3. Arrange clothes so that it is convenient for you to clean: on a flat surface, on a coat hanger, on a horizontal bar.
  4. Cleaning long-fur is carried out along the pile, shorthair is cleaned in the opposite direction.
  5. Do not wash natural fur products to prevent their deformation. In contact with water, the base will break, the skin may burst, become coarser, warp, and the fur will lose its appearance,
  6. Before applying a cleanser or compound to the fur, test it on the hem or armpits.
  7. When cleaning the fur, do not rub it too hard so as not to spoil the pile and not tear the base.
  8. When cleaning faux fur products, never use acetone and vinegar in their pure form.
  9. After each cleaning process, be sure to comb the fur with a rare comb and shake.
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How to clean the fur?

Depending on what type of contamination you will be cleaning your clothes, and from what type of fur your product, choose the methods and methods suitable for you. You will need the following tools at hand:

  • clothes brush;
  • foam sponge;
  • dishwashing detergent;
  • liquid for washing wool or silk;
  • shampoo for bathing cats;
  • cleaning agent for carpets and furniture upholstery;
  • potato starch;
  • semolina;
  • salt;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon juice;
  • ammonia;
  • medical alcohol:
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • refined gasoline;
  • wheat or rye bran;
  • sawdust for the toilet of animals;
  • river sand.
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How to clean the fur from dirt?

You can get rid of dirt and dust in the following way:

  1. Spread a white, damp sheet on a flat surface.
  2. Lay the product face down.
  3. Visually divide the cleared area into sections.
  4. Take a beater or a rolling pin, carefully knock out the fur. The dust accumulated in the pile will settle on wet material.
  5. Hang the product down and let it dry.
  6. Shake.

To clean the product from faux fur, you will need a soap solution:

  1. Dilute a small amount of dish detergent in warm water.
  2. Pour the solution into the spray bottle, spray over the surface.
  3. Brush.
  4. Use a damp cloth to move along the pile.
  5. Let it dry.
  6. Comb.

To wash dirt off any fur, use lemon juice:

  1. Mix juice and water in equal parts.
  2. Moisten a sponge in the mixture.
  3. Wash off dirt along the pile.
  4. Hang the item you are cleaning on your coat hanger.
  5. Dry it.
  6. Comb with a rare comb.

Important! Carefully apply this method on non-ferrous products.

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How to clean faux fur at home?

Things made of such material look very attractive and I want to keep this beauty longer. Proceed in this case with one of the methods most convenient for you.

Method 1

How to clean furUse carpet cleaners:

  1. Read the instructions for use carefully.
  2. Dilute the substance in the specified proportion.
  3. Apply the product on the surface to be cleaned.
  4. Leave for a while.
  5. Brush off.
  6. Rinse off any remaining product with a damp cloth.

Method 2

  1. Make a mixture of water, alcohol and vinegar in a 1: 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Apply the solution with a foam sponge.
  3. Wipe with a soft, clean cloth.

Method 3

To remove small impurities, use refined gasoline or turpentine and small sawdust for keeping animals:

  1. Soak the sawdust with gasoline.
  2. Sprinkle plenty of fur, rub lightly.
  3. Leave for a while.
  4. Shake, using a brush to clean the remnants of the cleaner.
  5. Comb the fur thoroughly.
  6. Hang to ventilate.

Method 4

You can remove stains from the fur using a liquid for washing wool and silk materials:

  1. Dilute in 1 cup of warm water 1 tbsp. substances.
  2. Treat the stain.
  3. Wipe with a cloth.
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How to remove fat from fur?

With fur trim, not only outerwear is sewn, so the appearance of greasy marks on different items of clothing is quite possible. To quickly deal with this problem, follow any of the instructions below.

Option 1

How to clean furUse a solution of ammonia and kitchen salt:

  1. Dilute 1 tsp in 0.5 l of water. ammonia and 3 tsp salt.
  2. Apply with a sponge or cotton swab to a greasy mark.
  3. Rub gently.
  4. Leave for a while.
  5. Rinse off with a damp cloth.

Option 2

  1. Make a mixture of medical and ammonia in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Wipe the cleaned area with a damp cloth.

Option 3

For stubborn stains on the collar and cuffs, use gasoline:

  1. Wet a rag in solvent.
  2. Wipe the contaminated area.
  3. Wash off gasoline with soapy water.
  4. Remove the remnants of the cleaners with a dampened cloth.
  5. Dry in a well-ventilated area.
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How to clean fur with starch?

Starch is a universal cleaner for various types of stains. Its effectiveness, combined with harmlessness, is also great for quickly cleaning fur.

Method 1

  1. Make slurry from equal parts of starch, washing powder and dishwashing liquid.
  2. Apply to problem areas.
  3. Wait a few minutes
  4. Brush off the resulting crust.
  5. Rinse off with a damp cloth.

Method 2

  1. Combine the starch and refined gasoline to the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  2. Use an old toothbrush to apply to contaminated areas.
  3. Rub gently.
  4. Brush the leftovers.
  5. Rinse with water.
  6. Air dry.

Method 3

  1. Remove greasy dirt on light fur with a mixture of starch, chalk and talcum powder (baby powder).
  2. Spread the mixture over the surface.
  3. Rub with a brush or rub gently by hand.
  4. Shake out.
  5. Brush off.

Important! Repeat several times if necessary.

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How to clean white fur at home?

How to clean furWhite fur is not only beautiful, but also very solid. Therefore, it is always doubly disappointing if such a thing is covered with spots of various origin. Do not despair! Even with this difficult task you will cope if you act correctly.

Solution 1

To clean the white fur, use semolina with starch:

  1. Mix in equal parts products.
  2. Pour over the fur surface.
  3. Rub your hands.
  4. Shake off.
  5. Comb the pile in different directions.

Decision 2

Stains can be cleaned with shampoos for bathing cats:

  1. Dissolve the shampoo in warm water.
  2. Whip the foam.
  3. Use a sponge or brush to apply the substance to the pile.
  4. Rub gently.
  5. Wait a few minutes.
  6. Rinse off the product, while trying not to wet the base.

Important! This method is perfect if you are wondering: how to clean natural fur.

Decision 3

Bleached yellow fur with hydrogen peroxide and sunlight:

  1. In 1 cup of warm water, dilute 1 tsp. peroxide and 2-4 drops of ammonia.
  2. Using a spray gun, apply the solution over the surface of the fur coat.
  3. Hang the product in the bright sun.

Decision 4

Individual yellowed spots are displayed with the same composition, but with some changes:

  1. Before applying the solution, cover the yellow spot around the perimeter with a plastic film so that the cleaner does not get on other parts of the product, and peroxide stains do not form.
  2. After drying, comb the pile and shake well.

Important! Dry clothes in the sun only one day.

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How to clean fox fur at home?

Things with natural fox fur not only give owners a special charm, but are also expensive. Therefore, be very careful when cleaning such products and act clearly according to the rules. Fluffy long-haired fox fur is the easiest and safest to clean with kitchen salt.

Option 1

  1. Sprinkle the pile with finely ground salt.
  2. Rub into the pile with a brush.
  3. Leave it for a few hours so that the salt pulls dirt and dust over itself.
  4. Shake off thoroughly.

Option 2

  1. Dissolve 3 tsp. salt and 1 tsp ammonia in 0.5l of water.
  2. In the solution, wet the clothes brush.
  3. Using a gentle movement, remove dirt from the fur coat.
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How to clean chinchilla fur at home?

Another popular fur today is chinchilla. The animals themselves clean themselves by bathing in the sand. You can also use this method, it will not do harm and will not spoil the thing.

  1. Lay the product on a flat surface.
  2. Heat the sand to a temperature so that you can work with it.
  3. Sprinkle on a contaminated surface.
  4. Rub it with your hands.
  5. Shake off the dirty sand.
  6. Repeat if necessary.

Important! This method is also suitable for cleaning the mole, otter and beaver fur.

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How to clean the fur on the hood?

Before you process the hood, if possible:

  1. Remove the edge.
  2. Place the workpiece on a flat hard surface.
  3. Perform all actions quickly and carefully.

Method 1

Use technical alcohol or refined gasoline:

  1. Dip a cotton swab in the substance.
  2. Clean the pile in all directions.
  3. Air dry.
  4. Walk with a stiff brush behind the pile and against.

Method 2

The furry on the hood made of artificial base can be cleaned with eggs:

  1. Beat a couple of fresh eggs until fluffy foam forms.
  2. Hands rub the foam into the fur.
  3. Leave for 1 hour.
  4. Rinse thoroughly under warm running water.
  5. Dry the product outdoors, avoid heating appliances.

Method 3

To clean the jammed places on the hood or collar of rabbit fur, beaver and otter, use iron and paper:

  1. Cover the contaminated area with paper.
  2. Iron with a hot iron at medium temperature of your appliance in the direction of the pile.
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Useful Tips

  1. When handling chemicals, work in a well-ventilated area and in personal protective equipment.
  2. Store fur in a linen bag in a cool, dry place.
  3. In order not to get a mole, lay fur in bags with leaves of geranium, tobacco or orange peels.
  4. Ventilate things regularly.
  5. To prevent the fur from falling off, comb the pile with a brush.
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Use our tips on how to clean fur at home, and your products will serve you for many years!


