How to clean the mouse from dirt?

In the modern world, a personal computer has become an indispensable assistant and friend to many people. Stationary computers can consist of various components, but they must include control devices, which include a keyboard and a manipulator, the so-called mouse. Most often, the user contacts precisely with these devices during operation, and if we wipe the keyboard at least occasionally, then few know how to clean the mouse from dirt. But the mouse, according to British scientists, is considered the most contaminated object in the office and the most dangerous to the health of the user, since a lot of bacteria live on its surface. What can we say about the pollution of the “rodent” inside? Today we will tell you how to clean the mouse from the computer so as not to harm the functional characteristics of the mechanical manipulator.

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When to clean the mouse?

No matter how carefully you monitor the cleanliness of the workplace, wipe the rug and mouse from the outside, anyway, dust enters the internal cavity of the manipulator. And there, along with body fat, dust adheres to the mechanical moving parts of the mouse. In such a situation, sooner or later, the cursor will begin to “hang” on the screen, and you are wondering how to clean the mouse from dirt.

To prevent this situation from happening, periodically, every three months, carry out preventive measures to clean the internal cavity of the manipulator. The process itself will take you no more than ten minutes.

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Tools for cleaning a computer mouse

Methods for cleaning dirt depend on the type of computer mouse. There are two main types of manipulators:

  • Optical (laser) mouse.
  • Ballpoint.

We consider each cleaning method separately, but first we will decide on the means and materials that are necessary in the process.

Computer mouse cleaning kit

You can clean the mouse from dirt from the inside using special kits and tools sold at any computer store. Such kits include:

  • Various sticks.
  • Fluids for cleaning the mouse.
  • Cleaning wipes.
  • Balloons.
  • Special rugs.

Important! Using all these tools is very convenient, because to clean the manipulator from the inside you do not need to disassemble it. And this makes the cleaning process very fast, easy and simple. Kits are very effective, but there is one drawback - the price is quite high. In addition, it should be noted that no matter what kit you use, even the best and most expensive, you can qualitatively clean the mouse from dirt from the inside only by disassembling it.

Therefore, we recommend using such kits in offices with a dozen devices or in computer labs, since the use of such tools can significantly save time. Read the instructions for use, which indicates what and how to do, and act.

Hand tools

At home, using special kits is irrational, and they are not always at hand. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at how to clean the mouse from the computer at home.

For cleaning activities you will need:

  • Crosshead screwdriver.
  • Alcohol.
  • Plastic or plastic scraper.
  • Tampons made of soft, lint-free fabric.
  • The cloth.
  • Cotton buds for external cleaning.
  • Soap solution.
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How to clean a ball mouse?

To clean the mouse from the computer, if you use the simplest ball model, proceed as follows:

  1. Turn off the computer. Disconnect the device from the network so as not to burn the mouse port.
  2. Disconnect the mechanical arm from the system unit.
  3. Turn the mouse over to see its bottom surface.
  4. Use a Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the screws on the bottom of the mouse.
  5. Carefully try to disconnect the case. Do not use brute force, as you may break the plastic latch. The housing should be separated into two halves without difficulty.

Important! When disassembling the device, pay attention to how the cord of the manipulator was located, in the future, during assembly, this may come in handy.

  1. Carefully pull out the rubber ball that is in contact with the mat.
  2. Wash the ball with warm water and soap or wipe with alcohol.
  3. Remove dust and dirt inside the mouse with a plastic or plastic scraper.
  4. Pay special attention to dense mud rings located on perpendicular cylindrical wheels. Dust and dirt can only be removed mechanically using a plastic scraper.

Important! Never use solvents, metal scrapers, a knife and a razor blade to clean the inside of the manipulator. All of these means can damage the parts of the device.

  1. Clean the pinch wheel from the dirt, which when the mouse is working, presses the ball against the mat. Perform the cleaning process in the same way as with the cylindrical wheels.
  2. After mechanical cleaning and removal of dust deposits, thoroughly degrease all mechanical moving parts of the device. The degreasing process is carried out with alcohol or vodka, using a swab of soft, lint-free cloth.
  3. When cleaning with alcohol, pay particular attention to the pinch wheel and cylindrical elements.
  4. Wipe the contacts of the manipulator buttons thoroughly with alcohol.
  5. Degrease with alcohol and the internal cavity of the mouse so that dust settles on the parts as little as possible.
  6. Dip a cotton swab in alcohol and wipe the elastic pads (legs) of the mouse.
  7. Two halves of the body also clean with alcohol from fat.
  8. Assemble the mouse in the reverse order. Make sure that the manipulator wire is in the right place when twisting the two halves.
  9. Wrap a small screw and connect the two parts of the case.
  10. Dip a dry cloth in alcohol and clean the cord of the pointing device from the point of connection with the mouse to the computer connection connector.
  11. The mouse is ready to work again, connect it to the computer.

Important! Do not use regular cotton wool to clean the internal parts, as it leaves behind fibers, which can subsequently become an obstacle to the normal operation of the device and an additional dust bag.

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How to clean an optical mouse?

If the optical mouse does not work well, then most likely it needs to be cleaned. Consider two ways to remove dirt from the manipulator.

Method number 1. Indiscriminately

For the procedure for cleaning the device you will need:

  • Alcohol.
  • Toothpicks.
  • Lint-free fabric.
  • Cotton swabs.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Disconnect the device from the computer. If the pointing device is connected to the USB port, you can do this without even turning off the computer.
  2. Turn the mouse over to carefully examine its bottom surface.
  3. Dip a cotton swab in alcohol and wipe the rubber feet of the device.
  4. Toothpick the surface around the legs. Use a new toothpick for each leg. Carry out the procedure carefully, if necessary, use a magnifying glass or lens to effectively remove all dirt.
  5. Use a cotton swab to remove dust particles and specks from the mouse eye. Do not force the wand so as not to scratch the eye and ruin the device.

Important! It is recommended to clean the eyelet on a regular basis - once a month.

  1. Clean the gaps between the buttons on the device with a toothpick.Do not press too hard so that the wooden stick does not break or ruin the device.
  2. Toothpick the slots on both sides of the manipulator wheel.
  3. Brush the wheel with a toothpick.
  4. Clean the surface of the mouse with a damp cloth or damp cloth. Make sure that moisture does not get inside the device, as this can lead to breakage of the microcontroller.
  5. Set the mouse aside.
  6. Dip the cloth in water and wipe the mouse pad.
  7. Place the mouse on the mat and wipe the mouse wire (if any) with a dry cloth and alcohol.
  8. Connect the mouse to the computer.

Important! Clean the manipulator at least once a month. If you regularly eat food in front of the screen or your children use the mouse, then you need to clean the device much more often.

Many experts do not recommend opening the back cover of the mouse, as this can lead to damage and cancellation of the warranty. But if the manipulator begins to “freeze”, then you can do without removing the case.

Method number 2. Disassemble the case

For work you will need:

  • Crosshead screwdriver.
  • Cotton swabs.
  • Soft fabric.
  • Cotton pads.
  • Alcohol.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Disconnect the mouse from the computer.
  2. Wipe the body of the device with a damp cloth.
  3. Turn the mouse over to see the back surface.
  4. Using a Phillips screwdriver, carefully unscrew the screw at the base of the device.
  5. Carefully inspect all fasteners and unscrew them.

Important! On some models, one screw is in direct view, and a couple are hidden under Teflon legs or under a sticker.

  1. Put all the screws in a safe place so that they are not lost during all events.
  2. Carefully separate the housing. Pay attention to how the cord is located (if any), it may come in handy when assembling the device.
  3. Remove the large microcircuit from the case and carefully remove all dust, tiny hairs and dirt with a cotton swab or soft cloth.

Important! Do not use sharp objects to clean the microcontroller board, otherwise you risk damaging the microcircuit.

  1. Wipe the optical (or laser) sensor of the device with a wand.
  2. Wipe the manipulator wheel with a soft cotton pad. If necessary, tighten the wheel mounts.
  3. After removing dust, the surface of the mouse must be degreased. To do this, soak a soft, lint-free cloth with alcohol and wipe all parts and the mouse body.
  4. Put all the removed parts in place (microcircuit, wheel). Put the mouse wire in place (if any).
  5. Assemble the housing and tighten the screws. Glue the teflon feet back if necessary.
  6. The mouse is ready to go.
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As you can see, cleaning the mouse from dirt is not difficult at all, and if you do it regularly, you will not only extend the life of the manipulator, but also protect yourself from pathogenic viruses and bacteria that “live” both on the surface and inside the device. We hope that the resurrected, healthy and rejuvenated mouse will please you with its diligent behavior for a long time. Health and good luck to you and the “rodent”!

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