How to clean sheep skin at home?

How to clean sheep skin at home? - This question is asked by all those who are the happy owner of a carpet made from sheep's clothing. In order to qualitatively, and most importantly - carefully, without causing any damage to the surface of the carpet, to restore its beauty and softness, you must know how to clean the skin of a sheepskin at home. In this article we will reveal to you all the wisdom of the much-needed regular care for interior decoration.

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Basic Sheep Skin Care Requirements

Decorative items can always be kept fresh, even if they are used as flooring. In order to get such a result with respect to the rug, which is made of sheepskin, it is necessary to provide the following care:

  • Shake your floor product daily on your balcony or staircase. This eliminates all surface contamination from the mat and also prevents the accumulation of dust.
  • Twice a week, and if necessary, you can more often, walk through the material with a dry vacuum cleaner.
  • In order to clean the quality of sheep skin at home, process not only the fur part directly, but also its base. In no case do not forget about the floor under the rug.
  • A thorough cleaning of the sheepskin is recommended at least once a week. Measures are accessible to everyone, do not differ in complexity and take a small amount of time.
  • Wash the product at least once a month.

Important! When purchasing a sheepskin in the form of a carpet, remember that you will regularly have to use various methods and means with which you will maintain and restore the elasticity of the lining layer, eliminate an unpleasant specific smell.

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The main methods of manual processing of sheep skin

In order to get a stable positive result, you have to clean the sheep skin with your hands.

Dry clean

The floor covering is rubbed quickly enough and therefore it is best to learn how to clean it yourself. If the pollution is negligible, you can do without washing. To clean the sheepskin at home, it is enough:

  1. Lay the carpet on a completely flat surface, vacuum it, and then fill it with starch.
  2. After this, the starch should be rubbed with his hands along the pile.

Important! Repeat the procedure until the fur is clean. Once this has happened, carefully shake the starch carpet. After that, comb the sheepskin with a hard-bristled brush.

Such dry cleaning is carried out as necessary.

Wet cleaning

The most common wet procedure should be as follows:

  1. As a detergent, it is best to use a product that is designed for natural wool or carpets made of it.
  2. In any container, or rather, in the bath, draw warm water, dilute the composition in it, and then soak the product for about 30 minutes.
  3. Gently wash the sheepskin with your hands, while not paying particular attention to individual contaminants. They can be eliminated by targeted local exposure later.
  4. Then rinse the mat, but in no case in cold water - rinse only in warm water, because strong temperature changes can negatively affect the quality of the material.
  5. Lay out a clean product on a horizontal surface so that the fur “looks” upwards, pat it dry with a bath towel, and then dry it by the natural method.

Important! During drying, shake the skin regularly and stretch it slightly, otherwise it may become deformed.

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More serious pollution

More serious problems can be dealt with using one of the following methods:

  • Clean stains with a sponge dampened in a solution of cold water and ammonia. Take products in equal proportions.
  • In the event that the product seems dull to you, its color can be restored using walnuts. Grind the kernels of this product slightly, wrap in a gauze napkin, and then rub it with a pile until the gloss appears and the color brightness returns.
  • Potato peelings will help you restore purity not only directly to the fur, but also to the leather layer. Thoroughly rinse the potato peel in a huge amount of water, squeeze and grind with a blender or a meat grinder. Spread the resulting slurry on a contaminated surface, and then brush with an ordinary brush. At the end of the procedure, remove the cleaning agent and wipe the area with completely dry cloths.
  • Eliminate yellowness from a white sheepskin by means of hydrogen peroxide. In a liter of water, dilute 2 tbsp. l 3% peroxide, and then with the prepared solution treat the surface layer of the fur.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to rub the prepared liquid into the lower layers of the carpet.

  • In order to restore the softness of the fur, mix 2 tbsp. warm water, 1 chicken yolk, 1 tbsp. l Vaseline to a state of homogeneity. With the resulting composition, process not the fur, but the entire leather part of the product. After 5-10 minutes, remove any remaining product.
  • The elasticity of the entire leather layer is restored only after treatment with water mixed with glycerin.

Important! After you succeeded to clean sheep’s skin at home, dry, comb and only after that you can use it further. It is not recommended to speed up the drying process using a radiator or a hairdryer.

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How to wash sheep’s skin in a washing machine?

The most affordable, as well as the easiest way to restore sheep’s skin at home is to wash the product in a washing machine. True, you can use this processing method only when the product is suitable for this in its parameters.

Here are the main features of the process, if you decide to wash the sheep skin in the washing machine:

  1. Detergents use exclusively liquid detergents - best of all those that are designed specifically for wool.
  2. Bleaches, conditioners, as well as enhancers of the action of drugs, can not be used.
  3. The mode is set delicate, profile or manual. Water temperature should not exceed 40 C.
  4. Spin can be used, but not more than 600 revolutions.
  5. An additional rinse cycle is also welcome.

Important! After completion of automatic processing, dry the product in the traditional way, and then comb it with a wire brush, which is designed for fur.


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A sheepskin rug is beautiful and looks expensive, although in fact it doesn’t really differ in price from the more familiar decor today. But in order not to seek the help of dry cleaning specialists, follow all the above recommendations and your carpet will always be in excellent condition.

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