How to clean a down jacket at home without washing without streaks?

Many people know that sooner or later a down jacket can lose its original appearance. The previous volume disappears. All that remains for you is a formless thing. Unwanted transformation can occur not only after the washing machine, but also due to hand washing. Unfortunately, if you are faced with this situation, then returning a thing to a previous life will not work even for professionals. However, this can be avoided if proper care and cleaning are carried out without leaving your home or using a washing machine. How? We will tell you how to clean a down jacket at home without washing, without stains.

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If you notice a fresh greasy spot in time, then as soon as possible you need to fill it with a substance that has absorbent properties. For instance:

  • Salt - it is inexpensive, and in 99% of cases it can be found in your home.
  • You can also use cornmeal, sawdust, starch and rice.

Just fill up the stain area, give the substance time to absorb fat. By the way, this method will also help in the matter of how to clean the collar of a down jacket without washing.

Another case is “unknown” pollution, when you accidentally find them on your down jacket and have no idea where they came from. A universal remedy will help here, which even can cope with stubborn stains.

You need:

  • 100-250 g of water at room temperature;
  • Half a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide;
  • Six drops ammonia;
  • One teaspoon of liquid soap or dishwashing detergent;
  • A small piece of cloth or a sponge.

Your actions:

  1. Mix all the ingredients.
  2. Beat the mixture until foam.
  3. Dampen the fabric in the mixture and rub it with stains. As an option - you can pour a little on the pollution and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  4. When the goal is reached, rinse the spot with clean water.

Important! Another effective tool in the fight against stains for cleaning down jackets without washing is a glass cleaner. Just sprinkle on them the places that are dirty and leave for a couple of hours. If the method does not work, repeat it a couple more times until the result is achieved.

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Problem areas

How to clean a jacket from greasy at home? In most cases, glossy marks form on pockets, sleeves and a collar. It is these places that are the most problematic. Most often it is on them that we spend the most time. Very often, standard methods to get rid of settled pollution do not work, however, we have methods that will give you a 100% guarantee.

A mixture of ammonia and detergent

This method is only suitable for stains that have formed recently. With the appearance of a long time may not work.

You will need:

  • Ammonia;
  • Soft detergents for cleaning;
  • Water.

Important! Before proceeding with the procedure, it is strongly recommended that you test a certain amount on the inside of the thing. Otherwise, you risk losing it, as some tissues may acquire irreversible spots.


  1. Unpack your collar, sleeves or pockets in advance.
  2. Mix the necessary ingredients in equal proportions.
  3. Arm yourself with a sponge and wipe the dirt with the resulting solution.

Important! You don’t have to worry about the smell of ammonia - as soon as the down jacket is dry, nothing will remain of it.


The gasoline method

It does not help the fabric to shed, so it is a means for universal use. However, it may be difficult to find him. They sell aviation gas in household goods stores, but rather rarely.

Important! With the gas that refuel the car, it has many differences. The biggest is the absence of impurities in the composition, as well as higher volatility.

Nevertheless, the flammability of both is quite large. For this reason, it is strongly discouraged to clean near gas stoves or sources of fire.

All you have to do is:

  1. Wipe greasy places with a cotton pad dipped in aviation gasoline and let it do its job, leaving it for half an hour.
  2. After - sprinkle with starch or flour and also leave for an hour.
  3. After the time has passed, brush off the powder and rinse the place of the former spot.
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Drying is an important point in cleaning the down jacket. It is worth following some recommendations, so as not to accidentally ruin the thing:

  • The ideal place to dry a down jacket is in the fresh air. Yes, it will take a fairly long period of time, however, you can definitely be sure of its safety.

Important! Living in a private house, hang the item on the clothesline in the yard, in the apartment - on the balcony.

  • Drying near a fireplace, heater or other source of heat is by no means impossible; otherwise, things with a high probability will remain unprintable yellow traces, or even it may catch fire.
  • You can listen to it near the battery, but only nearby - in no case on it.
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We clean the white down jacket

But what to do if your item is white or any other light shade? Indeed, often, even if they were very careful in washing, stains and yellowish spots remain on the down jacket - they are associated with uneven drying or poor rinsing.

Well, there are two options. First, it is best to turn to the help of the washing machine:

  • Choose the mode that is right for your type of fabric. He must be the most careful.
  • Before washing, place 3-4 balls for playing tennis inside the drum. With their help, the down jacket will be evenly spaced.
  • Dry powders for washing light fabrics of down jackets will not work. Use capsules or liquid products.
  • If the stains are quite stubborn, then wipe them first with laundry soap.

Important! It is allowed to wash in the washing machine only if there is a mark on the label of the item stating that it is allowed.

The second option is to fight every spot without using a machine. Treat them with a solution of aviation gasoline, ammonia and detergent in equal proportions.

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As for cleaning the fur of a down jacket at home without washing, which is often most quickly contaminated. To get rid of the dust accumulated in it:

  • It is better to use dry cleaning - with chalk, starch, sand, talc. Especially if the collar trim is made of natural pile. In difficult cases, a combination with refined gasoline is acceptable.
  • If the fur is artificial and the collar does not come unfastened, then, in principle, it is permissible to wash it.

At the end of any cleaning procedure, it is necessary to comb the edge to restore its beautiful appearance.

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As you can see, it is quite possible to clean the down jacket at home without washing and without streaks. You just need to know how to do this, and we told you about this in this article.

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